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Everything posted by MattPie

  1. And I'm sure that NO ONE in the Leafs org was livid when Gorges came here.
  2. I don't look. Especially with the name changes this season. In this case, Mr. eman takes the Phil Spector-esque "wall of text" posting format that, which automatically discounts the post. I know that's petty but I'm a lazy reader and this is supposed to be fun. Then, there's factual errors: something about Eichel re-entering the draft next year and being angry at math (20% chance at McDavid) to start. And last, when these things are pointed out, the poster gets cranky that we're picking on him. We're not up to "FIRE LINDY RUFF NOW" levels, but it's on the spectrum. Let's face it, new posters come in blazing all the time. The fall into three categories: when you point out "culture" issues, they roll with it and become "members"; they take the Tank4GM path and stay cranky for awhile but show real promise and become (grudgingly :)) respected members; or they flame out and disappear. I'm hoping eman takes one of the former two paths, new voices are good.
  3. But would the Toronto press if it had played out the same way? That's the question.
  4. You guys picked up on that, huh? I think the name I used was French, so maybe I'd cast Gerard Depardieu for the role. :)
  5. Complaint: I've refrained from posting for the last day or so trying to come up with something awesome for post #5000, but I'm not clever or motivated enough to write something I feel reflects the gravity of the situation. I thought about posting up the beginning of my action/comedy short story about an NHL player who is so bad the Front Office tries to have him killed, but that's still in pretty rough shape. So this is it: post 5000. :)
  6. The two dates I should be in town for are "meh", Sheepdogs and one of Led Out or En Vogue.
  7. Anyone have a reference for that? If I remember right, he said something that a few people though meant that, but the rest of us thought was pretty innocuous.
  8. There are some striking similarities.
  9. No, but like a goalie that plays two career games and only lets in one goal each, we don't proclaim him the greatest GT of all time. Also, it was a joke. Ha Ha.
  10. That's around #26 all-time career averages, but you have to note the sample size. I don't think it counts until a poster gets to 1000 posts. EDIT: Speaking of which, I need to find something big for my upcoming 5000th.
  11. True, but in De-twah you get on the bridge and end up south of where you started.
  12. 5: Dyngus Day parade and party at the Central Terminal.
  13. Too long. ;-) How about Babwang?
  14. #8: Skiing day trips. Not great skiing, but skiing nonetheless.
  15. Enroth participated in a test game:
  16. Agreed, this is mostly a number that applies to UFAs, and even then you have the BRichards Effect where there's only one guy in UFA that year. It gets dicey comparing UFAs to RFAs that sign with their team. For example, Crosby would have made more money had he left Pittsburgh when his contract came up.
  17. Agreed, working in terms cap% is the only way to look at this.
  18. It's worth noting that (as I understand it) the Japanese Auto industry is heavily unionized. It's a different culture though, the companies don't try to screw the employees (as much) and the unions understand that and don't get acrimonious.
  19. what, no option for "Yes... in 2019." :)
  20. Same here. I wonder if it's any good.
  21. I don't particularly care if the new coach looks like a runner-up as long as he's the right coach.
  22. It's been "tomorrow" for 10 minutes already, have Babcock and Holland talked yet?
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