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Everything posted by MattPie

  1. No, but it's not a badidea. It reminds me a little of what 3words' solution to global location: https://what3words.com/
  2. You might want to revisit the path Ryan O'Reilly took to get to the Sabres. http://sports.yahoo.com/blogs/nhl-puck-daddy/ryan-o-reilly-signs-offer-sheet-flames-mercifully-230122860--nhl.html http://sports.yahoo.com/blogs/nhl-puck-daddy/sabres-gm-defends-ryan-o-reilly-reputation--will-make-him-highest-paid-040149854.html
  3. I'll expand on the seeding (as I understand it): - Top division winner in points gets Wildcard 2 (fewer points) - Other division winner in points get Wildcard 1 (more points) - remaining 4 teams play their division opponent (Atlantic vs Altlantic, Metro vs. Metro)
  4. Kane in Toronto, or was there a more recent one?
  5. I can see it now: NHL June 18th 2019 - The NHL would like to clarify the controversial overtime goal last night in game 7 between the Stars and Sabres. Replays do show that Jamie Benn was a few inches offside while entering the zone on what would become the Finals-deciding goal. The goal was ruled good, however, as per updated NHL policy sent out in a top secret memo on April 1st. That update read, "if a player enters the opposing zone offside, but a suitable amount of time passes between the zone entry and a goal is scored, the goal shall be allowed.". Thank you and we'll all be CUP CRAZY in 2020!
  6. Congrats on post 2000. I think this one runs out of steam at 5900 posts. I've been thinking about Byslma's system. It seems like it'd be pretty easy to defend playing a 1-3-1 defense. Two Sabres D are in the zone around the dots and the three forwards are up in the neutral zone. The defending team can send one forechecker in, play man on man in the neutral zone or line up 3 on the blue line, and have one D back to pick up the chipped in puck. The Sabre forwards generally aren't hitting the line with speed, so the back D can fetch the puck and make a relatively easy pass to get out of the zone. Am I missing something? Randall, can you put together a dozen pics to show I'm right? :)
  7. OK, so let's be serious. Unless something happens in the next few days, we're stuck with you-know-who. So who in the league are the best long-distance passers on D? They don't really need speed, they don't really need to score or activate into the offense; who are the guys that can hit long passes night in, night out? That's the only way that system works.
  8. What was? HHDCRGDDB won a cup in 2009 (by some reports, still running Therrien's system) and only made it to the Conference Finals once since. I just looked it up, Therrien was fired in February that season, so it's really unlikely (in my mind) that HHDCRGDDB implemented The Byslmatica in 25 games (while going 18-3-4). I have little reservation in saying his system is not a proven commodity.
  9. A: that device is pretty awesome. B: I'm selling a competing device. It's one of those paper bags with the eye holes in it, but the holes are in the back.
  10. Can't wait for him to be in Byslma's system where he floats around in the D zone eyeing up which 80 foot pass looks best. Only Jack is allowed to skate with the puck.
  11. (Probably Last Bump) - Leafs took second wildcard spot in the east with 95 points - Dolts and Fishermen missed with 94. - Preds in the West with 94 - Winnipeg (really, really) missed with 87 - Sabres needed 33 points in 22 games, or .750, or a sample record of 15-4-3, to get to 95 (don't care about tiebreakers) - .750 for a season would be 123 points Playoffs? Don't talk to me about Playoffs.
  12. It's in the old K-mart along 17.
  13. Passenger: https://github.com/phusion/passenger
  15. They kinda fell out of favor I think (I had one too); I heard awhile back that they're actually bad for butterflies as they don't get enough food from the bush but they're still attracted to it.
  16. Or anyone that has something to lose when speaking the unvarnished truth, really. Private Reiben: I'm sorry, sir, but uh... let's say you weren't a captain, or maybe I was a major. What would you say then? Captain Miller: Well, in that case... I'd say, "This is an excellent mission, sir, with an extremely valuable objective, sir, worthy of my best efforts, sir. Moreover... I feel heartfelt sorrow for the mother of Private James Ryan and am willing to lay down my life and the lives of my men - especially you, Reiben - to ease her suffering."
  17. Oh great. :) I spend around 22-24 hours over the weekend prepping the yard to undo the changes we made a couple years ago. We put on a deck and got a free swingset in the last couple months so lots of places that were beds now need to be grass and lots of places that are grass need to be beds. I think I'll be done in another weekend or two. :( Genny Cream recommended.
  18. Nah. For me, it's taking far less interest in hockey rather than shifting to another team. Besides, I'd have to find another board and figure out who all the malcontents there are.
  19. I've always been primarily a Sabres fan and far less of a hockey fan. I may catch some of the games on broadcast TV when I remember they're on, and I'll probably pick a team to root for in the finals, but otherwise I'll be doing something else. There aren't many East teams I could stomach rooting for. Maybe the Caps due to Ovechkin. I'll likely root for the West in the finals, sine few of those teams result in visceral hate.
  20. It has for me. These couple years were going to be some of the best chance the Sabres had for a cup (Eichel, Sam, Risto on cheap contracts making room to bring in good vets), and from the looks of it they're going to get pissed away. Assuming ownership is pulling at least some strings, I'm getting to the point where the Sabres aren't going anywhere until someone says, "we can do it your way, or we can win."
  21. I'm not a true fan apparently. Is there some place I need to send in my membership card or can I just burn it?
  22. New Task: disable GameCenter Autorenewal. Due, 4/17 New Task: unsubscribe from Sabres email. Due 4/17
  23. I wasn't running him out of town. Maybe I'm remembering wrong, but it was contentious. "The Board" isn't an automaton with one opinion.
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