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Everything posted by MattPie

  1. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1ytCEuuW2_A
  2. Somewhere, there's going to be a marketing report that people from WNY prefer the pink power ranger and a media campaign will be launched based on that data.
  3. Sage gin and Fever Tree Indian tonic water makes a very fine G&T.
  4. Lion's Head (out of Scranton) is popular too.
  5. IIRC, Dumont was there the first year, but was traded for cap reasons after Danny Briere got his fat arbitration award. I could have that all mixed up though.
  6. select passer_rating where player_season_number=1 and game_number<4 and game_number>0; As long as the data is in a database, getting it out isn't that hard. There should be a sort and average in there, but my SQL knowledge is very basic.
  7. Cool! I saw a project somewhere to build one using a micro controller and thermal probe, but never got the motivation to build one. I don't cook as much as I'd like these days so I can only dream of learning new techniques.
  8. Are you worried that your dog might become gay? :)
  9. Good luck! RosePie was the same situation, other than they started the induction process at 8-9PM Sunday night. As for multiple kids: you got me. We have enough trouble keeping one alive. I'd recommend having help (even paid) if possible. MrsPie and I are on an island of sorts with no family or close friends nearby and it sucks. There's my complaint: a friend of ours just have a baby a the end of June (same birthday as mine, it's a good day) via c-section and she's already doing way better than my wife (certainly at the time, and in some ways even now 11 months later). MrsPie is fairly jealous as am I. Friend: "Oh, I feel bad that she's not eating enough when she sleeps 4-5 hours at a stretch." We would have killed for 4-5 hours, at most we got 2. And, because my wife was so drained with breastfeeding issues, I was up almost every time to clean up the pumping apparatus or bottle feeding.
  10. I think it was because the scientist who discovered it chose to name it Xena and not stick with the Roman system. :) I love the names they're giving features on Pluto though: Cthulu, Balrog, etc.
  11. What I heard this morning on the radio was that currently, Iran has the ability to make enough nuclear material for a bomb in 2-3 months. It's unknown whether they actually know how to make a bomb work or deliver it (in the traditional missle/bomber sense, not in the "hide it in something and ship it" sense). This agreement limits the number of centrifuges to a number that it would take Iran a year to make enough material for a bomb for the next 10 years, and there's a prescribed inspection plan to keep them honest. The hard-line that the US has been using up to now only succeeded in Iran saying, "screw it, we might as well go for it since we're already sanctioned". The main criticism is that in 10 years there's no agreement in place, so who knows what will happen. A lot can change, and at that point the global community could go back to sanctions is Iran won't play ball. I think this is a net-positive deal. Point 2: North Korea is way more militant than Iran. And I'm sure many people in the US said the same thing of the USSR before the SALT treaties and the eventual fall in the early 90s. My question to you is: what's your solution? Keep sanctioning until ??? happens?
  12. Don't people understand that he wins the nomination, that madman is only one election from the presidency!
  13. Probably depends on the area you're in. I don't have a reasonable option for public transport, but if I did and gas was $5/gallon I'd be more likely to use it.
  14. After the Feds were strong-armed by MADD and SADD.
  15. ??? You want to pay me the same amount in 2 years that I'd make in 3, leaving me open in getting paid more in year 3? Sign me up!
  16. I had some Ghost Pepper Ice cream, it was good but got way too hot too fast.
  17. You know, O'Douls *has* to be the filter-replace for O'Rielly (a la Pomminstein)
  18. Hey, that's Mormans, not Baptists! :w00t:
  19. I do feel bad for him, although odds are "he done did it to his-self"* by choosing his religion and/or wife. * That's a quote from a guy in a U-haul place in Southern Maryland when I asked if there was a problem with the trucks when another customer couldn't rent one.
  20. While you're at it, there's an OK docudrama on a Yellowstone Caldera explosion on Netflix. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Supervolcano_%28film%29
  21. The only one I've had is Ed's Cave Creek Chili Beer, back in the mid-nineties. It was yellow lager in a clear bottle with a whole pepper in it. It was OK, but inconsistent. One night we cracked open a couple and my friend practically spit his out on the first swig. "How can you drink that, holy !". I took a swig of his and it was like drinking Tabasco. The other few bottles gave you a nice burn by the end of the bottle. It wasn't great beer, but it was novel. http://www.beeradvocate.com/beer/profile/677/2213/
  22. Sorachi Ace, or some hot pepper beer? I like the Ace, never seen a pepper beer from them.
  23. ROR: Not down with OPP. Also: [shaking head] Oh, Oh, Oh, O'Reilly.
  24. Better question: if St Patrick's day falls on a Sunday, can the bars still open at 8AM?
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