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Everything posted by MattPie

  1. MattPie

    Tank 3.0

    I think we're painting with a broad brush here and it comes down to the individual player to a certain degree. There will be players that think, "man, going 3-8 sucked, maybe I'm no good" and there will be players that say, "3-8 sucks, I NEVER want to be in that situation again, I'm working my ass off this summer to make sure of it". The difference will be the leadership next year that whips them into shape.
  2. In the form of a "Clue!" accusation, this is the first for me: A Sun Workstation, somewhere on the third floor of Bell Hall, with NCSA Mosaic.
  3. :( IRC. WWIVnet (or local network IceNET) if you want to go to non-Internet communications. Those were the bad old days.
  4. It'd be interesting to see the league say any players with NMCs are automatically on your protected list, you can't leave all the NMCs "unprotected" and protect the rest. It'd hose Buffalo as Moulson (as the example du jour) would eat a slot and we wouldn't be able to protect Girgensons (or some other combination). Also, I wonder how partial NMCs will be applied.
  5. He does seem like a good choice. It will be interesting to see what excuse the Republicans come up with for blocking his nomination.
  6. If this doesn't give people pause about Trump, I don't know what will. http://freebeacon.com/blog/only-garbage-people-order-steaks-well-done/
  7. Philly has a pretty extensive rail (and other) trail system, which makes sense since this area had tons of train lines during the golden age. when complete, the Chester Valley Trail and Schuykill Trail could take me almost the entirety of the 50 miles into Philly; the only part I know isn't covered is the 9 miles from my house to Downingtown. The Schuykill Trail is planned to be 140 miles from Philly To Hanmburg, PA. Another long-distance trail is the C&O Canal Towpath and Great Alleghany Passage, which combined connect DC and Pittsburgh (300+ miles). That's some serious stuff.
  8. Sounds like the opposite from the last paragraph, where they might have a minimum salary of the exposed players.
  9. I don't recall that song, so it's entirely possible. In my non-exhaustive search earlier, I did put in Karma Chameleon parody and didn't find anything. I suppose it could have been a radio parody someone did and it didn't survive the test of time. Like the "It's Friday I'm in love / I need to change my underwear" parody I remember on the radio in the 80s. Also not helping is people on youtube calling covers parody.
  10. the autocorrect is strong with this one, unless Flowing lettuce is slang that I'm too old to get.
  11. Youtube doesn't seem to know about it, so it doesn't exist.
  12. Good point!
  13. No kidding. What's the back-story on the Trump part? Someone throw a pair of xtra-small gloves on stage or something?
  14. Are you saying Canada is a hipster?
  15. You never know, the Sabres may end up picking #2 for four years in a row or something awful. It's not like Buffalo doesn't have a history of being #2 for long stretches. :ph34r:
  16. Any thoughts of writing an Android widget so my phone can have a live-ish picture of the tower on my home screen? :)
  17. I think mine prompts any time I pair with a Bluetooth device, but it's under Settings, Security, Smart Lock, Trusted Devices for me. Being they're both Nexus phones, it may even be in the same place on your phone! Hmm, this gets me thinking, I wonder if I could find a cheap Bluetooth or NFC device to attach to my bike so the phone would stay unlocked. Oooh, gadget, that would be interesting on my handlebars. http://www.amazon.com/dp/B00RM75NL0/ref=wl_it_dp_o_pC_nS_ttl?_encoding=UTF8&colid=Z0OCG2MACBL3&coliid=I1CAQ4HMHYIE84&psc=1
  18. I saw them open for Jethro Tull at Darien Lake in the mid-90s. We were poor college (and HS) kids so we planned on sitting in the grass outside the fence and listening until one of my friends went up and found the exit door wasn't latched. We all walked in and took up spots in the middle of the grass "outfield". Great show!
  19. MattPie

    Tank 3.0

    Furthering the point, If you look back through the drafts from 2006-2010 or so, you'll see some familiar names picking the top 5 (or at least 10). Tampa Bay, LA, Chicago, St Loius, Boston, etc.. You'll also see some other familar names, like the Coyotes and Atlanta popping up too, so it's not a sure-fire thing, but the teams that have been bad usually had other issues with budgets and funding.
  20. I was really excited about safe places until RosePie went mobile. Now the lock screen is an essential part of her not messing up my phone. Also, turning off "brick phone after X attempts". :) The safe places when the phone sees a Bluetooth device is really nice for the car, though.
  21. I did a PB pie last PI Day, it was good enough to make again (and easy).
  22. I'm some bad luck, I flipped it on and 10 seconds later...
  23. I heard the news will be talking about Supreme Court Justice Smell any day now.
  24. Western PA people, think Sheetz but I think the food is a little better.
  25. That day and Pi day are the same day. Coincidence? I think not!
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