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Everything posted by MattPie

  1. You'd be surprised how divided companies can be internally. It sounds like MLB runs the advanced media group like a subdivision and it has a fair bit of autonomy to chase business on it's own terms. It's a classic business concept, taking a "cost center" and making it a "profit center". MLB looks and says, "hey, or digital media group is doing a great job but costs us a bunch of money. I wonder if we could sell the same service to other companies and make some of that money back?" The end game for this is often a non-core business subdivision like this will either be spun off into their own company or sold to another company. For instance, in this case Netflix could buy MLBAM because it'd get them into live sports streaming. It wouldn't change how MLB or the NHL (or HBO Live, since they're also a client) controls the content they produce. EDIT: and then I read more of the linked article above: /EDIT. While it's impossible to know what's in the legal documents right now, the NHL would be foolish to cede all say in how *THE NHL'S* content, logos, and trademarks can be used. Granted I don't have a ton of stake in this, but based on the posts above, I'll worry about MLBAM putting shackles on user content when I see it.
  2. Keep posting. Although generally speaking, I find the hockey knowledge here to be top notch and above and radio call-in show. I can't even listen to the callers; it's not fun when I can't reply that they're wrong wrong wrong.
  3. MLB has to do that. There's not much else to watch in a baseball game than the 2-3 minutes of highlights.
  4. That's quite the impassioned post, well done. But I haven't seen many people (if any) saying that we should be trading futures for assets now. I think most people here are at least a little uncomfortable with the number of futures the Sabres have shipped out (Murray was robbed!) even if the talent coming back has been solid. I certainly don't expect to see the Sabres in "win now" mode come February, as GMTM has said a few times that there's a timeline he's working.
  5. Article about Windows 10 Privacy: http://www.theregister.co.uk/2015/08/03/windows_10_privacy_defaults/ Based on the comments, it sounds like it's a pretty involved process to turn all the phone-home stuff off, including registry tweaks and process killing. Maybe even some GPO work to make sure MS doesn't reverse the changes with future updates. Between buying a new laptop that I can't boot whatever software I like on it and this nonsense, I'm really starting to hate computers. Which is unfortunate since it's my job.
  6. Also, in my experience making Thai food for a lady is always appreciated.
  7. I think JJ upthread said he tried that and the system wasn't returned back to it's original state. Missing apps, drivers, etc. And that assumes the the upgrade goes well enough that the system will boot and you can get to that menu. Always make an image before you do something like this, or be prepared to put a lot of effort into fixing your computer if something goes wrong. I use Clonezilla and an external USB drive to do images, but it's not the most user friendly thing on earth. It is. however, free. http://clonezilla.org/
  8. I saw an article yesterday about Rubio et al., John Kerry, and Iran. Granted there is cherry-picking there but none of them came off in a positive light. The Republicans in the committee seemed to be spending a lot of badgering and trying to win political points, although I'm guessing that's pretty much par for the course these days. Hopefully if those guys end up in power next time around, that's all grandstanding and they'll have more of a clue when they're actually dealing with the international community. Ah, here's the article. Granted, Slate, but if those quotes are even close to true, I'm really hoping they're all bluster now and up for the task if put in charge. http://www.slate.com/articles/news_and_politics/politics/2015/07/iran_hearings_the_congressional_grilling_of_john_kerry_and_ernest_moniz.single.html
  9. Fixed. I don't think MacOS is particularly touchy yet, and there's a slew of Linux desktops that are more traditional. I know that doesn't help most people, but with the short experience I had with a Windows 8.1 laptop (I boxed it up this morning to return it), I'm not thrilled with the prospect of running Windows past 7. If only my wife didn't need Photoshop I'd probably be able to switch to Linux full-time. Which brings up something else: the laptop, with it's "Secure Boot" BS won't boot off anything other than the internal disk. I was going to install Linux on it before shipping it back to see how it ran but after an hour of poking around on Dell's support site and Google I couldn't find an obvious method to disable that nonsense. It seems that some systems it's just not possible, but I didn't look hard enough to know if that was the case for that system to be sure.
  10. I meant that to point out how most people (myself included) only get news from stock set of sources. It's a bad turn of phrase in this context and I shouldn't have used it. There wasn't supposed to be a judgement there, much like saying "add the protein of your choice" when making a stir fry. I will say though that the feel I get from your posts is that you might as well watch Fox News, since your arguments almost always line up. I'm not saying that in a negative or inflammatory way, just my gut feel. I'm sure other posters have similar thoughts about my posts that I line up with some other agenda. That is, if I've written anything on here that's been worth considering (the jury is out on that, and my defense lawyer is sweating). Racism is racism. There's no need to add any additional words to denote who is doing to who. You could argue that feeling the need to point out that it's "reverse" essentially admits that there is a "standard" racism in this country, and it's white on whomever. I'm also trying to dance around that pretty much all the people I've heard use that term have be at least mildly racist, but I didn't want lump you into that group. Essentially, some white people are racist. Some black people are racist. From what I understand, almost all Japanese people are racists towards Koreans. Is it also reverse-racism if a Korean hates Japanese? What about Catholic French hating WASP English people? "Reverse racism" implies there's only two kinds, and that's way too simple of a way to look at it. How do you feel about "Know Jesus, Know peace"? Is that a threat too?
  11. I would suggest that if you like Indian, try so Thai curry. Sweeter and less heavy than Indian, and the vegetables tend to be more crisp (I'm not sure that's a plus for you). Wegmans has a bunch of premade jars of sauce in the foreign section and if you want really-easy pick up the pre-sliced vegetables over in produce. I'd start with red curry, then yellow (if they have it) and then green. I like green the best, but I think it's the least like Indian curries in spices. If you end up digging it, picking up curry paste and coconut milk is cheaper and not that much more work, as is slicing up some peppers and onions to toss in.
  12. Seems like there was a stretch where Ovechkin was *not* among the best in the league, but I can't put a finger on when that was...
  13. Yeah, the planned parenthood thing is distasteful. I've heard the full tapes (which to the investigating group's credit have bee released) aren't as slanted as the clips your news source of choice are playing. I suppose it's petty but I'm wary of any group that uses a name like "The Center for Medical Progress" to be unbiased though; that's a name that just screams "We're crusading for something but we want to sound legitimate". I can't get to their site right now, anyone know that medical progress they advocate? Being a racist is a choice, being black (or any other genetic makeup) isn't. The term exists because the "default" racism in the US is white towards someone else, usually black (or Irish, in the past), which in itself is pretty telling. It's a ridiculous term and I've only heard it used white people to point out "they do it too", as if that makes it OK. It's not that "All Lives Matter" is a bad sentiment, it's that it may have been co-opted by people that have a very strong political agenda. On a similar note, I suspect in a few years I'll be able to say, "I'm a big fan of the tea party", meaning playing tea with my daughter. If I say that in public, I better know the current connotation of those words or bear the brunt of public opinion. "All Lives Matter" (from what I gather) is a tag line for racism-deniers in the US right now. Maybe O'Malley should have known, maybe he doesn't spend his life on Twitter. I don't care either way. -- I lost the post but someone brought up education and affirmative action. In reality, we're talking in hockey terms "bubble students". If they'd been tops in academics they'd be admitted regardless of race. Those white kids should have worked harder and done better in school so they'd be top of their class. (please note the sarcasm)
  14. I hear ClassicShell works with 10 now too (it was fantastic on 8/2012).
  15. I finished "A Princess of Mars" (Edgar Rice Borroughs) the other day. Short read, old sci-fi, definitely of the "monsters and fighting" side of sci-fi (unlike "The Martian", my last read). It was fun, but other than a few details it's almost "Cowboys and Indians on Mars". I'm not sad I read it, but I'm not sure if I'd continue on to the other seven books in the series. It was free on Google Books, and being written in 1917 may be public domain and available via lots of sources.
  16. Man, this is a blow to the front office. I'm not sure how the Sabres will fill the void in the areas of... ... ... of ... (???).... ....
  17. I'm lapsed. I even played in a metal band for like 3 gigs in 96. I did, however, listen to Kill Em All the other day for probably the first time in 10 years. Also, Green Jell[o/y] for the first time in even longer than that.
  18. 8 really is vista 2. No one upgraded from 7 to 8, and everyone wants to upgrade from 8 to 10. People on 7 are going to stay there until their systems are cold and lifeless (or 2020, when support runs out).
  19. MattPie


