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Everything posted by MattPie

  1. I seen her acrost a crowded room. My heart leapt at my ribs, I had to apply some force to it to settle myself. Crossing the room with my head up, I had visions of a big strong man protecting her but I had to keep going. Even if it were two big men, I had to send a message. As I approached, she looked up, smiled, and said, "It's a lovely evening, eh?" "No, you're right." - Rob Ray, on meeting his dream woman at a party
  2. So to sum up: Samson, Texas Rainhard.
  3. Acrost a crowded room?
  4. I go back and forth. Sometimes for the GDTs I'll read a page at a time and then other posts so I'm not wading through the one thread for 30 minutes straight. I'd be miffed if it went to a single page (without being able to change that setting for my account).
  5. It's on autoscale, so it'll have to adjust hopefully for the next 10 games.
  6. Blue Apron is cool, we've done it from time to time over the last few months when the budget allows. For us, it was great because it forced us to cook. My wife doesn't like to cook and I don't find time unless there are ingredients that are going to go to waste. We tried a couple others that come in slightly different price points. Fresh Direct was fine but the food wasn't anything special. Plated had good food and the option to pick and choose what you get to a degree (you get offered a set of dishes per week and you can but 2 or more). Blue Apron his the sweet spot though as the food was really great and it's better than ordering out.
  7. Why are we not talking about McGinn's antics? He was on the helicopter too. Question to the crowd: if none of this is about being black, how come Buff keeps coming up in this conversation? Ladd, the captain has come up when he talked about it in the media, but Buff isn't an alternate or anything. It has a very "see, other black people don't like him so it's OK that I don't either" feel to it.
  8. I had Comcast when I had cable, and from the sounds it not much has changed. Rarely were the Sabres in HD, but by the last year I'd usually get the Sabres feed. I switched to GCL and no cable, and GCL isn't as good as real HD from cable/dish, but it's close enough.
  9. :w00t: Very nice to have you participate in the thread; mostly for that smile to brighten up the place but also to break up the sausage-fest.
  10. I was one of those worried about bringing him in. My mind is changed, but my primary reasons for not wanting him didn't have to do with his play. One, he would be UFA after this season (solved with signing him long-term) and two, the Sabres should be spending assets on RW or D and not another LW/C or C/LW. I'm still a little worried about that but with him being so good, I'd find someone else to move.
  11. That'd be some high comedy right there.
  12. I didn't realize Carpenter was so wiry.
  13. My neighbors across the street buy some candy, sit out until it's gone, and then go in a shut out all the lights. Until you have a feel for it that may be the best bet.
  14. OTSMP has to be Terry Pegula in there. Old Terry "Someone's Meddling!" Pegula told GMTM to tell HCHDDB to play Home-boy Mike Webber. (GMTM is made up and HCHDDB is mine so I'm not typing them out. :))
  15. And a highway now too. A bunch of years ago I was planning on doing a ride up there with a bunch of friends. I bailed in the end as riding the 1000+ miles of dirt and gravel road on my street bike didn't seem wise at the time. On the plus side, I bought some nice camping gear before chickening out which I've used a bunch since then!
  16. It's like the Viagra commercial with "I'm ready" as the background music. The lyric makes sense in context, but the rest of the song is about a guy getting hammered while carrying a gun and looking to shoot someone.
  17. That doesn't seem like apples to apples unless I'm misreading it, I expect a nominee for president to miss votes in the election year. What was Obama's and Kerry's voting records in 2007 and 2003, respectively? That's the real comparison.
  18. Someone referred to Johnson as Ocho Cinco, didn't they? I remember someone here being very excited by that.
  19. Just to note, some 401ks have different matching that 100%. Mine, for example, matches 50%, up to 8% (so their max contribution is 4% if I contribute 8%). And they match with company stock, so every so often you should look at your mix and transfer money out of company stock if that's the case.
  20. There's a regular IRA and Roth IRA, and the differences have to do with when the taxes are applied (on contribution or at withdrawal). I forget which is which, but generally you want taxes on withdrawal when you're young so there's more money in it to grow, and as you get older that switches so you pay taxes on the smaller amount now and don't get taxed on the larger sum at the end.
  21. Sabres73, maybe? I remember the rants, and miss them.
  22. RosePie is going as a panda, it's adorable. We're just walking acrosst the the street and hanging out the neighbors in the the driveway to give out candy. We'll see at least 200, maybe 300 kids. I live in a newer neighborhood less than a mile uphill from downtown Coatesville, which is a small city with big city problems. We don't have much trouble since the cops roll through regularly and the 5-7PM window is still light out for the most part. Definitely get the drop-off effect up here though, although I suppose some of the more enterprising kids might be hiking up (it's a good 200-300 ft. elevation change, so good on them).
  23. Not really: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Newfoundland_and_Labrador#Government_and_politics
  24. Does that include Labrador too?
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