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Everything posted by MattPie

  1. It's probably not possible as images in PDFs are just bitmaps. Have the sender scan the pornography in higher quality mode to start.
  2. Bogo and a 5th for Arizona's 2nd round pick.
  3. BTW, I'm pretty sure it's not the best thing this millennium, I listened to it yesterday and it's not bad. Apparently, yesterday was "listen to metal bands for the first time day" thanks to you; after EW, I tried out some Mastodon but I didn't make it through the Something of Sand album before switching to my own personal "Album I own but underrate", Overkill's Horrorscope. The cover of Frankenstein may be one of my top-10 covers of all time.
  4. That's gold.
  5. Hall is good; I bet he'd look a lot better on a decent team. He hasn't played on a team with more than 70 (!) points for the 5 seasons he's been in the NHL.
  6. Hey, I admitted I could be wrong. The sciencey part of me knows that you find facts by changing one variable and seeing what happens. My hunch (hope?) is the Sabres have changed a significant factor. I'm perfectly prepared to say Bogo is terrible if he doesn't improve next season (whether in Buffalo or Vegas).
  7. https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=at.droelf.clippy
  8. Maybe he's a turnover machine in his own end because A> the nearest forward to pass to is 60 feet away and/or B> he's trying to remember what's on whiteboard #6 to determine what he's supposed to do now. I have a tough time with *two* formerly OK to good D (Bogo and Kulikov) suddenly drop off a cliff in the same year on the same team. I may well be wrong, but I wouldn't mind seeing them with a different coach.
  9. I assume those words mean something. ;)
  10. Seriously, I have a hard time believing Bogo is as bad as he showed this year. I honestly believe the system emphasized his weak points and subdued his good attributes. I'm not saying he's *good*, just not that bad.
  11. Um, HHDCRGDDB.
  12. I think that's too far. You're going from #6 (pretty sure NHL player) to 50/50 at best for each. Sure, odds are you'll get one player out of that, but I'd rather have the guy that goes #6 than take the chance you end up with two. #6 to #8 might make sense. #31 to a couple-three later 2nd and high 3rds, maybe.
  13. Mike Rowe was great on QVC. I agree to a degree with Mike Rowe on things (like too many people go to college with no plan and end up with jobs that don't (or shouldn't) require a degree), but otherwise he's hit or miss. One point in his favor is the hilarity of posts on FB about how "Mike Rowe tells liberals what for" and "Mike Rowe blasts Republicans on jobs", sometimes for the same post by him.
  14. Doesn't Risto play on the right side? He's been OK, I don't think you switch sides on him for Brodin.
  15. Could be as simple as, "Hey Chris, the Sabres are asking to interview you for GM. You interested?" Some combination of "no, screw Buffalo" "not ready" and "I want to make the Rangers a dynasty!" "OK, Chris, we'll just deny the request. We see big things for you here anyway!"
  16. Easily worked around too: Buffalo Sabres trade Evander Kane and their 2017 7th round pick to Dallas for Ondrej Vala and their 2017 1st round pick.
  17. I thought it would be crude, to call it "wrecks", even if is accurate.
  18. Mine's The Impreza. ;)
  19. Got my document to the customer out last night. It sucks, but at least I'll have a few days to forget about it before the questionnaires asking for clarification start coming in.
  20. I broke my bunny ears, so I haven't had TV for awhile now. :( I'm kinda lucky, I'm at the top of a hill and there isn't much between me and the Philly antennas. Unfortunately, ABC here picked a VHF frequency, so there are people in the City of Philly that can't get signal, never mind me 45 miles away.
  21. Oh, absolutely. I didn't run the numbers on Beast or stuff like Mr. Boston vodka, but that case deal is fantastic. King of Storms is 9.1%, so Beast would be around 40% cheaper.
  22. I had an issue with a tooth that wouldn't numb so it was suggested. I ended up ignoring the cavity for awhile and then when I moved the new dentist didn't have an issue. Compliant: I'm way over 40 hours already. Cue RJ voice: MattPie is way, WAY, Offside.
  23. I did the math recently, and buying certain craft brews are cheaper per alcohol unit than light beer. In some cases, the calories work out too. I just switch in a quart of water between beers to stay hydrated if I'm doing something outside. I was kinda cheating, I can get Storm King for <$40 case at Victory, which stacks up well against any beer and everything else I'd want to drink. Hop Devil is the same price and doesn't quite edge out light beer, but I get to drink Hop Devil.
  24. Besides the concessions income lost (or at least the contract money lost to whomever runs the cocessions), $3M / 75000 is $40 per seat. That seems a little low.
  25. SGMRB
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