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Everything posted by MattPie

  1. You've essentially summed up when online multiplayer gaming kinda sucks. :)
  2. I think dudacek might be on to something here. After looking at all the NFL Trump logos, there are a lot that represent things from the side going to the left or right. I dare say that's what Reebok was going for when they designed the slug, but it does work a lot better on the SIDES of a football helmet rather than the front of a sweater.
  3. Sauron asked for it back for his tower. The Truguar is fantastic.
  4. I'm sure the are, don't excessively sweat it.
  5. All I know is I'm doomed if Wegmans starts the same practice.
  6. Hey, put the TV networks in too, so I don't have to do anything myself. :) Thine Buffaloe Sabrese deem to meete the Duckes of Annahime, Mighte as they once wer'e in...
  7. Playoff format will occasionally have back-to-backs.
  8. But think of all the new Zubaz sales!
  9. I remember both in the 80s when I was a kid. They probably fell off the radar not long after that.
  10. I'd much rather see the gold than red. I was thinking red, white, and blue was too common, but thinking about it I think the same number of teams use RWB in hokcey (NYR, WPG, CBJ) as you Blue and yellow/gold (BUF, STL, NSH). I'd prefer the royal blues though. Football, however, anything to look like like the dastardly Pats and Giants. I don't think I'd mind the Bills in Blue and Gold.
  11. I think I read somewhere to get that effect for the movie K-19, they used tonic water and a black light. Quinine glows blue when hit with black light.
  12. I'm usually around $12, but that only gets me 160-170 miles on the bike. (Your Fiat probably gets better mileage than the 40MPG my bike does)
  13. Holy cow, they have candy cigarettes and cigars, I thought those disappeared. http://www.oldtimecandy.com/candy-by-type/candy-cigars-cigarettes
  14. Well, if he's not a solution, maybe he's a suspension. We'll have to see what precipitates. Unfortunately for all of you, I'm here all week.
  15. My plan is to try to watch all the movies next week at my parents' place (my dad bought the 1-6 box set), and maybe slip out to see 7 in theatres. I've never seen 2 or 3, and it's been since VHS that I saw any of the others.
  16. Just in time for the Winter Classic. Good planning. :rolleyes:
  17. I'm not sure about deserved it, but "meh" indeed. Oh no, NHL, you've totally screwed our season that likely puts the Sabres at 25th place instead of 20th.
  18. I've been sliding away from the Bills and football for the past few years, but this year's team seems to have had the best shot at doing something (anything!) until stupid mistakes not just happened, but keep happening. I should have been excited to watch the game against the local Eagles, I should have had people to my house to watch. I went for a hike with my family; it was a nice day. Maybe that's more about my situation than this team, but it seems like it'd have been harder to not watch if this team wasn't going to shoot itself in the foot; just like they always do.
  19. Some parts of the private sector deal with Classified information regularily. In the case of someone like HP, "we need computers to do X, how about you build us a solution?".
  20. So Ted Cruz (and Carly Fiorina) may have leaked classified information during the debate and is apparently being investigated by the (GOP) head of the senate intelligence committee. http://www.cnn.com/2015/12/16/politics/ted-cruz-richard-burr-classified/index.html EDIT: I was going to paste a Fox news link but there's no mention of it on the site (yet) via search. It'll be interesting to see if they talk about it at all.
  21. Selling tickets in Buffalo isn't hard. Selling Luxury boxes, sponsorships, and endorsements (where the real money is made) is far less lucrative.
  22. I'm guessing you'll get nicked for photographing a police officer in some places.
  23. This one? (I've never seen the video for the cover, that's pretty impressive for the 90s)
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