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Everything posted by MattPie

  1. I don't get why the other teams get to ape NHL team colors but Buffalo get monochrome and then the Winnepeg Jets. I don't think it's a bad design, but royal blue and gold, thanks.
  2. As far as I can tell, you either don't know your faults (of which you probably have many) or you feel like an imposter. The primary difference between people is how well you deal with it or not let on that you feel like an imposter. Don't worry about it too much, you're probably fine.
  3. Some states are proportional, most aren't. If you go proportional, it makes even less sense in a way. Due to rounding errors, each EC vote doesn't represent the same number people in each state. At times it's a fairly big huge difference, but it does favor smaller population states. The really small states (Wyoming, Dakotas, etc.) a person's vote there counts 2 or 3 times as much since the EC mirrors Congress. Here's some data. Wyoming's 3 votes represent 530,000 people (177,000 each or so), where Tennessee (which happens to be right at the national average) EACH EC vote represents 560,000 people. Worst off is Florida, where each EC vote represents 679,000 people. I'm sure someone has done the math, it'd be interesting to see if any significant change happens is all states were proportional or if the popular vote was used directly. https://d3n8a8pro7vhmx.cloudfront.net/fairvote/pages/199/attachments/original/1450119297/2008votersperelector.pdf?1450119297
  4. I watched the first episode awhile back; I think it might be on Netflix or something now but I haven't made the effort to seek it out. I will say at least for the first episode they're employing someone who does have a clue on how network security works.
  5. I read a story somewhere about how the Olympic Village is pretty steamy with Olympic-level sex. Makes sense, people training for years with a pretty sharp focus now have all the pressure off and are surrounded by similarly-aged young people in the same state. Like post-finals at college on steroids. Whoops, that's the Russians.
  6. Well, I was like riding along and then, bam, I felt a shudder. I pedaled my butt out of there and when I turned around it looked like this:
  7. When I've traveled abroad for work they provide travel insurance cards like the above mentioned. I got pretty sick while I was in England a bunch of years ago and ended up going to a GP there to make sure it wasn't anything terrible. I had a mild panic when they didn't know what to do with the insurance card (it's either NHS or cash over there), but the GP visit was 30 quid ($55) so I just paid it out of pocket. I'm pretty sure my local doctor charges a little more than that. ;)
  8. I'd like to put the Olympics on, but if the last couple are any example NBC will push most of the coverage onto its cable hench-networks so I can only catch the summary show at night that doesn't have all the less common sports. I don't really dig gymnastics or basketball, but those will be what's constantly on at night. "We cut away from the finish of the 50m meter handwalk to go to gymnastitorium where America "Amy" Smith has just taken a drink of water and is listening to her iPhone". :wallbash:
  9. Point 1: Hindsight is 20/20, but that doesn't make much of an argument. Point 2: I think Luke Adam was near the top of the NHL in scoring for awhile, I hope for your sake Scheif (can I call him Sheif?) doesn't follow the same path.
  10. Bike counts? I've been meaning to try that; I've been walking more since I'm desperate for approval from a little electronic doo-dad, but if the bike counts too I'd rather do that.
  11. I have one for work (you'll know the one :)) and I'll put on 1000 or so in the course of getting ready in the morning and a few 1000 more just working the day at my desk (getting up for lunch, etc, etc.) Mowing my 48x120 yard (including house) is around 5000. I'm always a bit surprised at the numbers, it seems like too many but I've watched the read-out while moving around and it seems on. My high was 17,000 something, scored on a day when I went on a short walk in the morning (2 miles) and then spent the rest of the day entertaining RosePie and the InLaws around the area.
  12. I had a tough time with it. The first case of beer I bought in PA was a Weyerbacher mix which had 4 six-packs of Old Heathen Imperial Stout (yum), a Raspberry Imperial Stout (also yum), Merry Monk (9% Belgian), and Blithering Idiot. The BI would cause me to shudder a little when I drank it; it didn't hide the alcohol well. I figured stuff this strong and barleywine wasn't my thing until I tried Victory's V-12 and Old Horizontal. Weyerbacher's Tiny Stout is fantastic, BTW. TINY: https://www.beeradvocate.com/beer/profile/392/56274/ Old Horizontal: https://www.beeradvocate.com/beer/profile/345/1009/ V-12: https://www.beeradvocate.com/beer/profile/345/8998/
  13. Can you explain how the federal government is involved in regards to people who have insurance? The government isn't going to be involved, it'll be the people at your Dad's insurance company that'll be deciding what they're paying for.
  14. Can you provide a link? On the surface, I doubt Obama (or some part of the government) is doing this other than analysis; it seems like something that would be happening at insurance companies (where pre-ACA they'd deny coverage or jack up that person's rates once the equation went the wrong way).
  15. I think you're looking for a pre-paid SIM: http://prepaid-phones.t-mobile.com/sim-card
  16. https://www.bradfordexchangechecks.com/products/1800471011-Buffalo-Sabres-National-Hockey-League-Set-of-150-Address-Labels.html
  17. I know right? That GWB pulled a fast one on everyone. ;)
  18. The walk across the bridge is fantastic. We did it in late afternoon a few years ago and the light coming through Manhattan was spectacular.
  19. With the way Trump runs his business now, if he were president I think we'd see corruption of gilded-age proportions.
  20. That'd have more weight if he had ever held public elected office.
  21. Blossom's friend Six was cute.
  22. She's just the muscle; Terry Gross pulls the strings from WHYY headquarters in downtown Philly. Why is it the Republicans job to ask the question in the first place? By asking the question in the first place, they're throwing shade to gain cheap political points.
  23. "In 1998, Hillary and I had leading roles in that year's most talked about Political Theater production." That work for everyone?
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