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Everything posted by MattPie

  1. Hmm, that sounds familar:
  2. No particular comment, other than I love these high-level physics posts from the poster with someone chugging a beer as an avatar. Thanks for the chuckle.
  3. Close, == is comparison, not assignment. I think you meant posterWhoShoutsTheLoudest = true to assign true to that variable. Unfortunately, that will throw an exception and crash since posterWhoShoutsTheLoudest can never equal true.
  4. Clearly, you just need to make sure strawman = 4 and you're set.
  5. If FB is bitchy for you, get some better friends. :) Agreed. There are those people (just like there are over the top PC people), but for the most part people that believe those things aren't the whack-jobs some of the media portrays them to be. Great post. It does seem a lot like bullying now that you mention it. I forget the details, but NPR was talking about rape a week ago (I think it was Fresh Air), and until 2012 (I think) the FBI's definition of rape was only violent force. There was no allowance for coercion and nothing said about rape within the bounds of marriage. It's an sad question: at what point does "I'm going to ruin your life if you don't sleep with me" or "I'll beat you senseless unless..." become rape? (Please correct me on the details, I was driving home from work so I wasn't able to pay full attention)
  6. I will say this: I recently picked up a new laptop and ended up with a touch screen. It's actually pretty nice be able to tap the gigantic controls on pandora and similar. I just looked at the copy of Excel 2013 I have open, and I don't see any way that I'd be using touch for that. The buttons are too small to hit accurately.
  7. One of the things they try to teach you when learning to ride a motorcycle is to curl up and "be small" when you fall. Genetic reflexes are a bitch though. :( Because you like being vulnerable to dozens (if not hundreds) or evil document hacks? :devil: (In all seriousness, I'd never open anything from anyone else if I were using 2000). My complaint, minor as it may be: drove up to Buffalo last night getting in a 1AM. Only got 4 hours of sleep the night before (my own damn fault) so I drank a 20oz Coke, quart of green iced tea (which I made too strong), another 12oz of different green tea (mmm, genmai matcha), and a 5-hour energy to stay awake. My stomach and head still haven't recovered, especially as RosePie woke up at 7AM and because we're all in the same room didn't go back to sleep immediately like normal.
  8. I can see several scenarios, including: - "I want to make sure she gets home OK, never leave a girl behind." - PKane was driving home and she didn't want her in the car with him after he'd been drinking - She wanted to see his house
  9. I agree with most of what you've said. The only thing I'll mention is physical security is a fairly important piece of the computer security puzzle. There is no way you can secure a server if you don't control physical access to it first. I get the feeling teaching has lower wages is a supply and demand issue. I've never heard of a school that has had a hard time finding teachers to fill the "roster" (I'm willing to listen if I wrong on that one). When there's plenty of supply, you can't demand more money. And as for private schools, I've heard the environment there can be a lot better for the teacher. I'm not sure if it's true, but it's certainly possible that they can pay less and still find applicants that decide a little less money is better for the environment.
  10. That's odd, I see the tenor of this thread as pretty even. There's a couple people that seem to have made up their mind that he did it, a couple that are hung up on the idea that there's some fault on the woman (prior to the recent posts that the woman may have been the +1 and not the other way around), and most just discussing the particulars in a pretty dispassionate way. Unless you feel like the people that are arguing vehemently (I'm looking in the mirror) that it's not the victims fault as saying that PKane is guilty. I know that I'm not assigning any guilt to PKane as I don't know any facts. The only thing I'm arguing is that there's nothing this woman could have done beforehand that mitigates what allegedly happened. Wait, is it because we stopped using "allegedly" all the time? I thought that it went without saying that without facts, I'm not assigning guilt to anyone. Why's that? If she went back to hook up and then changed her mind, too bad? (I thinking you didn't mean it that way, but it could be easily be read that way)
  11. I tend to agree. We've forgotten what average goaltending looks like. You can argue the last year+, but that's a bad example given how bad the team was. This will go two ways, most likely: Lehner will be good enough and in a few years Buffalo looks like Chicago. Or Lehner will be not good enough and Buffalo looks like several Philly teams over the past decade (good skaters being let down in net).
