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Everything posted by MattPie

  1. Kevin Slyvester could be deaf, dumb, and blind...
  2. I haven't been on the bike in a month; I can usually eke out a couple rides in December, January, and March. I've only ridden once in February, and I saw some flurries on the way home. Also, I gained 5 pounds in the last two days. Xmas party and pot-luck on consecutive days not good.
  3. SJ also came back from 4-1 in the latter half of the third. Don't know if that means let down or momentum.
  4. Search for 'NHLvideo' on youtube, they have several looks at it.
  5. I will face the puck. It will not pass over me or through me. And when I cannot see I will turn the inner eye to see its path. In the net there will be nothing......Only I will remain."
  6. You best not, do you really think the execs can get a router working in 10 minutes? :)
  7. Because it only took them that long to get their plug-and-play home wifi router to work; how hard can it be? (Feeling your pain)
  8. They should have just advertised it as, "iPod Touch: now in inconvienet size!" Complaint: girlfriend (up in Buffalo) gets a snow day, and I'm at work. Oh, and I still haven't lost the weight I put on eating turkey, wings, pizza, and beer last weekend.
  9. 13 losses. The numbers are bad enough that you don't have to stretch the truth. And before you say, 'But the OTL/SO losses are losses!', they're just as close to a win as a loss (in terms of points). If you like, 10.5 wins and 14.5 losses. :)
  10. Look around on other HD channels. Up here on Philly Comcast, there's a second channel (TCN) that'll often have the Flyers on if something is tying up the normal Comcast Sports Network channel (Sixers, Philles, etc.).
  11. Pomminstein's primary value isn't only in points. Can the 6 above him play any defence or are they all Kovalchuks? (I don't really know) Heh, nicely done.
  12. It seems like I can have some liquor at night night and still lose a little weight, but not beer. I much prefer beer. :(
  13. Wait, I thought you were a college student (maybe grad) and you have a yard to rake?
  14. If you wait to test everything and it be perfect, you might get pwn'd while you wait for the update. See post above about Malware.
  15. Laviolette apparently was *P'd-O* post-game last night. That means they'll either be demoralized or come out flying (no pun intended). http://www.philly.com/philly/sports/flyers/20101026_Flyers_fall_to_Blue_Jackets.html
  16. Hmm, Mechanicsburg is only 2 hours from my house...
  17. It's 200 on my view, that's even better. :)
  18. Wow, I read this and thought it was in reference to Pebble's referee debut in Pennsyltuckey. That's cold. :)
  19. I'm betting something with regular expression skillz (not me, I only know basics) could make it work. http://www.regular-expressions.info/quickstart.html
  20. I should have taken a screen-shot: a few years ago, a bar in Old City Philly had their beer menu online, which listed Genny Cream Ale for $5.50. PER CAN!! Stupid hipsters.
  21. Man, are you going to be mad when your dive bars become hipster hang-outs. :)
  22. yeah, a blast. Monday I took a really nice route from Binghamton to Philly (7 hours, all back roads), but it's been downhill since then.
  23. I call it "dating by fire". I introduce all my friends fairly early on. If she can't handle them, so be it. It's just going to cause drama down the line if she doesn't like them. (I can't believe you hang out with that guy, etc, etc,) For that matter, we discuss 'big' things right away too. There's no point dating someone that does/doesn't want to get married, kids, move, motorcycle, etc. It's something of a low-key speed-dating approach. Complaint: I've been in a funk all week. No energy, no time, no motivation.
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