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Everything posted by MattPie

  1. Even with one kid, you suddenly become a lot more careful about washing and not getting sick. RosePie has been sick a few times, but (knock on wood) seems to snap out of it pretty quickly. I'm the same way, so hopefully she's picked up the old man's internal defenses.
  2. On trade and tariffs: if you raise tariffs, the cost of items goes up. How are people going to feel when everything made in China at Walmart (which is pretty large proportion) is suddenly twice as much? I may now have the option of choosing China vs. USA for those items, but I'm still going to have to pay the extra money. That's the issue with raising tariffs. Maybe trump is looking at it from the other way; he's going to (somehow) scrap all the environmental and worker protections so US manufacturing starts to look like third world sweatshops. As a paradox, the only way American manufacturing comes back is if American industry embraces renewable resources and processes while oil prices get high enough that it is no longer cost effective to ship goods halfway around the world to consumers. You'll have a tough time finding supporters of this strategy and the tax policies and whatnot to make it work in the short term among the people that seem to be so desperate for American manufacturing to make a comeback.
  3. I think we all know how the arguments play out in that case, and that's the posturing. I just think it's more likely that Putin tries it with Trump than Clinton. Mmm, don't be so sure of that. Anything that traverses the internet, certainly. Email between people on a server (or a set on one subnet) won't fall into the collectors unless the email software isn't set up to do encryption and the client is somewhere else.
  4. Not at all. Sorry to get your hopes up.
  5. Yep, we all know where Trump stands, and almost every stance is despicable. Until catched flak and he denies saying it, even when we all can go Youtube the video of him saying it. I'm actually surprised I haven't seen a split screen ad with him saying things like "I didn't mock that reporter", and then the video of him mocking that reporter. That seems like a lay-up.
  6. Huge Thurman Thomas fan.
  7. I heard an interview with Dick Cheyney (of all people) that mentioned that he'd be in favor of making it "illegal" to report poll results until I think he may have said the next day. I'm not sure about the next day, but you certainly could argue after the polls close out west.
  8. Or in a couple years and there are 32 teams.
  9. FWIW, HDCHDB said all the right things in the beginning about watching the league and adjusting his style, etc. He's either slipped back into his happy zone or feels that he can't play the way he wants to with the current roster.
  10. It's entirely possible that the Republican party internally doesn't want him to win either, and their news outlet is following orders, If you go in for such stuff. It's just a likely that the SOP for filming speeches is that camera angle, just like hockey has a standard angle they show the majority of games from.
  11. I had what I think was the flu in my early 30s and I did nothing but sleep and eat a little bit for a week straight. I was out of sorts for another two weeks afterward.
  13. Or Chicago Blackhawks.
  14. I thought they were adobo. I think the Reinhart negativity is nutmeg. Maybe he's distracted by an Old Bae or something.
  15. It only gets worse; I wish I has gone out and done more on the weekends when I was younger and carefree. That's my advice for the day. You're never going to look back and say, "man, I wish I stayed home and watched TV more when I was 25."
  16. And Matthews, right?
  17. Nicely done.
  18. Interesting, I was hoping for something that would work with any of the hardware I own. :) (thanks for the tip; maybe I can leverage that into something I can use on my Android phone) Hey, cool, Google turned up an RSS feed on the WGR site which my app (PLayer.FM) was able to pull in. I'm not sure I have another 1.5 hours a day to listen though. :(
  19. Is there a decent podcast for just the show? There was a WGR550 feed, but you ended up with a bunch of crap 1 and 2 minute clips in addition to the show.
  20. I think that's right; LV takes one player from each team. Presumably this means they'll have to take some prospects or whatnot to meet the roster limit. Unless the GM is going to try to take two NHL guys and later trade them for one player or pick.
  21. Yep, greed-based health insurance sucks.
  22. There's a question somewhere (in the Expansion thread, I think). In short, Bogo had a NMC or NTC in his Winnipeg contract. When a player is traded, the new club (the Sabres, in this case) has the option to honor it or ignore it. No one is sure if Bogo's was retained. If it is, he has to be protected.
  23. Slavery is a primary reason I have a hard time taking anyone who holds the founding fathers to be infallible seriously.
  24. This is a pretty good listen (or read, if you prefer the transcript) about the seeming move to "post-fact politics". That's the first segment; the rest is also interesting but not as on-topic. http://www.thisamericanlife.org/radio-archives/episode/599/seriously The last part has this great quote from the President:
  25. I've only read the Castle, but I saw my unread copy of the Trial the other day while moving my bookshelf.
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