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Everything posted by MattPie

  1. Zadorov was contractually obligated to go the KHL if he was transferred out of the NHL, if I remember right.
  2. We should be weary. And wary. (best mistype ever, BTW)
  3. Or, NBC plans on featuring the Sabres a bunch with American golden-boy Eichel on the roster.
  4. Personally, I don't like Sam Adams Lager and most of the seasonal rotation, they just don't taste good to me. The rest of their beer is OK to good, but nothing special in terms of craft brew.
  5. What about Pizza Planet on Transit and Sheridan (I think)? Great beer, good food. No one ever talks to me when I'm at a bar alone, so I don't know what "no one will bother me" means. ;-)
  6. I agree, but that line only really worked in the two years the NHL wasn't the NHL. Maybe you can do it with different personnel this time around, or maybe not.
  7. I'm sure New Yorktucky is an interesting place to live right now.
  8. I thought this was a pretty good read, includes many civil war statements about salvery and the south's protection of it. http://www.theatlantic.com/politics/archive/2015/06/what-this-cruel-war-was-over/396482/ Granted, like any other politicians they're going to pull at the heart-strings of their constituents to drum up support for the war. On the Emancipation Proclamation: It's interesting that it didn't come out right away, but on January 1 1863. As others have mentioned, the North wasn't 100% opposed to slavery continuing if the Union was preserved. I've read somewhere that part of the timing was to keep England and France out of the war. Both of those countries had an interest in weakening the US, and what better way than to split it in half (ish). While neither did anything official, British ships were attempting to run the blockade of Southern ports to bring goods. I wish I could remember where I read it (it was a long time ago), but by Emancipating the Slaves, Lincoln made it politically impossible for England or France to provide any official support to the confederacy.
  9. Awesome. Did you catch it clean?
  10. It's also questionably illegal to comment on someone's health issues without their consent.
  11. This isn't the most expensive, but awesome: local place had Dogfish World-wide stout 10oz pour for $7 one day. That and one other beer kicked my ass. I think the most expensive per ounce was that same WW Stout at $12 for a 12 oz bottle at Wegmans.
  12. But will Grigorenko be happy? And will he be able to keep up with the traditional defensive responsibilities of a 3rd line center? If this comes to pass, you have to consider trading Grigs for a true 3rd-line center plus something else. This is where coaches and GMs earn the big bucks.
  13. I'll be on the road all Friday evening, so no beer for me. Much sadness. On the bright side, I'll be in Buffalo to see the aftermath of the celebratory riots Saturday morning.
  14. Damn, I should have thought of that. With the crazy t-storm that rolled through, have the town didn't have power (and many still don't) so it would have been nice and dark.
  15. Kinda seems like it, although it might be the team PR group mandating it, too, for those future documentaries showing the pick it helps if the 5-second clip mentions the team.
  16. How about a penalty shot? Or, and I'm not sure it'd work, a penalty 2-on-1.
  17. Heh, this made hockeybuzz: http://www.hockeybuzz.com/boards/thread.php?thread_id=126948&forum_id=1%22
  18. Something like this, I presume:
  19. 8. The Buffalo Sabres choo- choo- choose Jack Eichel.
  20. it. I wrote it, Firefox didn't flag it, I even Googled it to make sure (where I missed the extra 'L').
  21. Isn't Grigo still ranked in the top-100 prospects in most places?
  22. No poll? 1-4, 5-8, 9-12, 12-20, The entire Hamlet soliquoly. (Also: i can't believe I spelled soliquoly right the first time; while typing this parenthetical I misspelled "beleive" and "rigth")
  23. Hmm, maybe EDM would be a more interesting matchup. :)
  24. Maybe, they tend to close a bit early there (I know, I closed the place down a few times). I think closing time is 1AM here Sunday-Thursday and 2AM Friday aand Saturday.
  25. :blink: I think you can say a lot of things about today's hockey, but being the same as 05-06-07 isn't one of them.
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