  12. They should just work two jobs, teaching plus another so they have real world experience. Easy.
  13. I could see it translating well to a movie, as the book isn't particularly "deep". Probably 20 minutes of Mad-Max, 10 minutes of small-town America, and 80 minutes WoW and retro gaming.
  14. I don't think they're ineligible, but they'd have to pay all their own expenses so it's often a non-starter for the player.
  15. I wouldn't hand my correspondence over to my "enemy" either. You know that the Republicans (and Democrats in the same position) would be reading though every message trying to find "gotcha" fodder for the smear campaigns sure to come. "Look, look! Clinton once said something bad about a serviceman! She hates the military!" Or, "Look! Rand Paul once wrote that he thinks the welfare issue is overblown!". 4am is later than anywhere else I've lived. Most places have been 1am during the week and 2am on the weekend. I'm past the age (for the most part) that I'm out drinking that late, so it's tough for me to get riled up. The benefits are people that work late (2nd shift and restaurant works) can to go drink for 5 hours after work. The benefit is to the bar workers that don't have to work as late. And as a friend that used to do sound gigs once said, "it sucks packing up sound equipment at 4:30am when we work in Buffalo."
  16. Finished the book last night, it was a lot lighter on dystopia than I expected, although there is a healthy dose of corporate fascism thrown in. The vast majority of the book is set in an immersive online universe where many people spend all their time because the world is crumbling (or the world is crumbling because they spend so much time online; you decide!). If you've read Neal Stephenson's Snowcrash or Reamde, it's very similar to the online world in those book. Or think The Matrix but people know there's a reality, you're on the right track. It was a fun read with all the 80s references to TV, movies, Anime, and video games (and game systems), but I'd give it a B, which is "I enjoyed it, but I'm not going to go around telling people they have to read it!". The acknowledgements mention something about Warner Bros. and movie rights, so we might see it on the screen down the road. There's an excerpt from the author's next book, Armada, at the end. In the few pages I read, I think I can give a profile of the author as a young, video game loving guy that dreams of using those skills to save the world. The protagonist is similar to Ready Player One, and I'm guessing it's "write what you know". I can't fault the guy for it, if I was selling books I'd keep writing too.
  17. Good point! At best, you take the average career of the five guys from 21-26 and figure that one of them would have been TM's pick.
  18. You've been a pretty good poster from what I remember; thoughtful and adds to the conversation.
  19. While the grey area *may* be part of it, I think it speaks more to the Puritanical streak in American society than anything. There's a population of folks that think "If you act proper and "ladylike", it's not going to happen to you." The murder parallel is an interesting one, but I think someone beat me to making the point. If I walk down Busti Ave (is that still a rough part of town?) and get shot, some people will say "that was a stupid thing to do" but very few are going so say "he had it coming, why else would he be walking down that street?" or "What else was the shooter supposed to do?". But some people say those things about rape regularly.
  20. Apparently, some systems do not let you into the BIOS. Or at least you need to do some magic to do it. The Dell 5000 did not give me an obvious method. Guides for other Dell systems would say, "Hit F2 at boot" which did nothing, or "Go into the recovery options in Windows 8 and ...." which I'd do but there still wasn't a BIOS setting in recovery boot like the instructions said. I'm guessing there may be some jiggery-pokery that may have worked on that model, but for other reasons I didn't keep the system long enough to find out.
  21. Take your hockey news some place else, man, this forum is for the Bills, grills, PKane, and politics!
  22. September 2016, assuming she's on the ticket in some form.
  23. I think you're jumping the gun. Theoutline up to "NO" seems possible and maybe even likely. After that, speculation.
  24. I thought we were having a debate, where I ask questions about your stance and you try to elaborate your thoughts. Except that you're not answering my questions. I'll ask directly: if, as you stated, a woman is not responsible for being raped, why would her demeanor in a bar beforehand matter? Note that we're not talking specifically this case.
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