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Everything posted by MattPie

  1. You're doing it wrong (although with a first name like Brock, I can see why): BOESER!
  2. I get what you're saying, but the Sabres Center depth right now (in not exact order): Reinhart, Girgensons, Grigorenko, Ennis*, Hodgson*, McCormick. If you add #1-2 pick this year, that goes to the front of the line. Starred players probably don't end up playing center, but they are there. In any case, we have 4-5 NHL Centers (maybe you upgrade CodyMc in FA, and maybe Grigs busts). If there's a center later in the first that you think will make a good winger, maybe. Otherwise I'd be on the looking for RW, since the cupboard is pretty bare there.
  3. NPR was talking about gene therapy last night. I didn't really catch all of it due to the crappy driving, but from the sounds of it gene therapy may turn some things on their heads. The main issue they were talking about was how to charge for them. They're really expensive right now but cheap to make. There was talk of a subscription model where you pay a fixed price as long as the treatment keeps working. Interesting angle is it "pays" for the drug company to do a good job, since you'll be paying more the longer it works.
  4. I think the Sabres use a pick on Sam Reinhart for that second center. ;)
  5. You too, I'm not sure how far west the snow spreads, but it's ugly here near Philly.
  6. What now, ######? http://www.amazon.com/Monkey-Business-Unicorn-Print-T-shirt/dp/B00OB857PU/ref=sr_1_2?ie=UTF8&qid=1425574703&sr=8-2&keywords=full+print+cat+t-shirt
  7. Do any teams' 3-4 lines score that many? I don't have time to run the numbers, but even 40 goals means those six guys average 6+ goals each. That seems high to me especially when you probably have 2-3 guys that only pick up 2-3 goals each.
  8. Suck it up and stream to your phone like adults. :) You'd be surprised how quickly streams add up to choke business-type internet connections. But d4rk may be right, it could certainly be malware. Heh, I was thinking about this just the other day.
  9. The question shouldn't be, "are you happy with this", but "why are you upset with this"? That looks like it has a shot at a solid group young guys. If you want more than "looks like", you probably shouldn't be worried about sports since there a no (few?) sure things. And getting lodged in his butt?
  10. You pretty much summed up my rooting hierarchy and reasons.
  11. I think it speaks to two things: the lack of offense the Sabres over the last 5 years, and the confirmation bias that we, as fans of the team, want to see the negatives (or at least are upset at not seeing enough positives).
  12. I think the ingredient you're thinking of is "skunked". Heineken almost always tastes like it's been left out in the sun. Pirog beer in-stock round-up: - Yards Rye IPA: 6.7% (I think), nice, not super hoppy (in American IPA terms, in normal beer terms it's very hoppy). The Rye makes for a nice spicy taste. Pours dark brown, large-bubble head that dissipates fairly quickly. - Troegs Java Head: ?% (probably in the 5s), nice roasty stout, with coffee tones but not overwhelmingly so. My wife says it tastes a little metallic, but she's really sensitive to that. - Deschutes Fresh-squeezed IPA: In interesting IPA, lots of citrus notes with the hops; my wife loves this stuff, I like it too but I don't drink it much to leave it for her. - Deschutes Obsidian Stout: A really nice roasted stout from out west. This is my wife's other favorite beer right now. I like it alot too, although I'm not in as much of a stout mood lately. - Victory Dirt Wolf: 8+%. I love this stuff, but the last bottle has been hanging around for a few weeks. With my lack of tolerance lately opening an 8+% beer has to be an event (or I'm cooking), and I haven't had time lately. As for food, I have a 4.5lb brisket corning in the fridge. Gonna have a Pi-day party (naturally).
  13. I agree. It seems like Ennis has really bought into the hard work mantra. He's taking the body in the corners (as well as he can), skating hard, and really "feeling it" when it comes to offense. If we're keeping one small top-6, he's it.
  14. I'm kind of an Eagles fan, but that's easy since they don't intersect negatively with the Bills very often.
  15. Heh, the wife and I visited Ohiopyle last spring. We walked a very little bit of the trail, as she was 6-months pregnant at the time. We were planning on going back this year, but after visiting the High Peaks in teh Adirondacks a few weeks ago, that area may have trumped that plan.
  16. I totally agree. I've only done limited bicycle riding since I was a teen but I'm always hoping to do more. I live a bit far from work to start out riding (25 miles in hilly SE PA), but there's a rail trail that runs near work that I'm hoping to take advantage of when the weather breaks. My plan is to start at one of the closer parking areas and work my way back the end nearest my house, which is 10 miles away. If I manage that, I might just start from my house to see how it works. I'm not really set up for road riding though, it'll be a bit rough to drag everything I need to work in a backpack.
  17. I feel the same way, although on a motorcycle. Robert Pirsig wrote in "Zen and the Art of Motorcycle Maintenance" (which doesn't contain much about motorcycle maintenance, incidentally), "In a car, you're a passive observer and it is all moving by you boringly in a frame. On a cycle, the frame is gone. You're completely in contact with it all. You're in the scene, not just watching it anymore. And the sense of presence is overwhelming." I've heard it put more succintly, "in a car, you're watching a movie, on a bike you're part of the movie".
  18. Wherefore art thou, Grigs? I guess it's a good thing to have more forwards than you have places for.
  19. As much as it pains me to say it, Philly is a better city to do stuff in than Buffalo, other than drive. Traffic here sucks. All the excitment downtown in Buffalo these days about it's turning around? That's been going on here for years and there's a ton of it. I'd like to move back to Buffalo some day, but it'll be for family reasons and not the city itself. It hurts to say that.
  20. the Sabres need to call a doctor (or maybe The Doctor), they have a Dalpe on their PP. Seriously, when I said on Monday that Nolan would reward Dalpe with PP time for working hard, I WAS JUST KIDDING! My Senior Polish Consultant (a friend that immigrated a few years ago) reports that "pierog" is the singular, "pierogi" is already plural. "Pierogies" makes no sense (and drives her nuts). That being said, my Polish speaking (but born in the US) grandma refered to them as pierogies. Also, "pirog" is a alternate spelling that (at least) Russians use. WKBW Polish grammar hour out! :) Just to be sure, I wasn't knocking on the Belgians with that comment; I'm half Polish and all we had were horses and muskets.. The French really should have thought that whole scenario through. No reason to rush him back, that's for sure.
  21. I like that Eleven is trying to elevate the vocabulary on the site. Bravo!
  22. Hell, ask Colts fans if they're still stinging from 2011 when PM was hurt and they went 2-14 and lucked into Luck. They haven't won it all yet, but they've gone 11-5 every season since.
  23. Maginot line might have worked if France had continued it all the way up to the Channel. Or at least it would have held for a little while. Perhaps it was a little short-sighted to think Germany wouldn't attack through Belgium. Again. :)
  24. Can I get 3.14? Or 22/7 if I necessary? :)
  25. Well, the game hasn't started yet. :)
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