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Everything posted by MattPie

  1. I'd create a Linux boot USB stick (or DVD, if you have a drive) and disconnect the SSD. This will eliminate software and driver corruption and if it boots and works without issue, means the rest of the system should be OK. https://mintguide.org/tools/317-make-a-bootable-flash-drive-from-an-iso-image-on-linux-mint.html
  2. I really don't think offense is purely the domain of millennials.
  3. The kind that are tasked with writing this stuff on a deadline and say, "um, who on the D have I heard of? Bogo, fine. I don't know any of the other guys; question mark!". Let's face it, the writers aren't going through hundreds of hours of game tape to evaluate players and team. They just start throwing around ideas and make up some copy to justify the rankings. That being said, you could call Risto a question mark. Question A: contract? Question B: "sophomore" (I use that very loosely) slump?
  4. And only 13 seasons, he's got years to make up the next two teams. Wow!
  5. The World Cup is like a series of All Star games that kinda matter. The Olympic Tournament is like a series of All-star games (after group play, at least) that mostly matter.
  6. You better not miss Shmelik!
  7. Can't be that dumb...
  8. I'm waiting for someone to convince me.
  9. 3.14'd.
  10. I heard the ohter day that part of it is the insurance company, to a certain degree, are just passing money around and taking a cut. So the more this stuff costs the more their cut is. Freakonomics podcast recently (as in the last week or two) did a show on the idea of a "Glorious Sunset" as someone put it. Some huge percent of most people's health spending happens in the last year of life (or something along those lines). The idea was, why not offer "we'll give you half of what we're projecting that we'll spend on you if you stop going to doctors". The idea is prolonging life for a few months longer than otherwise vs. having a big lump sum to go on a crazy vacation, send your grand kids to college, etc. It's an interesting listen.
  11. 3.07k, to be exact. :)
  12. Today's Progressive is ten years ago's Moderate Republican. :) In all seriousness, she's been pushed to the left by Bernie but I have no doubt that if she's elected, she'll slide back towards the centrist position her (and Bill) have held for a long time now.
  13. To be fair, most music in Genesis' day didn't have the same depth either. You're not going to hear anything interesting on the radio, that's not where the action is these days. Commercial radio has to sell so they're going to cater to the LCD and play it safe.
  14. A long-lapsed friend remembered something I told her today: "I remember years ago you [Meaning Me] told me "I can't live without music... I have to listen to music every day or I don't feel right"" (this would have been around 2001). It makes me incredibly sad that I've lost that passion for music, along with a bunch of other things.
  15. I'll be finishing up "Lost Girl" on Netflix in the next day or two. Come for the gratuitous side-boob and girls making out, stay for the.. um, that's about it really. It's not that great of a show and tends to be awfully formulaic and deus ex machina. On the bright side, it's shot in Toronto/Hamilton, so you get a few familiar shots and Canadianisms (they mention Niagara in a bunch of places, there's a football-themed episode with the 110-yard field, etc.). And lots of side boob. I'm weak.
  16. Both sides have their triggers. I'll remind you of the current fight about the definition of "marriage" and the primary example of offense on the right, the War on Christmas. The left doesn't have a monopoly on word policing. And just to bring things back around, Political Correctness. Anti-PC people are offended that someone would disagree with their use of a term. See, that's where you have it wrong. You don't wrap your head around. You either point your head into them or wrap other body parts around them. I remember seeing an ad for heaters in Japan with a picture of Hitler. The translation was something like, "I declare war on the cold front!". He's just a historical figure over there.
  17. I think that's assuming STH are looking for the best deal; as we know many look at seasons as an investment. I'm not sure they're really losing out that much in the deal as the games where the variable price plummets probably weren't going to sell on StubHub either.
  18. Caveat: I've only scanned the conversation. Affordable College: the GI Bill, you know where the government paid for people to go to college. :) Full Employment: massive pent up demand from rationing and post-war euphoria drove demand. I'm not sure where this fits in: the extraordinarily high tax rate at the top bracket of earnings that encouraged investment and spending rather than profits.
  19. Caveat: I don't know basketball. I think if the US was shaky and inconsistent this year but still went 5-0 in group (winning by 20 on average) and winning the final by 30 seems silly. Is there another sport in the Olympics where there's consistently such a wide gap between Gold and Silver? Looking back, the US has only lost 5 games total in Olympic history. Two Bronze, One Silver, and the rest Gold.
  20. Turning Jack's old room into an Office/Rumpus Room.
  21. I think that's the 700 Club.
  22. I've made the argument before, but the more I think about it I'm not sure I agree. I'd say one of the primary requirements of a boy band is that each member has mostly equal standing in terms of singing, and Ringo blows that out of the water. The Beatles lack of dancing also works against them. I'd go with the Jackson 5 before the Beatles.
  23. Best I can tell, it's a throwback the accent of parts of England (or at least that's the only explanation I can come up with). Try saying this with an outrageous cockney accent: It's an 'istoric day, guv!
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