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Everything posted by MattPie

  1. I'm having a tough time figuring out what humorous in that. I'm back riding the bicycle again. MrsPie and I are trying to work out a move that'll put us close enough to "stuff" that the bicycle works for errands. I can get to Aldi on my bike without issue, but our Aldi sucks.
  2. Nope, I've had pretty good luck too. Even doing stupid stuff like, "hey, I need my new license plates but my registration is 3 weeks expired" (back when they were switching from the red statue of liberty plates to the ones with the blue mural on top). I got a new license at the Shamokin PA DMV a few weeks ago and that was painless too. The only annoyance with PA is they used to require check or money order (No cash, no credit) so you'd go through the line and have to go find a money order if you forgot a check. Actually, I'm half thinking they didn't take personal checks either. Luckily, the only I usually go to was next to a grocery store.
  3. I am too. I think Americans having a habit of ZFG for anything past their border has to feed into this.
  4. My work laptop is bouncing around just under 10% with a bunch of apps open and chrome playing music. It really depends on what you're doing with your machine.
  5. I agree with the last part especially. Could any of the foreign correspondents shed any light? Would MODO rather see MODO win the SHL, The Sabres Win the cup, or Sweden win the Olympic Hockey gold?
  6. Check the link I edited into my post, it looks promising.
  7. That would be my guess, too. Another option is the update was to fix a problem that requires a lot of processing to happen, although days seems like a lot. Examples are an update to BitKeeper (disk encryption) or Defender (anti-virus) that requires the entire disk to be re-encrypted or scanned for viruses. Does task manager (right click on task bar, select "Task Manager") show something eating up a lot of CPU, RAM, or disk (processes tab, sort each column from high to low)? EDIT: I can't read this at work for some reason, but: https://www.google.com/url?sa=t&rct=j&q=&esrc=s&source=web&cd=9&cad=rja&uact=8&ved=0ahUKEwilvL3klbnVAhVo7YMKHcL4DkIQFghgMAg&url=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.alienwarearena.com%2Fforums%2Fthread%2F94302%2Ftechnical-support-1%2Fhow-to-fix-fans-running-a-high-speed-all-the-time&usg=AFQjCNGKN0XUE0924RP5BgRUpV_ZMjGK8Q
  8. I've wondered about this too; even if they attend, I have to think they have to pay out of pocket for travel and lodging, which could be a pretty penny. It's probably a good investment in your career, but depending on your situation dropping a grand or two may be tough.
  9. Yep, I'm not sure why he's there at all. I'm pretty jealous about the amount of time the guy gets to hang with his friends if he actually has a kid though!
  10. Awww man, I miss out on all the fun.
  11. I want to say it got a bit better just after that with more hockey and less other random BS, but I'm not sure I really can.
  12. Has "Benders" been mentioned around here? Frankly, it's not my kind of show: four morons do stupid crap and make fun of each other, but the draw is the show loosely revolves around them being beer league hockey players. I saw it on Netflix last night. Looks like it's only eight episodes, so a quick watch. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Benders_(TV_series) Since I apparently watched most of the series last night while working out in the garage, I'll probably finish it off. If there were 3-4 seasons of it, I probably wouldn't bother. Others here may enjoy it more. 38% on rotten tomatoes. EDIT: Dennis Leary product. If you've seen Sirens or apparently Rescue Me (I haven't), you'll recognize the style. Sirens wasn't bad.
  13. It may be positive for the intersection of "general population", "people who saw the movie", and "people who bothered to rate the movie on RT". I watched it all, but yeah. I never quite understood the term "shouty" (usually applied to Americans) until I saw Evans. There's a some good stuff in there, but I'm looking forward to season 24 far more as Matt LeBlanc is surprisingly good and I dig his style on the show. The Plex media server I set is rapidly becoming my bane. One of my favorite movies is "Master and Commander", and now that I had a convenient way to watch it again, I put it on the other night while I was working. No surprise, I watched the entire movie and barely got anything done. A couple days later, I put it on again as background thinking I could ignore it this time, and I watched the entire F'N movie again. Last night it was Das Boot (keeping with the nautical theme); you'd think after seeing that movie several times I'd just ignore it too. Nope. At least that I stopped after awhile as I knew I couldn't watch a 3.5 hour movie starting at 11 PM.
