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Everything posted by MattPie

  1. It wouldn't surprise me, that's how the Olympics worked.
  2. I was thinking the same thing. Yes, yes, goaltending is at the head of Edmonton's issues.
  3. My wife's grandfather died a couple weeks ago doing exactly that, and to my knowledge no one has indicted autumn (or Autumn) for it.
  4. Are we talking about condensed as in the 1.5 hour no-commercials-no-intermissions but-all-the-play or the 10-11 minute extended highlights? On my PS3, the "replay" (as they refer to the 1.5 hour version) is available for both feeds, but the "condensed" is only one version (usually home team, I think). I'm surprised the Apple TV would be better than a computer given the difference in capability. I haven't really used my computer attached to the big TV for NHL, I'll have to try it one of these days to see if my configuration matches your observations.
  5. The reporter is going to be really disappointed at the lack of pillaging and baby-eating. I had something similar happen on I95 once. I was on my bike and pulled over just after the toll booth to put on an extra layer. A cop pulls up and asks how long I was going to be, and told me to hurry up. They were working on something and had both directions closed for 15 minutes at a time. I got moving and had all of 95 to myself for about 10 miles. Surreal is the right word.
  6. Man, that guy.
  7. I've driven through that area a lot in the last 15 years as it's on the way "home" to East Aurora. I'm a person who likes taking different routes to places so I've hit most of the big roads out there at one point or another. I like maps, it's just the way I'm wired.
  8. People are stupid, impatient, and greedy. The parents could have simply been happy with the money they were apparently going to share in (which is plenty for anyone to live comfortably off) but they had to have more money and now. I'm surprised they didn't go to J. G. Wentworth.
  9. Might as well make it part of week 18, neither team will have anything else going on.
  10. In that case, I'd take the "long" way (Warsaw/Rt 19/Rt 39). Anyone in Arcade know what it looks like there? That's great to hear!
  11. Allow two weeks for delivery. That might be optimistic. :)
  12. All in all, a pretty sensible stance. If only the NFL had a brain.
  13. Indeed, I remember a similar situation on NYE 1998. Once I got off the main roads things were a lot easier. In your case, I'd back-track up to 20, out to Attica, over to Warsaw, and then down 19 to 39 and take 39 all the way into Springville. I'm not sure if Rt 98 out of Attica would be clear or not (being said from SE PA, so I have no knowledge of what's going on there. The weather in Warsaw says snow, but they're only talking about one inch in the forecast.
  14. LGR: It's never going to happen right?
  15. The batteries do go dead in the sensors. If you're sure the pressure is right, you might mention it next time you put tires on so they can change the battery. Or just keep an eye on it the old fashioned way and tape over the light. My winter tires don't have sensors, so the light stays on for 4-5 months per year. I thought it would bother me more than it does, but I learned to ignore it pretty quickly. Complaint: wife and kid are in Buffalo (safely ensconced at her parents house in South Wales). My complaint is I don't know if I'll be able to get up there tomorrow night or Saturday morning like planned. I know the first 300 miles will be easy, it's just the last 20 that might suck. Like all the natives here, I'm a reasonably accomplished snow-driver but there's nothing I can do in 3 ft of the crap.
  16. Bad news guys, the Bar Bill was open until today, but they've run out of everything so they have to stay closed. "We have been beaten...out of everything and no shipments til tomorrow. we are closed today. Thanks to our amazing staff for carrying us through to the end."
  17. I'd guess that with the lake being relatively narrow at the Buffalo end, you get a situation like this where the wind runs all the way up the lake from Toledo and points right at that area. The other areas don't get the full-length run up when Snowzilla turns on them.
  18. Livid? Sure. Surprised? .... That being said, when my wife and I got married I appointed her CDO (Chief Decorating Officer) so she makes the decisions. It was just easier that way and after we both got used to it, results in a lot less arguing. That being said, she wouldn't trash my stuff without discussion, it'd just end up in the basement and it could be reintegrated if I had an issue with something.
  19. Really? Maybe you should read further down where it talks about him being frugal and the Ferrari being the one extravagance he bought for himself when he landed the contract. And a BMW is chump-change for him. Based on the quoted salary in the piece, he could probably pay it off with one month's salary. To put that in perspective, if you're making $60k/year that's like buying a $5000 car. Big chz, there. I can tell you this: if I suddenly had $30m coming in, despite being mildly frugal, there'd be something stupid I'd buy too. It wouldn't be a Ferrari, but something.
  20. Let's not try to read too much into this. For all we know they'll send Lieuwen down next week and bring Makarov up for a week and rotate them (provided that's allowed in the waiver process, etc.).
  21. Exactly. the Kings/Blackhawks/Bruins will have to cut/trade someone to make room for the new #1 draft pick, and the other teams can compete to sign that player! In all seriousness, people are worried about the integrity of the game. Having teams that are perpetually at the bottom of the league picking #27-30 each year will really foster integrity and good competition. It'll be more like College Football where all the games, especially the early season ones, are interesting.
  22. I need this in graph form to make sense.
  23. It was Atlanta. Those Thrashatics travelled in droves to see the team in Raleigh. :)
  24. Mika Noronen's last game as a Sabre?
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