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Everything posted by MattPie

  1. He says as he rubs one out.
  2. My dad started doing them when he retired. Agreed with the second part, although if it's going to be there, I prefer it is in a blob so I can excavate around it.
  3. :) (true, but Buffalo Cross-border Shoppers doesn't have a ring to it)
  4. Change "https" to "http". The doesn't (or can't) recognize SSL links.
  5. If the Raiders move to LA again, They Might Be Giants might write a song about it.
  6. I did too, but I was thinking about my wife. You better not be feeling the same disturbance!
  7. I hope that's an amateur mock-up. I'm not sure what pterodactyls (wow, spelled right the first try) have to do with Buffalo. That's fine for Rochester or some other city that doesn't have a built-in animal totem, but if there's going to be an animal it should be large, furry, and horned.
  8. I might have been enthusiastic, I should have said playoff game. If the playoff ratings last year were 2.3 million-ish, the statement works. http://www.deadline.com/2014/04/clippers-ratings-tnt-donald-sterling/ I guess it's between those two numbers.
  9. Somehow I think the NBA in SoCal is worth a bit more than the NFL in Buffalo. To paraphrase something in the ratings thread, there are probably more TVs watching a regular season Clippers game than there are TVs in Buffalo total.
  10. While Pandora doesn't have a polka channel, searching for "Beer Barrel Polka" will get a pretty good selection (and some crap that sounds like it was done on a 90s Casio, but what are you going to do). So now I have this running around: (I suppose being the most racy polka I've heard, it may be NSFW)
  11. Don't you mean Freedom Egg then?
  12. If Zweigel doesn't make Wegman's dogs, someone is doing a very, very, accurate copy.
  13. Or it could be that kids with the reflexes and athletic ability to excel at soccer end up playing the "American" sports where the money has been way better.
  14. That's pretty awesome. Maybe I'd go with the Tech-Coexist: http://geardiary.com/2010/11/29/coexist-a-shirt-for-every-os-at-woot/ And, oddly enough, I've done Penetration Testing (heh heh heh) as well, but for a commercial company. It's something I've been thinking of doing full-time.
  15. I have a friend that used to do the "catch behind your back" toss and variations all the time. Car keys, water bottles, beer cans, whatever was in his hands. He was pretty good at it. We were out one day at the Chili Fest in Ithaca. After tying one on at Benchwarmers (iirc), we moved to another bar. My friend proceeds to try this trick with a bottle of beer, and completely misses it. You should have seen the look on the bar staff's faces. CC companies take 1-3% of the transaction fee off the top. Some businesses don't like giving away money. I'll admit I'm annoyed by it, but I can respect their reasons for doing it.
  16. Only by the dudes, the ladies have responded that they have them, so presumably they'd be cool with them. Neither my wife nor I have any. I'm trying to think of something that even 10 years ago would have been important enough to me that I'd still want on me, and I'm having a tough time of it. The only one that has stuck in serious consideration has been the BSD daemon. Yeah, I'm that geek. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/BSD_Daemon !! Love it!
  17. Heh, speaking of the Beligian Cafe in Philly: "From the guys who brought you Monks Cafe. The Craft Beer Bar & Restaurant for the Fairmount & Art Museum area."
  18. Huh, and I'll be down in the city on Saturday. What a happy coincidence! I don't think I've been to Monk's for some reason. I usually end up at Eulogy or "the one on 3rd across from National Mechanics that I can never remember the name of" when I'm looking for Belgian. Or more recently, Belgian Cafe on 21st and Green. The wife likes that place since they have some good vegetarian food.
  19. Yep. By that logic, I should go build a house in the middle of Valley Forge park, since it's public land and I'm free to use it. Idiots. If I were the Land Management folks, I'd be considering build a nice fence along Bundy's property extended a few miles in either direction. Perhaps if I were feeling particularly angry, leasing that same land to some particularly noisy industry.
  20. Philly is like a bigger Buffalo, large parts of it are meh, but there are parts that are great. Plus there's a ton of good local beer to be had.
  21. 4 or 5 #1s seems pretty optimistic. I'd guess that 4 of them could be NHL regulars, and maybe 3 legit #1s. I just can't believe that any team drafts/acquires nothing but #1 goalies, it's just not possible.
  22. Legions of 18-22 year olds in Buffalo are learning the phrase, "Is your older sister here in Buffalo?" in various languages.
  23. Brooklyn and Queens (for the most part) are more like the Elmwood area in Buffalo. Houses or low apartment buildings (3-5 stories). Parts of Brooklyn are building up fast though with the influx of Hipster money.
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