  14. Nice.
  15. I'm good with Dark Decade, well coined.
  16. This has to be one of the most Canadian paragraphs in print: "My locker was next to Marian Hossa’s when I came into the league. He actually recognized me from like seven years before — when he was still playing for the Ottawa Senators and I was just a lowly equipment boy, doing laundry and filling water bottles in exchange for high school credits."
  17. I'll come at it in a different angle: F the Giants. But more because I've adopted the Eagles as my casual no-conflict rooting interest in the NFC and I won't make it out of the parking lot if don't hate on the Giants, Cowboys, and DC Team name TBDs.
  18. I mean, you had to have seen that coming, right?
  19. Well, it's good he says he doesn't know much about politics, otherwise he's a fascist.
  20. It almost has to be term length, then. I'd think many teams would take his production at that cost for a year or two.
  21. And then realized it was an outdated Web authoring framework? :) (if you've ever seen web sites with .cfm links...)
  22. Password managers are an interesting topic (for me at least). Everyone here has been bringing up good points and bad points. I use a mix of strategies, some born of laziness and bad habits from before managers were a thing, some actual good ones. Password managers can get hacked, and have been at least once in recent memory. That's not to say they're not a good idea, but they do carry some risk. Ideally, you would have one that only you have the key to decrypt the data, but even then there are possible issues. SDS is right that security experts are generally good at their job, but these sites become really big targets so they have to be really good. Using a few passwords isn't a great idea, just make sure you know the risks. The primary risk is if one place gets compromised, the first thing someone is going to do is try that password in other places (Gmail, Facebook, banks, etc.). If you're comfortable with the concept that someone may have that password for months or years before the breach is discovered, go for it. As mentioned, I use a hodge-podge of stuff. I have an app on my Android phone called UPM that is a local password store. I'm trying to get rid of it, since it doesn't scale well past one person (MrsPie needs the passwords for some stuff) I've been using Encryptr as online storage to replace UPM. They make all the right statements about not having any way to decrypt your data, only your password does it and it's done on your device. Android app, PC apps (Windows, Linux, maybe Mac), but no web client. On one hand, that's a nice model as it isn't limited by web browser, but it means I ended up typing passwords from my phone screen into other computers from time to time. It generates a random password but you can enter in whatever you want. For many sites I use supergenpass. The idea is it takes a master password and web site name and generates a repeatable hash from that and you use the hash as your password. The benefit is there's no storage. If you enter the same master and web site, you'll get the same hash value every time. You can't get the master from the hash though so even if someone gets the hash password from one site, it doesn't help them get into anything else. In theory I should be using a few master passwords for levels of security in case there's a weakness in the algorithm, but I'm lazy and really use one for most things. It's nice that it works everywhere, but I have a little concern for the integrity of the algorithms. I have some really old throw-away simple passwords that I use for sites that are low risk (no personal data, like forums and whatnot). I really need to get rid of these. Realistically, I should settle on something that works with two or more people, uses random passwords, and has some sort of integration with browsers to make it easy. I think my AV subscription includes a password manager, I should really look at that. In a perfect world, all sites would participate in some safe single-sign-on solution, but how that works in the marketplace is tricky. Google and facebook sign-ins are examples, but people are wary of giving them too much information. The technology to authenticate users across domains has been around in Kerberos since the 80s.
  23. Hey, don't bring politics into this.
  24. Mullet vs. Man-bun: go! I think if I have to choose, the mullet is more regrettable than the man-bun. Maybe I'll start a poll.
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