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Everything posted by MattPie

  1. On Sunday yes (or at least the Roycroft Brunch server told us that last week). I'm not sure about Saturday.
  2. I'm not saying that stat is one of the them, but in some cases "Alcohol was a factor" (or maybe "involved") doesn't mean what you think. Like, if there's a car accident and a passenger is drunk, it'll sometimes get rolled up into the stats as alcohol-related. But what role? See my-just-posted comment. I'm defending anyone, but people use their stats how they like. I'd like to see NHTSA numbers and not MADD's; MADD has a vested interest in making the numbers look as big as they can.
  3. Maybe it's East Coast or maybe it's perception, but Philly and NYC also have strong drinking cultures. I didn't get that feel from DC, although that city was very white collar so I didn't go out that much in the district itself.
  4. Not as much that volcano's aren't as predictable, but in the case of the Yellowstone caldera, the cycle is far too long worry about it in my lifetime. It erupts every 700,000-ish years, so even a 1% variance is 7000 years. The interesting part about the Cascadia Fault stuff is apparently its cycle is less than 300 years, and we're already past that. I'd put even money that it happens in my lifetime (50 years, if I'm lucky). The caldera is over due too, maybe the Cascadia Fault "adjustment" will trigger the caldera, and we're all screwed.
  5. My wife lived in Oregon for a long time and loves it there. I sent the link to her yesterday. I'd probably consider moving there anyways, just keeping an eye on where I settled down.
  6. Hey, he's gotta be a good Wingman.
  7. Awesome: the third gallon of paint and coat on the basement floor appears to be the right color. Bought a gallon some time ago to paint. I use one of those red spout things on the can so the original lid is long gone (the red spout thing is legitimately awesome). I was sure that it was the dark brown in the brochure, MrsPie wasn't so sure but chose to believe me. It wasn't even close; that's gallon one. Since we couldn't find the original paint color (even looking in our purchase history), we chose to get it matched. The match was pretty good but not perfect; that's gallon two. While we were debating whether anyone would notice or if we should paint the entire basement again, we found the original paint chip. :censored: MrsPie ran out to get the right color today (gallon three) and I have a coat down, waiting to see if it needs another. Anyone need 1/2 gallon of latex floor paint? I have 2 colors in stock.
  8. Maybe the three on the tree confused him. :)
  9. Heh, nice. I bet it's a lot easier to use than the IKEA web site.
  10. True, should have said "more money or more legitimate shots at the cup". You see that all the time with old players taking short deals at reduced pay with teams like Pittsburgh recently and Detroit before that. If Oduyja signs with Arizona for top dollar, he's saying money is important. If he resigns with Chicago, NYR, Pittsburgh, etc. (examples, pick your favorite contender) for less than market value, Cups are important. Buffalo would be interesting, as by year three there's a chance the Sabres are contenders, but not this or probably next year.
  11. I do wonder how many of the countries bidding said, "well, if Canada is bidding they have enough money that we're not going to win" and backed out.
  12. Which wins out: more cups or more money?
  13. It might be tough to say, "I'm going to sign with team X with the realization that I'll probably never win another cup." That may be in the cards anyway for him, but that's a big decision.
  14. I see it as "You've provided me enjoyment in the past, let me buy you a drink so I can provide you some enjoyment."
  15. Second rounders miss more than hit. I don't have the numbers handy, but I'd guess if you take three 2nd rounders, one "should" hit and if you have two of the three hit, you're doing well. If all three hit, go get some lottery tickets.
  16. No goal, face off to Hasek's left.
  17. For Center Ice, I'd tend to agree with you since you already have cable/sat. Gamecenter is stretching the truth more as at least 10% (and more like 20% for the Sabres this year) of a team's games aren't available until 2 days later.
  18. Man, I wish Woods' last two posts were merged. :)
  19. I tried to read a Clockwork Orange in college, but it was mostly written in Brittish slang and I gave up. I should try it again some time. I've read LotR twice, once when I was around 12-13 and again as the movies came out. I have a tough time committing the time to watch the movies, never mind read the books. :) I'm reading Gulliver's Travels right now. It's interesting but it hasn't really hooked me yet.
  20. "Should": perhaps. True that education spending (at least K-12) should be prioritized, but there's a sizable population that don't trust "book learning" (or think schools are filling childrens' mind with wrong ideas) and the ones that control this stuff are sending their kids to private schools. I have a tougher time saying that we should be sending everyone to college. We should either be pushing that education down into high school if it's really required or hiring practices should be adjusted that irrelevant college experience shouldn't count towards a job. There are a lot of jobs around that don't need a college education; requiring employees have gone to college is only to prove they can be taught what they really need to know to do the job. That being said, I certainly want my daughter to go to college, although I'd have a tougher time saying that if she decides to enroll in a course of study that has no particular job prospects at the end. No phone and there's no way they're going to get a job in the current environment, and certainly not going to be able to fit in with their peers at work if they do. If you're really arguing that the $8/mo for Netflix is the difference, I don't know what to say. The car I can agree with, but you'd be surprised at the growing number of kids that are ditching cable (other than internet) and don't have TVs.
  21. I just finished etching the basement floor so I can paint it tomorrow. Additionally, I might put up a couple lights in the house this weekend and do some auto repair. I'm fairly handy; how about some of that pesto?
  22. Yep. If he was smart, he made more money than I will in my lifetime so he can live out the duration in middle-class style.
  23. I picked up "The Martian" after hearing about the movie coming out later this year. It's a fun read. I figured I'd read a chapter or two a night, but consumed it in 2-3 nights as I couldn't put it down. I finished it a few weeks ago, and find myself wanting to read it again already. I highly recommend! Synopsis: If you think about the movie Castaway but on Mars, you wouldn't be too far off. The format one of my favorite types of Sci-fi, "this is how hard space would be". There's no space monsters, malevolent bacteria, or life forces, just storms and stuff breaking down and some reasonable MacGuyvering to stay alive. The book format is mostly reading the astronaut's log about being stuck on Mars alone with several sections of traditional prose with to people at NASA trying to figure out what to do and some with the crew of the ship the astronaut was supposed to be on. The main character comes off as "engineer/scientist with a silly/funny streak"; as in someone that would be interesting to have a beer with and talk science.
  24. Exactly. Once a place a need for two person-weeks of labor, it becomes an advantage to hire three people for 28 hours each than it does for two people for 40.
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