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Everything posted by MattPie

  1. The US struck a convoy of tanker trucks within the last week. Whilie looking for link to that, this came up from Sept 2014, so it's been going on for awhile. http://abcnews.go.com/International/us-led-planes-strike-isis-oil-facilities-syria/story?id=25739334
  2. Some serious first-world problems here: Organization Announcement - Robinson. Someone accidentally copied the entire company (I work for a large company, 5-figure number of employees) on a mundane announcement, to which a hundred people Replied All that they shouldn't be on this distro. Email servers have been chugging all morning. Actually, I'm kind of amused by the whole thing; but PSA: use Bcc on anything that shouldn't be a discussion. It's the smart thing to do. Double Lunch. I forgot that I had a "graduation" lunch for an internal class today and bought lunch ahead of time, which turned out to be "thanksgiving dinner". Then I went to the grad lunch and got another plate of the same thing. I suppose that's apropos though considering you never eat one plate of thanksgiving dinner.
  3. That joke is the wurst.
  4. That's crazy talk. I don't like turning my computers off, never mind my phone! (I think it comes from my server admin day job, a computer that's turned off is broken)
  5. You could do fire the puck into a down D now, but most of the time the player taking the shot is trying to avoid hitting the player. Now, you're intentionally shooting for the player to draw a penalty.
  6. I'm not sure if that's sarcasm or not, but I'll play it straight. Defending player on the ice for whatever reason, attacking player fires the puck into him to draw a penalty. Bonus style points if your teammate "encourages" the defending player with a check, cross check, or subtle trip, or you injure the defending player by drilling a slapper into a lightly-protected area.
  7. "Airplane mode" (whee, I'm a phone that can FLY!) probably will give you a safe, stress free phone cleaning experience.
  8. The British have a few too, many of them actually have planes! http://blogs.telegraph.co.uk/news/iainmartin1/100278745/an-aircraft-carrier-without-planes-is-the-perfect-metaphor-for-britains-diminished-global-status/ My only comment is the FBI takes several months to clear US individuals for even basic security clearances, how are they going to vet thousands of people with sketchy documentation in any sort of timely manner in addition to their normal background check workload? Maybe I'm a cynic, but I wouldn't be surprised if the controlling Republicans in the house are setting this up as a ploy and quietly hoping something mildly bad happens so they can hang it on the current administration.
  9. That's ridiculous, it'll be 2019-2020.
  10. I had heard that Russia's previous attacks on ISIS weren't very choosy about ISIS vs. anti-Assad forces. I wonder if that'll change now. https://uk.news.yahoo.com/russia-syria-kremlin-admits-air-123818165.html#IeXT6Mc
  11. I've contacted Rambo. And not that football guy.
  12. I didn't really see the one last night, I was cleaning up and listening. The other Ennis one, however, was way off. His skate was a foot off the ice and his other skate was 3 ft into the zone. Even live, I said to myself that it looked off-sides, and that's not something I usually notice. EDIT: and last night, didn't the review take all of 30 seconds? The first game of the season it took forever, but it seems like they're getting the kinks worked out.
  13. OK, so if the player is 6" offsides, I shouldn't have put the dimension in there. Ennis has been offside by roughly 6" on both called-back goals.
  14. Ha! Nicely done.
  15. I don't think that solves the issue, really. Scenario: LW is 4 ft offsides when C enters the zone. C sees LW behind the D, passes it to him, and he skates in a scores. Legal in your proposal, but exactly what the review is supposed to catch. Update on my previous proposal: booth can call down an immediate Delayed Off-sides (either with a buzzer or in the linesman's ear, the mechanism is TBD). Attacking team must immediately leave the puck and tag up. If the attacking team touches the puck, it results in a normal or deliberate offsides on the judgement of the linesman.
  16. For all the talk of "there should be a time limit" and Liger's post of 10 seconds, the play last night was only 6 seconds, so even by those standards it would have been reviewable. And the people that are complaining would still be complaining. I'm coming around to not liking the review, not because it's hosed the Sabres but because of the "sinking feeling" that people have mentioned that they're waiting for the other shoe to drop when a goal is scored. I brought this up somewhere (either this thread or another), what would people say to the "booth" being able to blow a play offsides? The trick there is if they're doing it before a goal is scored, essentially they've eliminated the linesman.
  17. The Sabres were only in the zone for 6 seconds (apparently) before the goal was scored, so last night would have turned out the same way.
  18. I think the sabres are outliers here. They have 40 GF right now, so three called back means 7.5%. I'm sure the team and their fans that gets hosed by that non-called offsides will be fine with maintaining your entertainment. I mean really, it's not like a guys skate was in the crease or anything. There's always next year, year? Maybe he should have taken the hit and gotten the call (ha ha).
  19. The nation would hold course until someone decided that they might swing a few votes by attacking it, at which point their side of the media would relentlessly talk about it and how bad the other side is for supporting it. They want democracy, I'd bet, but in the absence of that being a reasonable path they'll take a dictator that roughly aligns with their values and stops people being killed in the market as a daily occurrence. It's not really surprising, you'll see arguments on Facebook where people will quickly want the American government to stop something they disagree with even if it flies in the face of what we'd call American values. And to be clear, it's certainly both "sides" that does it. That's been part of the reason our foreign policy in that area (and others) has gone so badly. The US government will prop up "bad guys" if they're friendly to the US and keep their population in line. Democratically elected governments in that area probably won't be pro-USA. I'd almost think the US would be best off firing up the arsenal of democracy. Provide all kinds of support from material to intelligence but try to keep back where possible. The population is suspect of anything coming from the USA.
  20. I don't mind the blocker, that doesn't seem that out of place. What's with the sleeve above it being as wide as the blocker though?
  21. It's way too early to call the sun a star. Putting that kind of pressure will just cause the sun to flame out.
  22. Another thoughtful post, thanks. I'm not sure where xenophobia starts in terms of "can I just not like someone?" vs. "I hate all those brown people". I don't think it's unreasonable for people to be expected to at least somewhat assimilate into he culture they live in. That doesn't mean they have to become completely immersed into that culture though. In the long run, though, the children of the immigrants will become at least somewhat integrated. Their children will probably be almost indistinguishable from everyone else (in terms of social norms). Well, attacking them serves to radicalize not only people "over there", but also in other places. Including here. Jihadi John, for instance. It's the "circle of violence" that Israel is locked in, one side attacks the other, they strike back, side one gets mad at that and attacks again, and so on. Your plan essentially says, we're going to keep things the same (periodic attacks) forever. Now, that may be the only way this ends up, but if there are other avenues, shouldn't we be exploring them? You will probably argue that it's pointless to do anything other than attack because they won't stop. That may be true. Let's find out if there are other ways before settling in on that one. And it's not going to be a couple year process. A couple years is a blip on the 100s this has been going on.
  23. Maybe you don't follow it, but the Saudis buy a ton of military hardware and support and other stuff from the US. There's certainly leverage to be had there. That being said, are the terrorists being spawned there also Wahhabist too? It's not like these societies are homogeneous and everyone is the same.
  24. Are we sure about that? I thought I saw that they were getting pushed back.
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