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Everything posted by MattPie

  1. Paul Byron (yes, that Paul Byron) scored on Miller to break his season shut out. :) Also, Kassian on an 82-goal (and point) pace!
  2. It'll be worth it either way, if nothing else because it's a change and being on the bubble every year wasn't all it was cracked up to be. Maybe I'm not a real fan but the Bills have shown me the way of how to be a fan a team without expecting much. That's what this season is to me: like the Bills, but with hope that it's the beginning of the upswing. I can see 2015-16 being a bubble team on the high end, back where we where before the last two years but with a lot more hope. I'll take that.
  3. Never seen one. I'm always a bit surprised/ashamed that I haven't had half the stuff from BuffaloFoods.com.
  4. I'm curious, does it still have a clutch for stop/start and then you shift using the paddles without a clutch? (I let my Car and Driver subscription lapse awhile back).
  5. Oh, the irony if that person actually has the flu and dies from it.
  6. The reason this outbreak is worse than other years is Ebola usually kills 90% of infected and pretty quickly. This one is less potent, which means people have more time to spread it. I really like Western NC, and Eastern TN looks similar from the little bit of time I've spent there.
  7. In college someone I knew had an old Ford with a 3 on the tree. He'd offer to let people drive it if they could figure out how it worked.
  8. That being said, you should have to mash it anyways. the cars I've had you could always get the clutch to the friction point and hold it there while you switch from brake to gas.
  9. I've been driving standard for 20 years and I still stall every once in awhile; you're correct it does happen. What's weird is my 2011 WRX has a hill-holder programmed in. If the car is on a hill, it'll hold the brakes for a second after you release them so the car doesn't roll back. I stalled the car a number of times when I first got it because I was trying to start-off normally but the car wouldn't move until the brakes released. As for bragging, maybe at one point I was pretty adamant about stick, although I'd like to think that kept it to car-people and not the general population. I will say that I was pretty impressed with how my wife handled stick when I first met her (heh, heh... heh heh heh), but she was rear-ended (at the ramp from Delaware Ave to the 198, mind the stop-sign) that car and has autos since. I drive in traffic all the time with a stick (and a manual bike, the clutch hand can get tired). It's not that bad if you're MAN (or WOMAN) enough. (I kid, it's not the most enjoyable thing but the benefits outweigh the one scenario where it's annoying). I generally use two methods to deal with stick in traffic: workaround, as in take side roads (the side roads may be just as traffic-y, but at least I don't have to worry about someone cutting me off if I leave 3 extra feet); and pulsed-thrust propulsion (give the car a burst of speed and then back to neutral to you don't have to hold the clutch in all the time). It also helps to practice starting the car off without touching the gas pedal, since you can just add a little speed when traffic is rolling slower than first-gear idle.
  10. I dunno, I loved my 5-speed Jeep Cherokee as far as SUVs go. And someone upthread is right: WRX doesn't come in manual. It's 5-speed only, or the STi is 6-speed.
  11. I've never had any trouble shifting after a few. I'm not going to say it's smart either way, but shifting keeps your head in the game. The only automatic I've owned since 1994 is my wife's Outback (which we bought from her parents). The standards include 2 WRXs (2002 and 2011), I love those cars and I love driving standard. ProTip: depending on which extracurricular activities you're talking about, learn to shift with your left hand so you don't have interrupt what your right is doing. ;)
  12. Let's get more local. the 1912 Pierce Arrow horn. http://www.horseless.com/h12pierce.wav
  13. He might be 10' tall if he stands on his brother's shoulders.
  14. I'm tempted to substitute pizza steaks (Philly cheesesteak with red sauce and mozzarella cheese). That's like a pound of sandwich though, I'm not my diet is up to that.
  15. Be careful of the blood splatter.
  16. And the locker room feed, and the meetings with coaches, and workout feed, and late night partying feed.
  17. Wow. I wonder how that works with his eligibility, can they send him to junior while injured, and do the missed games count for anything?
  18. This has a far greater chance of troll-success.
  19. I think he has a point, people would rather watch amateur football than the NHL in the fall. Come the last couple weeks of January (when the NFL is down to just Sunday play-off games) and for the rest of the season, all-day Saturday seems like a great idea. Or wait until after the SB and attempt to take over Sunday.
  20. They're shipping it down to Rochester with him, where it'll be installed in the Amerks room. They hope it'll serve as inspiration for him to work hard so they can ship it back to Buffalo soon.
  21. s/open up a/take the/. When I looked at the standings, Buffalo has the tie breaker right now (division record).
  22. Milbury, Milbury, Milbury. Please let me saying it 3 times make it happen.
  23. Oh yeah? I'm going to nominate *my* friends in McCarthyizm. :-p http://www.mccarthyizm.com/ I thought about this during one of the world cup matches, but I was thinking about how cool it'd be to have the crowd belting something fight-song-esque during play. I'd think it'd get into the players heads, but who knows. Erie Canal song would seem to work, I know I learned it in grade school.
  24. If that's for 23-oz (750 ml in your Canadian numbers), that's super cheap for the bottle. It's still cheap for 12s. I don't know if that link will work, but it looks like a 23oz will run $12.50 here. It'd have to be *really* good to be nearly twice as good as Ommegang stuff at $8.50 for 23oz. http://www.wegmans.com/webapp/wcs/stores/servlet/ProductDisplay?langId=-1&storeId=10052&catalogId=10002&productId=769239
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