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Everything posted by MattPie

  1. Wait, we have multiple players that have scored 4 goals?!? Oh, I read that wrong, never mind.
  2. Are any of the photoshop geniuses working on a CHL logo? I'd think the Register's logo would be a good start.
  3. So my impression watching the game was that the Sabres aren't exactly good, but they played a decent game. - I noticed more physical play from guys like Stafford and Hodgson than I was expecting which is a good thing. - For a long time, I didn't think Ennis really had a place on a good team because of his size, but I'm finally coming around to the idea that he plays with enough fire to make up for it. - Reinhart didn't look out of place often, but I didn't see anything particularly great. He does seem to be getting his legs under him compared to the earlier games, which hopefully means he'll get a lot better. If after 6 games he's playing as well as Flynn, we're already positive. :)
  4. Jeebus, there's 500+ comments on that article.
  5. http://www.wisegeek.org/what-causes-elephantiasis.htm
  6. I have yet to see someone sympathize with them. The only thing driving the conversation is your inability or unwillingness to understand that there are ###### in every religion. The leaders of these schmuks have cloaked it the terms of religion, but it has nothing to do with that religion as a whole. Like most conflicts, religion is a convenient way to rally people. Just like the Klan, the atrocities of the Spanish Conquistadors, or the slave trade they were all justified as bringing Christianity to the heathens.
  7. As I read through that list, I could think of Christian examples for most (if not all) of those crimes, many in the US over the last 200 years and many depending on how you view it in the last few years as collateral damage in the Middle East and elsewhere. Mr. TheMatrix could do with toning down the rhetoric some.
  8. I thought that if you ate enough of them, your body learns to deal with them. For awhile I was eating a salad with broccoli (3oz, by weight) almost every day and didn't notice undesirable effects (well, no more than my usual undesirability :)).
  9. Sadly, most of us are just cogs in the machine. You don't pay more for cogs just because you're business is doing well.
  10. MattPie


    Either he was really out of shape or there's some lesson-teaching going on. Without knowing the details I won't speculate, but hopefully Zadorov is learning positive things from the process.
  11. I'm fairly sure that if I drove down the road to the Amish folks, I'd find a whole pile of people that fit that description. I don't think they vote in elections, but they'd no longer have the option. It brings up an interesting question though: I wonder how Amish that leave the community deal with these issues.
  12. I think you still pick him. I don't know that many college kids getting $0 from the NCAA are going to forego the entry-level salary in the NHL and fulfil (presumably) a life-long dream in the process. Maybe the Sabres already have one better center (BIG maybe), but I find it really hard to believe we have two better already. I doubt the holder of pick #3 is going to offer enough to make that trade worthwhile, but I'd certainly listen. And if the Sabres pick Eichel, I'd expect someone to get moved if they don't show the ability to play wing. We also have to remember that for all the guys in the pipeline, the hit rate for 1st rounders is still only 50%, so at least one of those players aren't going make the cut in the long run (unless Darcy was a genius at drafting).
  13. Essentially, when you encrypt your phone (or computer), you need to enter a password to unlock the file system before it can be used. If you don't have the password, all the data on the system is unreadable, and the only thing you can do it wipe it clean and start over. When my phone powers up, I have to enter a password (the same as my screen unlock) before the phone will boot. If someone plugs the phone into a computer, they have to enter the password before they can read the files on it (that may be true of unencrypted phones too, I forget). I encrypt my phone in case I lose it so people can't steal my data. I don't have a ton of confidence that there isn't a second unlock password baked into the system that some level of law enforcement can use, but that's not really on my radar of worries.
  14. I'm not sure about iPhone, but Android devices have had the ability to encrypt the device for a number of years now. My nearly 3-year-old phone has been encrypted for a few years now. It's in Settings -> Security -> Encryption. I guess it's not until Apple "innovates" something that people notice.
  15. I tend to agree, although not as much with the salary part. While the rivalries still exist, the best way to solve those issues are to get the best return for our assets and kick those rivals in the nuts for years starting in 2016. If keeping half of Stewarts salary for the rest of the year gets us more coming back, I'm all for it no matter who we're helping.
  16. I was wondering when we'd get around to the "this player shouldn't have is number retired" conversation! FTR: Yes: 11, 7, 14, 2, 39, NO: 16, 18.
  17. On the surface, it makes sense. The troubling parts are when you look at the edge cases, like the severely poor, those that don't trust the government, and even those with religious convictions about photos (Amish, etc.). We're talking about voting here and we need to be very wary of disenfranchising *anyone* who should be able to vote. To be honest, I'm always bit surprised that the dyed-in-the-wool libertarian types are fine with the government creating a database of everyone's picture, name, and address. Again, 95% of people will already be "in the system" from drivers' licenses and passports, but with these provisions if you were serious about the government being less intrusive you have to give up your say in that same government.
  18. Granted, not you.
  19. Despite the inflammatory title (I'd guess felons split roughly the same as the population, not the insinuation that all felons are Democrats as the article and group lightly imply), interesting article. I'd be interesting to know how the matching was done, I hope not just by the person's name. I also wonder how that compares to absentee ballot fraud, which would seem way more easy to manipulate.
  20. Pizza logs are part of their customer-retention campaign.
  22. Pfft, it's not like hurricanes are or can spawn tornadoes. http://www.scilogs.com/from_the_lab_bench/storms-inside-storms-how-hurricanes-spawn-tornadoes/
  23. Don't kid yourself, it's been like as long as there's been society (well at least American society and others too; other than Denmark and Canada). If anything, it's been whitewashed by movies or at best, class divisions in society made behaviour uncouth in some circles and those classes are the ones that mostly were written about. Think of it this way: at the same time as all the prim and properness of books like Pride and Prejudice, people in port towns would regularly get drunk enough to wake up in the morning on a Navy ship at sea after being "(im)pressed into service". (see press gangs, impressment). I'm sure there were some obscenities shouted too. The 4 looks like a little like an A with one leg cut off. It's a pretty normal "leet" thing on the internets over the last 20+ years.
  24. I always liked JS.
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