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Everything posted by MattPie

  1. My bad, I was scanning the thread and must have missed that, didn't mean to pile on.
  2. I think it's pretty probable (as in 100%) that they get one of McDavid or Eichel if they finish last this year. Future, not so much with the upcoming changes. These two statements contradict each other. Using all the resources includes "ripping apart this roster" if only to trade away most of the UFAs. A well-run organization doesn't let assets walk away, and how many do you think would sign back on (and how many do we want back)?
  3. I haven't seen it in the book, but we have a few. Rocket, Niagara, surprise, blowout, and whole-grain mustard to start.
  4. Or a Ranger for that matter, due to the NYC-media influence. Pat's wikipedia picture is in a Rangers uni.
  5. I'm not sure I follow. You want to deal away a D to get a 5th center (of those you listed which didn't include Larsson or McCormick (yeah, I know)), but then you'd need another D to shore up the D? The only way this makes sense is if you just don't like Myers.
  6. Time Management for System Administrators. It's a page-turner. And the Mayo Clinic's guide to the first year of childhood.
  7. Someone decided that having an opinion that isn't the same as his own is sad. I'm still pro-tank and I don't think I've said anything that would constitute wavering at the benefits. I'm wavering a bit that the Sabres a winning too many games at the macro level, but I've enjoyed every win on a per game basis.
  8. My 4-month-old daughter was playing on the floor earlier while I had the replay on from last night's game. When the Sabres scored and the horn went off, she instantly stopped playing looked at the TV. Same thing at the end of the game. I'm doing something right.
  9. Man, first my daughter today starts turning towards the TV whenever the Sabres goal horn sounds and now I have a theorem named after me? It's a good day!
  10. I'm not sure about thousands, but HarborCenter is going to indirectly create jobs downtown. We can argue whether the development around the Naval park was already started or if HC was needed to really cement it, but I would think there are people that are scrambling to come up with legitimate new business plans for the blocks around HarborCenter. Swannie House will certainly need to hire a few extra staff. :)
  11. Looking over the roster, Myers is of the few players on the team that would return anything worthwhile in trade that's playing well and not a prospect or someone Murray brought in. It's fairly natural that the speculation would be around him. Ennis also fits that description, but his size probably reduces the volume of rumors. That's not counting the UFAs; I think those guys are just expected to go but other teams' fans generally don't have wet-dreams about rentals this early in the season.
  12. I seem to remember (possibly before the 2004 lockout) that if you moved your skate at all it was no goal, but I could be wrong. When that changed, you could move the skate but not in a distinct kicking motion. Now unless it's an intentional kicking motion (like if you were skating or falling and your skate pushes the puck into the net) it'd be fine?
  13. That is interesting. I'm guessing it's essentially one guy from each of those rounds that happened to make it?
  14. Can you pick a player in the AHL for the NHL all-star game? Myers did come to mind, but I think his numbers are terrible even if he doesn't look too bad this year watching the games.
  15. Zemgus may or may not have been the guy picked from Buffalo anyway (there's always one). The only players getting "hurt" by the voting would be the others on Buffalo that may have been picked (there's no way Buffalo is getting two). Ennis is the first that comes to mind, and after that I'm having a tough time thinking of another. Enroth is playing well, but there's no way he's getting picked as one of the top-6 G in the league.
  16. Bad parenting.
  17. Carrion my wayward son, there'll be wins when you are done.
  18. So you missed the part about Mandela's influence on and off the ice?
  19. Sorry for the long post, but this amused me. Comments from an article about a South Korean Airline VP that resigned over how nuts were served. It epitomizes "that escalated quickly". http://www.cnn.com/2014/12/09/world/asia/korean-air-nuts-scandal/index.html?hpt=hp_t2
  20. Nothing, the guy in the suit is a Latvian voting for Z on his smartphone.
  21. :w00t: As long as he's not buying Bass. :)
  22. That's fair, but reasonably it's hasn't changed. Do you think someone walking into (say) a Ireland pub, "Hey you fookin' paddies, why you all drinking and not at home?" will be received differently if it's another Irishman rather than a Brit? I suspect the former gets a laugh and the latter a donnybrook.
  23. I think some (including myself) were hoping that he'd stick around as a physical scoring forward. Realistically, he and Stafford are on the block all season but if one of them looked good you could make a case for keeping one for "veteran leadership". (What's that? Do I hear Eleven's[0] head exploding?) [0] Sorry if I mixed up posters.
  24. That happens, at least at UB in the engineering track. The Physics classes were often ahead of the Math that you were supposed to be taking at the same time. In my case, we actually took Diff Eq before Calc 3 because we'd be really lost in the Physics otherwise.
  25. Ah, I read that wrong, that L'destroreier de worlds had 428k. Carry on!
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