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Everything posted by MattPie

  1. John Scott on the All-Star game (cross posted with the romance of hockey thread, since I think it belongs in both). It's a great read and shows to a degree what the NHL was up to: http://theplayerstribune.com/a-guy-like-me/
  2. http://theplayerstribune.com/a-guy-like-me/
  3. You suck. :) other than the appropriate amount of melt, my street still looks like this. The only part that was plowed was the single center lane. The Subaru-shaped spot is after I moved my car and cleaned out my space.
  4. Darien Hatcher is watching hockey somewhere thinking, "I could have been a contender!" DOOOO IIITTTTT! :) Put the game on mute and call (and record) it. Heck, get Josie to do color so you can take a drink here and there. :) Nah, as I think Brad May mentioned, he needs to keep making that play just like in football you need to run the ball to make play action work. Make the opposite side defender and goalie wonder and it'll open up the short side when the goalie starts to move or leave a man open at the far post as the defender tries to stop the move behind the net. I don't think they have Tim Horton's in Nashville, so ROR better get a DD to go to DD.
  5. I'm confused by this: after the first emergency plowing, you mean they came back to clean up the piles of snow that were out in the middle of the street to make it somewhat normal for cars? I'm completely confused by this.
  6. His jib is at far to jaunty of an angle for someone of his position. Harry Neale live tweets shot distances and delay time for all Sabres shots.
  7. Maybe her complaint is a bump. On the head, in the street, etc.
  8. I feel old, it was Mondale and Reagan when I was that age. Mondale lost huge. On a supplies note, apparently people have been sending those guys "supplies" consisting of sex toys. That's some high comedy there. The Purple Hearts people that'll come pick up your old stuff is considered pretty shady too.
  9. I agree. My biggest hope is Jack shows anything approaching Samson's growth from last year to this year. Sure, I'd have loved to see him come out of the gates as the star we all hope he'll be but I'm not sure how realistic that was going to be on this team in today's NHL.
  10. You could always call and ask a store to order a bottle. Even the PA state-run places will at least listen if you have a request. I haven't tried it before, but I talked to one of the people at the store and as long as it isn't crazy they'll order it.
  11. Not really. It took me 4 hours to shovel out my driveway and the street far enough to back my van out so I could shovel under it. This isn't the nice fluffy snow that shows up in Buffalo. I don't know how accurate it is, but my neighbor was talking about 15 lbs per cubic foot; even if we say each shovel is 10 lbs (it felt a lot heavier than that), I probably moved at least a ton of snow yesterday. There was one day a couple years ago that we did get fluffy, Buffalo snow. It thought I died and was living in some idyllic place because it was so easy to shovel. You're clearly tougher than I am; can I come study with you in a Gary Roberts-like scenario? After the plows come, of course, since they haven't yet.
  12. I'm not sure about Philly proper, but my suburb is still a little crazy. Plows came through on my street Saturday morning, but not since. I hear tomorrow morning is the play. There's a foot of pretty heavy, solid snow snow in the center of the street, and it goes up on either side to groin deep at the curb. Drifts are probably 4 ft or more at my house, and after shovelling there's a really big pile in my yard taller than me. ON the bright side, it was sunny and 20s today, I had a few nice beers in the 5 hours I was shovelling (Troegs Blizzard of Hops and Souther Tier 2X Presso), and the neighbors were all hanging out drinking for breaks. For those scoffing at the measurments, that's easy to do in WNY where they have 5X as many plows and 10X the people to drive them. A nearby city had to issue a statement that the crews can't work 24 hours a day and they needed to sleep. It's not like Buffalo where they have two crews for every truck so they can run 24/7. On top of that, the plow that does my street is a 3/4 ton (maybe 1 ton) pickup with a regular, articulated plow on it, just like the guy that does your driveway in Buffalo. Think about how long it takes that guy to do your 100ft driveway, and then figure how long he takes to do the entire street.
  13. I usually get a song stuck in my head when I'm doing some work-work (digging, shovel, moving stuff, etc.). Today is was this. :(
  14. I went back and updated the post after looking up the prices at the PA Liquor web site, you're right the Bulleits are just under $30. Dad's hat is more.
  15. I like Bulleit's bourbon and rye. Dad's Hat is good too, but I think that runs a bit more. The Bulleits come in just under $30 (at the PA Liquor Control Board price), Dad's Hat is closer to $40.
  16. Yep. If Lehner starts putting up consistent dominant numbers like Dom (adjusted for the current NHL), or even good numbers (top-10 in the NHL), he can flop around as much as he likes. As it is, he looked like he was overplaying shots too often and having to scramble back into the net. Maybe I'll go find some Ott'wa games and see if this is rust or his style. FTR, I'm not against the trade, super pro-Johnson or Ullmark, and I hope Lehner works out. I just don't think his performance was great last night.
  17. I'm sure they already are. I'd say Communism is the melding of Extreme Socialism and Fascism. There's no reason you can't have Socialism as a part of a Capitalistic economic system, as America is right now. Everyone is essentially arguing over where to slide on the scale, with really tight regulations and large social programs on one end and completely open economy on the other end.
  18. Can you salvage the parts from the old one for the new, or did you just replace the motor on the randomly up-down one?
  19. Thanks. I skipped a word in there, Drouin is very boom-bust right now. He may be worth the #3 pick someday, but right now any team that takes him is as likely to never see 100 NHL games out of him. I'd consider a combination of a couple non-1st round picks or an OK roster player. This is where good GMs and scouts make their money. Some team will take him, have no doubt. The potential is too high. How many teams have taken a flyer on Cody H or Zack K so far? I wouldn't even mind seeing him in a Sabres uniform for the next couple years if the price isn't too high. I was very cautious about Ryan O'Reilly because he made a stink while he was in Colorado, and that turned out OK.
  20. Handy map. My house is just inside the bullseye at 2 o'clock.
  21. Uber is an interesting example. It sounds great on the surface, but issues come up when you start to dig or you throw away the assumption that everyone is going to be nice and play by the unwritten rules. Mostly accountability since Uber vehemently classifies it's drivers as contractors and not employees. If something bad were to happen during an uber trip (ranging from the driver deciding to kick you out because he feels like to robbery to rape), Uber is going to just say, sorry for your luck; here's the info on the driver, maybe it's not fake. I'm not even sure there's a reasonable verification process for drivers, it's not like they have to go sign up at the local uber office and check IDs. Deregulation equals buyer beware, it puts the burden of being safe on the individual. Some may argue that's a good thing, but sometimes I just want to get in a taxi and not have to vet the driver beforehand.
  22. Does Matt Ellis have a NTC? :) I'd be wary of a 2nd and a player, but either or a player and lower pick I'd be all over it. Gigantic reward, and the pick isn't that much risk.
  23. I'm with you LGR. I wasn't paying 100% attention, but a few of Lehner's "incredible saves" were directly related to him flailing around the net in the first place. As I think I said upthread, it reminds me a bit of Ullmark early this year who seems to play out it. Hopefully the game will slow down for Lehner as he gets more comfortable and he'll look more composed.
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