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Everything posted by MattPie

  1. Thanks for the tip, my parents have a place in Clearwater so that's entirely in the realm of possibility.
  2. I thought both were great, just in different styles. The interior of Falling Water is a much more modern look (and materials) that may not be everyone's taste. Kentuck Knob is a more traditional home, that realistically would probably be a better place to live. While you're there, Ohio Pyle, PA (it's just down the road) is a cool little town to get food. It's pretty "granola"; the economy is based around outfitters (canoes, etc.) and bicycles (it's a "major" rail-trail). The river and falls in town is worth a look. There's a cool water chute at the south end of town, tons of water coming down a 8-10 ft cut in the rocks.
  3. My guess: Moms, and the unfortunate Dads that end up watching with their wives.
  4. If I had only ever had black tea from tea bags, I might agree with you. I was a defacto tea drinker after I gave up soda because coffee makes my stomach angry (cold, hot, weak, strong, all the same). Once I started started drinking green and white teas, and using loose tea instead of bags it was a revelation. I'll drink "standard" tea (Lipton, etc.) when I'm out or whatever, but it doesn't hold a candle to the good stuff. Think pizza hut wings vs. any place in Buffalo. I think I understand what you mean there, but I found it funny. "Caffeine, chemicals, corn syrup, all good. Milk? NFW for my kids!!" (No judgement, I'll have an energy drink or two when driving late at night and drink a ton of tea)
  5. I don't know about these #FancyTax plans. :) To sum up (that's a Calculus joke, BTW), the IRS is complex not because of any particular tax rate plan. As long as the area under the curve roughly covers expenses we're good.
  6. I dunno, Andrew Peters is ranting about it on WGR right now, if he's against it, that's a pretty good reason to give it a shot. Also, Ennis' skate was a foot off the ice, anyone who thinks we wasn't offsides has the blinders on, I thought he was offsides watching it live, and I'm usually terrible at seeing stuff like that. I don't love the rule as it is, I'd like to see there be some limit on it. 10 seconds, 30, puck touches a defending player, whatever. But I'd rather see right than "that goal shouldn't have counted, he was offsides".
  7. It's kinda spazzing too, like I'm just learning how to use it. :)
  8. That's actually not that far off from the system that's already in place, before you start deducting. The "standard deduction" for being a person in the US means that much of your income is tax free so the first part is already covered; you're being a lot more generous. The difference is with the current progressive tax, instead of starting at 40% at $20,001, you start at a lower rate and work up. For a simple model, let's say this: 0-20k, 0%, then for $20k to 40k, 10%. 40k to 60K, 20%, 60k to 80k, 30%, and anything over 80k at 40%. Note that you're only taxed at the rate for range, so if you make 21k, you're only paying %5 on 1k, not 5% on $21k. Speaking of 40%, that's almost exactly what the current top bracket is. I like the progressive tax because the curve isn't as steep for middle class. The money guys would have to figure out the break points and numbers, since if you cut middle-class taxes, it has to be made up somewhere. Unless you're a Republican, then you can cut taxes and it'll all just work out somehow. :)
  9. Some heavy stuff in here, I have nothing remotely comparable to complain about.In an effort to cheer people up, here's me playing a snippit of "Iron Man" on a toy piano that makes cat noises (It's a long story as to why this exists). I'm thinking about recording the opening to Metallica's "One" tonight.
  10. Yep, but every few minutes. Often enough that instead of having my phone next to me while I'm working late or something, I just skip it.
  11. Same, it pops up a message or something (it's been awhile since I've watched a game on it, mostly due to the annoyance) asking if you're still there. It's possible that it's watching the accelerometer and wouldn't ask if the phone was subtly moving (as if I was holding it), but I'm not sure the NFL is that smart. I may have to dig out my Construx and build a wobbler if that were the case. :)
  12. If I'm really free to watch, I'll have the Sabres on the TV via the PS3 and the Bills on my phone via the NFL app. With no cable, the phone is the only option for football. Unfortunately, it sucks. You have to poke it every few minutes or it thinks you're not watching. It's impossible that I'd want to put the game on, prop the phone up and just watch, right? Or listen as I do something else and watch when something important happens.
  13. Probably covered in their new line of gigantic pads. :)
  14. That I can agree with, I thought you were somehow tying Rex to EJ. I'd say Rex has been all sizzle, very little steak.
  15. I mean Buckley. We're gonna get sued. There's lots of reasons to doubt Rex, but the decisions of the front office before he was part of the organ-i-zation isn't really one of them.
  16. You're thinking of Rugger.
  17. The flat tax seems to make sense and I was almost going to say I like it, but let's be honest: the reason the IRS is complex isn't flat vs. progressive. I haven't seen them in awhile, but there used to be a big chart in the tax paperwork that said, "if your taxable income falls into this range, this is your tax burden". Flat vs. progressive doesn't change that too much, all they'd have to do is create a table (or calculator app) that does the same, you look up how much you make and send in whatever the difference is between what you've already paid and that number. The reason the IRS is complex is the US tries to use taxes to reduce the burden for people for doing certain things. For instance, I get a tax break for having a dependent (my daughter) because the government realizes that having a kid is expensive and generally positive for the country. The US has decided that home ownership is a good thing, so I get a break on the interest that I pay on my mortgage. The list goes on; donating to charities, solar panels, energy efficient appliances, etc. I'm not saying that's an ideal thing, but that's why the system is the way it is. If you go to a flat tax or straight progressive tax (no deductions), some positive things the IRS brings goes away. I'd consider a straight progressive tax on one condition: since companies can have religious beliefs now (apparently), they can pay that same straight tax as me. No writing off depreciation, no writing off anything. They get taxed on their gross income just like me.
  18. Some mild advice: I kept most of my text books, and never looked at them again. And that was mostly before having access to a fair bit of the world's knowledge in a computer in my pocket. I donated them a few years ago hoping someone would get some use out of them.
  19. A two-pack of pixie sticks a day habit.
  20. Top right corner: man these "seat" costumes we rented look great, you can't even tell we're here!
  21. Jack be nimble, Jack be quick, way better call than Yeichel, Rick! :ph34r:
  22. Maybe this was covered, but perhaps he should describe how he's going to make up the 46% of the taxes that come from personal income.
  24. Confirmation bias is real, and I'm susceptible to it as anyone else. I see it most of the time when I'm shopping for something. If I start out with "I think I want *this*" but want to do research to make sure, I often end up comparing other items to the first and then finding reasons that I like the first better. Or when there is a flaw, "well, that doesn't matter that much to me". Realtors know all about this and have a "formula" on how to show the houses they think you'll like (or they want to sell) at the right time in the process so you get attached to it.
  25. I'd be shocked if Sanders wasn't ahead of Clinton in NH, considering where he's from. I'm surprised the gap is that close unless there's a serious VT/NH rivalry that I don't know about. Eastside, you bring a lot of information to the discussion, but you come off (to me, at least) as a "True Believer". You tend to spin anything that's even mildly negative about Sanders with either "that's not true" or "but that means it doesn't matter". Sanders has flaws, everyone does. I think he'd be great for this country, I'm a fan. But you really "need" (as much as anyone needs to listen to me on an internet politics discussion) to at least try to accept other facts before you argue them.
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