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Everything posted by MattPie

  1. Nobody was into them before me! (That reminds me, I still owe him a beer for turning me onto them.)
  2. I didn't articulate it well, but I was actually thinking a lot about maturity when I said "not ready for the NHL". It's a lot clearer when you say it. :) That being said, I don't see him as part of a trade yet.
  3. I get the feeling that the Coaching Staff/GMTM doesn't really think Zadorov is ready the NHL but due to the whole KHL thing they're "stuck" with him. He seems to get sat more often than his play would dictate.
  4. Spelling out Connor McDavid in ASCII is a nice touch. :)
  5. Indeed. Ideally April 1st cements the Laffs in the playoffs AND Buffalo in last place.
  6. Delayed? As in developmental? As mentioned above, don't feel the need to answer anything you don't feel like, but as the father of a 5.5 month old, I'm really curious. For the second comment, my sarcasm meter is twitching, but it goes to my first question. What kind of baby was she? Active, happy, sleepy, etc.? RosePie seems a bit behind in physical progress (she's as bad at doing pushups as her old man), but her mental progress seems good. She's been making eye contact since day one and smiling before most people would believe us.
  7. In all seriousness, it comes down to something we as fans can't really know: how the Goalies feel about resigning. From the looks of it, the Sabres aren't going to get anything incredible for either (maybe a 2nd round pick), so the value of trading them is probably less than the value to the team if they can be signed. If they tell the mgt. that they're not signing, trade them and let the chips fall where they may. If one will sign, do it for 2-4 years on the cheap. Trade the other or let him walk. Then, hope of the kids eventually takes over the reigns and/or sign someone in the offseason.
  8. It not impossible that we'll be talking about how there's only 2 players on the Sabres that were on the 2012-13 team in a year or two. But then again, the Sabres are a farm team right now.
  9. I read them from before xmas to a couple weeks ago, I wish I had the time to devote to fiction reading like I used to. My reading at best as an hour or two around midnight when the wife and baby are asleep. I was obsessed with this series though, I'd read on my reader, tablet, or phone, whenever I got a few minutes to spare. This weekend I'm curling up with a great book called "RADIUS: Securing Public Access to Private Resources". http://shop.oreilly.com/product/9780596003227.do
  10. One of the two of us is reading that wrong, because I think he's saying Miller's numbers are lower this year than last.
  11. I was waiting for that. :)
  12. Interesting, I just finished up the books a few weeks ago. There's apparently a draft of another book that Larsson wrote before he died, but there's A> a lot of dispute over who owns the rights and B> conflicting reports on how finished it is. I'm a little worried about it's being (according to the article) "potential global significance to that of Dan Brown's The Da Vinci Code". If that means it's going to be big: perhaps. If it has Lisbeth Salander traipsing around the globe solving some vast conspiracy, I'm not sure that'll work. I mean, where will she get those pizzas she's always eating?
  13. OK, so everyone agrees that having this year pick X is generally more valuable than next year pick X. Most seem to agree that Pick X next year is more valuable than pick X+30 this year (next year's 11th pick is more valuable than this year's 41st), but it's widely quoted that a 2015 2nd rounder is worth a 2016 1st. So it's more like this years 30th pick is worth around as much as next year's 15th pick, but the trick is figuring out where teams are going to finish next year. Do I have that right?
  14. I'm reviving this. Guy directly above Moulson's head: For instance, Mr. Ugly Habs Sweater, take my wife... Please! Hey-oooo! EDIT: Grey sweatshirt: GMTM doing a Bellicheck impression.
  15. I don't think he really meant "bold" as in he was actually being bold. Humor: we've heard of it. In any case, my bold prediction is the Sabres go into the third down by one, tie it up, and lose on some horribly blown D coverage in OT. Buoyed by tonight's non-loss they put a Sabres blow out on St Louis on Thursday (which is a 3-1 win for this team).
  16. I mentioned it somewhere, I'd have to think about #2 + Top LW and top RW for #1. The example I used is Eberle and Hall from EDM, someone else mentioned that having Sharp, Toews, and Kane may be better than Crosby.
  17. Controller Reconnected.
  18. Oh hell no, I want to see them running parallel to whomever is in 10th in the east. EDIT: On second thought, I'd rather see them make it in at 8th and either get blown out in the first round, or blow it in game 7 again.
  19. How many nines before we call it? 5-9s?
  20. The Sabres plot from game 18 or so to now looks like a cartoon mountain background. Also, did we ever decide whether the Y-axis should be frozen with a "here be dragons" note or adjust down to show the plot? I suppose it'd depend if there was more than one team down there.
  21. Awesome: listening to my wife make my kid laugh. Puppies and ktitens can't hold a cuteness-candle to a 5-month-old laughing.
  22. I think you have that backwards, this year is all about losing battles to win the war.
  23. Ahem. ;)
  24. I think adding Richards is a bit odd, although I suppose "free" wasn't a good enough price (waivers), but maybe there's some plan for the Sabres to get him plus some assets. I think the roster would look OK if you just bumped the centers up, although having two rookie centers may be a recipe for disaster. Probably better to slide Zemgus into Richards spot and move Grigs up to LW2. He really doesn't belong in the 4th line anyways.
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