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Everything posted by grinreaper

  1. Dak Prescott, QB of the Cowgirls.
  2. What, you're going to double shift Berglund?
  3. I presume you mean Okinawa? Spent 18 months there many years ago.
  4. And 100% of our empty net goals. Besides that he's on a point per game pace.
  5. How do you know this? Do you have a problem with "the man"?
  6. The owners have a lot invested in their players. You actually think they don't care about their player's health? That's nuts.
  7. Dahmers cause he's going to slay it.
  8. Injury aside, he played 15 years in the NHL. That should have been enough to financially set him up for life. At the end of his career when he was showing signs of problems, where were the people like his agent, family or friends to help him keep his assets? If he blew his wad after retiring that's unfortunate that others didn't step in and help him protect himself, if he didn't have a wad to blow that's not only unfortunate but idiotic.
  9. I think the general comments and tone of his posts are much worse than disparaging a Mexican by lumping him in with a Canadian. :-)
  10. It's also a happy term word in golf and a scary one as a sailor.
  11. La vie.
  12. Take those desires to another forum.
  13. Major Pekar. Better than Minor Pekar.
  14. It would appear that you are only interested in the major deals with that response. Scott Wilson, a valuable role player, was obtained with a 5th round pick. I give JB credit for crossing all the "T's" and dotting all the "I's".
  15. At the time of the trade, JB simply knew that he wasn't going to be able to make any trades of actual bodies before the end of the draft. He wanted ammunition for any potential trades this year and the draft choice next year is something he can throw into any deal.
  16. It's an additional chip to be used in any trades going forward.
  17. He could have been had by anyone willing to take on his salary.
  18. You mean like get us through our darkest hour?
  19. Don't you mean Canadian misspelling?
  20. Or maybe just "Taps". All kidding aside, he was a warrior his whole career, but has run out of spears.
  21. https://youtu.be/DNPAM5ABhvs
  22. The tickets are cheaper? :bag:
  23. Well, I guess he wasn't too "laid up" this time last season.
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