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Everything posted by grinreaper

  1. I'm of the opinion that absolutely no political talk be allowed here. We have a place at PPP for that and I encourage everyone that wants to make political comments to do so there. I have rather strong political beliefs and understand that if political comments were allowed here that the hockey discussion would suffer greatly and I'm sure I'd be involved in contributing to that.
  2. The best part of this last several games is that it appears that Nelson and Antipin are legit and it bodes well for the Sabres future defense.
  3. Who are these guys?
  4. I don't think he wants to end up in Calgary.
  5. Nice home game. All these Ranger fans traveled so far for this.
  6. The definitive shot was taken from the goal cam that sadly enough showed the puck completely over the line. This shot was not shown to the tv audience until after regulation. Now as far as the way it was handled was crazy. Once they determined that it was a goal they returned the clock to a minute + from where it was originally stopped (42 seconds) and acted as if that time never existed. What if a team had scored during that time that they erased? Would they have erased that goal too?
  7. Intentional, I assure you.
  8. Now that is a mixed metaphor if I ever scene one!
  9. He needs to study some film on Ales Kotalik. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ale%C5%A1_Kotal%C3%ADk
  10. What a bs call. Price moved out into Sam.
  11. That was some nice sustained work there, boys.
  12. The tickets are a reward for getting the doctor's finger up your ass. Of course that shouldn't be too difficult for the Sabre players to deal with since they've had an opponent's foot up their selective all year.
  13. There is a simple inexpensive solution for Golisano's problem. When I first heard of it I tried to contact the head of his foundation but didn't get a return call. I used to have a property on Chautauqua Lake and was invaded by geese. I researched solutions and found a product from Liquid Fence specifically designed to make the grass taste awful without harming it. It worked wonderfully. I used about 1/2 gallon of concentrate ($125 a gallon) so I think maybe he should pony up and not expect the government to do it for him.
  14. Hey, there are copyright laws, you know?
  15. Sundays Montreal Coverage in Sabrespace: A victory in the (Journal de Montreal) Now that's downright insulting!
  16. No Marty, D-day wasn't in 1941.
  17. Didn't Jerry Korab score one for the Wings in that one?
  18. Not much. I'll give them credit or blame over the long term for the health and success of the franchise. Risto made sloppy passes while McCabe didn't clear the net and the officials made an atrocious call regarding offsides. On the slight chance that you are a curmudgeon, should I blame your parents?
  19. You're blaming this on the Pegulas?
  20. It wasn't that long ago that people were posting here that we needed to have patience at the beginning of the season and expect that by mid season the team would come together. It looks like there is a lack of effort but my bet is that it is more to do with being tentative because the new system isn't second nature yet. On a side note though, did anyone else notice that Jack didn't seem all that excited after scoring that highlight reel goal?
  21. Well, you're no Derek Roy, that's for sure.
  22. You must be on a delay. Intermission is half over.
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