    With so many young kids on the Sabres, I want to see an effective 4th line that can eat up some minutes and if things get chippy be a deterrent to the other team. Danny B doesn't fill that role. Now, if you said he can play RW, I could see him on a different line as that mentor, but the 4th line needs to be grinders and deterrents next year. There are already a few vets on the team (Gionta, Legwand, and to a degree O'Reilly, not to mention Ennis), so I'm not sure how much Briere adds to that mix.
  20. MattPie


    I've already seen a bit of that out of Ennis. Mostly that he'll throw the body a little here and there to make a play. That bodes well for him.
  21. MattPie


    Reinhart, the #2 overall pick and first forward selected last year will probably be in the mix over the long haul. Look around for roster threads, but Ennis has been playing well on RW, and Larrsson played well in a small set of games. Girgensons may end up on the wing too. So centers long term should shake out as some combination of Eichel, Reinhart, O'Reilly, with some tough SOB on the 4th line that's essentially "interchangable" year to year. If the Sabres have enough good centers that they're playing a talented center on the 4th line, they should be trading one for something else the team needs (right now, RW and maybe D).
  22. MattPie


    Can he play RW? :nana:
  23. I haven't seen a guide yet, but I'm sure they're coming. I read some stuff on Windows 8 when it came out, but I never ran it so forgot. Windows 10 may be even worse, since it'll do all the same stuff as 8 (sync settings and other data to THE CLOUD) but it also sends (from what read) most of what you do on the computer is sent up to Microsoft via Cortana to improve your "search" (read: ad profile). Every user on a Windows 10 system is assigned a unique advertising ID and by default it's all linked to a Microsoft Live! Account. Frankly, I don't think it's much worse than what your smartphone is doing with voice recognition and whatnot, but just seems wrong with a computer.
  24. With the presidential camping ramping up it may not be the right time, but maybe this thread should be called "all the things you're not supposed to talk about in polite society".
  25. Mr Robot is pretty good, I saw an episode last time I was in Buffalo. Whoever is writing it knows a fair bit about computer security because most (but not all) of it rings true. It's not CSI/NCIS "I'm going to hack into the traffic camera mainframe as long as I can get past their RPC calls and firewall proxy"; which are all valid terms but mashed together like, "I think the Sabres can score with the puck as long as the defensemen play the cycle and the forwards avoid icing before making two-line passes."
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