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Everything posted by MattPie

  1. Youtube. Sure there's garbage, but you can also find professional performances of almost any classical music you can think of, often several versions. RosePIe took an interest in the Nutcracker ballet (from a Daniel Tiger episode), and 10 minutes later, incredibly beautiful performance that she can watch and mimic. I've been on a kick of playing various symphonies and whatnot; all stuff I've either heard or heard of in the past but now it's at my fingertips to enjoy. Incredible.
  2. FWIW, it looked a lot like a set play, and a textbook one at that. I'd be interested to see if they try to pull that on a normal PK, could be interesting.
  3. Guy that likes to spear people is mad he can't spear people any more. More at 11 with Irv and Rick.
  4. Apropos!
  5. Agreed, take some easy transportation (walk/bike/train), tailgate a bit, watch some football, then leave for some food and beverages.
  6. From another thread, but I love one of the synonyms for Drunkard: alkoholist. Hello, I'm an alcoholist by trade.
  7. Kane and Lehner for Neuvirth and Simmonds! E5! :)
  8. I wonder what MODO is going to think of this. hockey == hockey, so he's already done!
  9. Agreed. There's going to be a glut of houses on the market as boomers move out (either mortal coil or to condos/assisted).
  10. It's probably mixed in with the ice mic audio feed. At least that's how I'd do it.
  11. Jag har aldrig varit trendig förut!
  12. Maybe if Rudolph washes out of the NFL, he could help lead Santa's sleigh.
  13. Just had a thought: can you imagine the fit Steve Donner would be having (or maybe is) that the Sabres assigned the ultimate AHL vet to another team?
  14. I didn't think Ru Paul would go for that look.
  15. It's going to be sad if Wilson is good this game and then disappears for the next 20.
  16. At least RJ and Rob are honest, that was offsides. EDIT: Yep, with the further repay, I think they all tagged up. I don't think being the puck being in the air matters, but I think they all were touching the blue line at the same time.
  17. It's be cool if the athletes got to pick their own medal song if they're neutral. I'd pick the first minute or so of Musogsky's Baba Yaga if I were Russian. I might pick it anyway, because it's awesome.
  18. Appreciation you say? Lucky. Some of the things I've read suggest that housing prices on average just keep up with inflation. Sure you might get lucky/smart or do a bunch of work and make out, but on average a house is a savings account and that's it. For fun, I punched my parents house purchase price (from 1978) into an inflation calculator and it came out on the low side of what they'd probably get for it today, but that doesn't include interest paid.
  19. There might be a taker for $2.5M cap hit / $1.5M actual salary MM that wouldn't pay the whole thing.
  20. I'm no expert, I'm not really fluent with the actual stats, just the high-level concept. In the example above where a big dude is dominating in junior, you could sprinkle in some height-weight above league average stat to discount some of the numbers and see if it correlates. For instance, straight up "player points / HWaLA" would tell you if a player is 10% larger than the league average, maybe he should be scoring 10% more points. NS, one more try. You're an accountant, right? So basic stats (goals, hits, +-, etc.) are like the raw taxes, assets, etc. an entity has. Analytics is saying, we'll, it's OK if you paying $4M/yr in takes if you're gross income is $16M, but not good if you're only making $8M, you should convert capital into assets so you can write off depreciation and reduce your tax burden (I am absolutely not an accountant, I hope some of that makes sense). You look past the raw numbers and mash them together to get more important data.
  21. Oh, and house: I doubt he moves his family. At least I wouldn't unless they want the experience of living abroad.
  22. For the first one, yeah. Maybe after riding the AHL bus for 5 months and taking cheap shots from guys trying to make a name for themselves, he says, "I'm getting too old for this smurf" and retires, leaving 12% of the contract on the table and retires comfortably on the money he has. Does that really seem that impossible? On the flip side, maybe MM has spent a ton of his money on team dinners and doing the math figures he can't live the life he wants on what he has left and when an offer comes in from Locomotiv METALursk for $5M/yr, he goes for it. Also not impossible.
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