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Everything posted by MattPie

  1. I see what y'all done did there.
  2. I thought I'd stop in to throw a little shade at the coaching staff. Tyrod has definite issues and weaknesses, but the coaching staff apparently has no clue how to adjust for what the Jets and now Saints did. I have a tough time believing that there wasn't any adjustment that could have at least given Taylor a fighting chance.
  3. One of the articles mentions OSP's house is assessed at $5M+. SF doesn't matter.
  4. 8 games, now.
  5. I have some bad news for you on that subject.
  6. Yep: “I have always believed that government has a responsibility to protect people,” Golisano stated in a release put out Monday. “We are not talking about a few geese who occasionally land for lunch. We are talking about up to 200 geese at a time that refuse to leave."
  7. This is true; in various places I've worked they've hired a guy with a dog to come walk around every day and chase the geese. The geese figure it out before long. it's way cheaper to bribe the locals, and make them foot the bill for all the legwork to eventually get denied. yep, playing games with kids' education is a right an noble thing to do. :rolleyes:
  8. The Wheel (of QBs) keeps turning.I expect big things from the Bills in 2019! (Am I doing this right?)
  9. Hmm, I may see some unrequite-ese in there. Of course, I don't know you, him, or your working relationship but: - Boyfriend: boyfriends can be temporary. My guess is if you became single he'd make a move after a respectful amount of time - Age: you seem to be young at heart, active, and outgoing, age probably doesn't factor in as much as you think - Introduce to friends: This one is a classic. "Maybe one of your friends is as cool as you; no, that's impossible; I'd settle for half as cool, because that's still awesome". There's a more forward version (and possibly creepy), "Do you have a sister?" I may be speaking from experience here. :blush:
  10. I'm not sure what it says when I guy calling himself "Frieda" uses a female name to demean another guy. Misogynist: Sure. Self-loathing: Maybe?
  11. Elf: It's your standard Will Farrell movie, but with the added benefit of the usual the deer-in-headlights performance by Zoey Deschnell (not bothering to look it up). The thing is, I want to like Zoey since she's pretty cute, but her screen time is a LOT of those blue eyes blankly staring in the general direction of the camera. Woah there, Bruce Campbell is twice the actor Ferrell is; unless: maybe Ferrell is a really bright guy that puts on this uncomfortable moron persona all the time; in that case, he's an amazing actor. Case in point, Stranger than Fiction is really good, because it's not Will Ferrell acting like an uncomfortable moron.
  12. I went with no beer for a day or two, and they picked up some Los Angles based session IPA that I can't recall the name of. It's not bad, pale, cloudy yellow with a lot of citrus, but at 4.5% it doesn't feel like drinking beer (since I only have one or two). The price wasn't bad, $19 for a 15-pack.
  13. I have in fact!
  14. The dude's end, of course. "You're so great, meet my friend" haunted my 20s.
  15. Any chance he's crushing on you? I've been on that end of the transaction more times than I like to admit and the behavior is vaguely familiar.
  16. No Goal, but that also applies to No Goal II which had nothing to do with skates in the crease.
  17. I'll have you know there is not a single negative number in my math.
  18. Seems like at this point, the team needs to find a way to either make Tyrod a QB, or find a way with blocking schemes and O-line plans to let Tyrod be Tyrod. I think the second is far more likely to happen, even if it's a slim chance.
  19. They are kind of slow. The incredible thing about the series is it feels like there's a whole world in there and the map isn't just a tool to move the plot along. On one hand, "this was once a watchtower during .." for a few pages that don't advance the plot can be slow, or I see it as drawing you into a story that feels like it's "real people in a real world" (as much as magical elves and monster can be). I haven't read the series since around the time the movies came out, but I'm coming around to re-reading them (it'll be my third time, first was around 12-13 in the late 80s/early 90s). Read: Where in the Hell is Tesla? (Rob Dircks). I didn't know anything about this book except "oooh, Tesla" when I started it. It's a riot. Essentially, two kinda-dopes stumble onto a lost Tesla notebook and end up inter-dimension travelling as hi-jinks ensue. Absolutely worth a read if you like goofy Sci-Fi. Speaking of which, it reminds me a little of Farscape in that it pushes into the ridiculous or silly (where something like Star Trek or Wars is generally "worlds mostly like ours"), but unlike Farscape it's entirely silly. Read: Master and Commander (Patrick O'Brian) (as in the Russel Crowe movie from a bunch of years ago). I'm a sucker for Age of Sail stuff, and the movie (as I've written over in the movie thread) is one of my favorites. Saw the book in at my library ebooks so I went for it and blew through it in a couple days. The movie is based on the first few books of the series, so certain parts were familiar but the rest was new old-timey sea stories. I recommend it if you're into that kind of thing. I'm just mad (or not, because I have responsibilities) that the library only has the first book in ebook and the rest I have to get paper copies. Currently: The Jugdement of Richard Richter. (Igor Stiks). I mentioned this up a bit, and not that I've started it I'm still not completely sure where it's going. Basic story is an author ends up in Sarajevo in the early 90s during the war to find family. It's written in an odd style, like a confession so there's a lot of foreshadowing ("WIth what happened later, Igor probably should have...", etc.) I'm interested in it, but it's not all-consuming like some books.
  20. Havarti and Braunschweiger (liverwurst) on rye. i loved this sandwich, but as the only person in the house that eats liverwurst, I may struggle to eat the entire tube.
  21. I did the math two games ago, they're right. With the last two games, the Sabres need 7-8 wins *in a row* to get back to 94-point pace, and then continue to play better than they have been. Without a streak, they need to play something like a 105-ish 102 point season for the rest of the season to hit 94 points. EDIT: I did the math anyway: Team points: 13 Games Played: 17 Points per game to reach 94 points: 1.246 Season points at that pace: 102 Record per 10: between 6-4-0, 5-3-2 and 6-3-1 or 5-2-3 Win streak to get back to 94-point pace: 7.59 games I agree, the stat is useless but it's easier to understand to a bunch of Molson-swilling Candians than busting out the math. :) (I'm just kidding about the Canadian part, there's plenty of BudLite-swilling Americans, too!)
  22. A friend of ours gave us a bunch of liquor (they're moving), but it's almost all college-level sweet nonsense[0] (Midori, Goldschlager, Buttershots, etc.); Can't turn down free alcohol, but yikes. Some of it is getting dumped. [0] I'd call it girlie, but that's a disservice to the women I know; they like better booze than this.
  23. I have one bottle of Yuenling Oktoberfest in the fridge. I guess that's what I'm left drinking after work.
  24. MrsPie and I are angling to live close enough to where I work that we can drop a car. There are a bunch of mid-century houses that are a couple miles from work. At that distance, walking, round-about biking, or her dropping me off is a solid option.
  25. 6 wins in 6 games gets the Sabres back on pace. 8 wins in the next 10 is still slightly off-pace. Long-term, the Sabres need 1.22 (82 points in 67 games) points per game to hit 94. 7 wins in 10 games needs to be fairly common, 6 wins in 10 is 1.20, 92 points, and a very unlikely playoff berth.
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