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Everything posted by MattPie

  1. I'm struggling with two things you've posted: - I don't think anyone thinks Kane is an elite winger. You can argue he's a valuable piece, however. - $6M+ isn't elite winger money, right? I can't run down the numbers right now, but there have to be a pile of guys that make more than that and score 20-30 goals per season.
  2. I agree. I saw tons of Sabres sweaters in Carolina back in 2006, but the only one that stuck out was a home-white Ruuttu.
  3. I've had a person grew up in the Hudson Valley ask me how far Buffalo was and was shocked at the answer. At least in PA I can say, "Buffalo's as far west as Pittsburgh but 3 hours north."
  4. Sick jersey bro: http://sickjerseybro.blogspot.com/ If anyone is looking for a deal, there's this: http://shop.nhl.com/Buffalo_Sabres_Jerseys/Mens_Buffalo_Sabres_Ville_Leino_Reebok_Navy_Blue_Home_Premier_Jersey
  5. Let's analyze. Players can't cross the blue line until the puck hits center. This isn't that different than a standard dump-in today as shooting the puck in from the wrong side of center is icing. The thing would be a player skating around in the opponent neutral zone while others could enter the zone. it does give the offense more ice to work with, but is it that so different than what's going on today? The D follows the attacking players with attackers+1 players, and let the attacking players in the neutral zone enjoy a +1 odd man advantage in non-scoring ice. The attacking team then either skates the puck in, or makes a longer pass than now. At this point things return to normal, assuming the players have to vacate the zone when the puck comes to the blue line and out. So, how much does the ability of players to skate around in the opponent neutral zone on the initial rush affect things vs. say, calling holding and obstruction when D reach out and touch opposing forwards now?
  6. PIcked up a 15-pack of Founder's Celebration IPA. Nice, solid IPA and (when on sale, especially) a nice price. It's been around $20 at Wegs before. This one was expensive at $25, but I had a fire going in my yard, no beer, and the brew-thru is the closest place to my house to buy. I think I'll start riding my bicycle to it to balance things out. :)
  7. My guess is there's a bike rental place at Canalside and they rode the 20 yards over to the arena as a joke.
  8. In this case, it's more vinegar-y meat, so I could see it being just good and not great.
  9. I hear Moses can really part the D on the rush. Hey-ooo.
  10. McDavid. I guess we can say he's not exactly a student of the game's past.
  11. I live at 590 ft above sea level on top of a hill. Never can be too safe.
  12. You take the data from the last 100 years, compare it to parts of the 10000 year sample (ice, sediment, whatever) representing the last 100 years, and then you can apply that to the entire sample. Capitalism is really bad at long-term goals with short-term losses. This is exactly the situation that it fails to work. Safety is another, as most companies aren't going to sacrifice profits (or viability) to many sure their products are safe without nudging from an external watchdog.
  13. Be still my heart!
  14. Anyone want to summarize what happened between, say, 6PM yesterday when I left and now?
  15. Noted on the side of the "meme", are the studies that it's based on. There is criticism of the one study I looked at (Marcott), but as you say, you need to dig deeper to find out who is funding to figure that out. http://content.csbs.utah.edu/~mli/Economics%207004/Marcott_Global%20Temperature%20Reconstructed.pdf I don't pretend to know all the details on how it works, but it's not unfeasible that science can look at how the ice freezes to determine what temperature it was at the time. And true, we're not that far off from the max in the past, but we've gone from slightly below average to max in 100 years. It could be a spike, it could be from burning millions of years worth of stored hydrocarbons in a century. Is your primary rebuttal that "it's really hard to figure out so it must be wrong"?
  16. Have you posted much strategy or deep dive stuff here? The adulation for Randall's long series of posts on Byslma's system vs. Carolina's possession game last spring was deafening. I'd love to see some in-depth analysis, but you've set yourself up as the guy that hates the ownership and coaching and responds to any disagreement with pithy "you're just in the pocket of BigPegula so you're not on my level" toned replies so good football talk gets lost in the noise. Show your analysis, you're a fan of the game and I bet it's worthwhile.
  17. $ sudo -u vasily ping -c 1 dallas.ssn.thenavy.mil (there are *two* movie references in there, anyone catch the second?)
  18. Yep, Larsssssson and Hackett, a 2013 1st and 2014 2nd. The 2013 first became Zadorov, the 2014 2nd became Karabcek.
  19. My beard has gone from a little grey to almost, but not completely in the last 4 years. (37 -> 41). My hair isn't far behind. I had a few greys at 24 though, it could have been worse.
  20. You couldn't pass over two of the blue and center lines. So, a pass from your own end to the far side of the neutral zone would be whistled. Or from your side of the neutral zone to the opposing zone (assume the player stayed onside before receiving the pass). This was removed in 2005 to speed up the game; as bad as the current trap is now, only having to protect half the neutral zone at a time made it worse.
  21. Handlebar or helmet? (I have handlebar right now, in the same place my motorcycle mirror lives so it's familiar. :)
  22. Oh neat, I heard the podcast where Patrick talked about the song awhile back (Song Exploder). Good listen.
  23. I don't post here much because while I like whiskey here and there, it's never the first thing I go to (beer, and recently wine have become my preference before any liquor). That being said, the only alcohol I have in the house right now is a sample of Belvedere Vodka and 1/4 of a 750 of Bulleit Rye. I'm trying to decide how I want to use the rye; one cube, seltzer, or something more fancy. I do have some rock sugar, maybe I could make a small batch of Rock and Rye. http://www.saveur.com/article/Recipes/Rock-and-Rye Thoughts?
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