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Everything posted by Supersabre

  1. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6yYchgX1fMw
  2. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Uec35ppYLIc
  3. Wichita State...sorry just a minor correction. :oops: nRIP to all of those who lost their lives in this horrific, horrible tragedy.
  4. Ditto!!!! :thumbsup: For the most part though I have to say it's been the Crotch Rocket types that are more of a cause of concern for me then the more safety concious....shall I say mature biking crowd.
  5. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mA67y3mqjMs
  6. Negative....
  7. I have heard motorcycles called the same thing before, only the version I heard was organ donor bikes. Having said that I used to ride a 1978 cherry red Honda Hawk and I absolutely loved it except for the part where the weathers fine when you start out and then at some point you get rained on. Of course being 21 at the time I had yet to buy rain gear. I used to ride that thing several hours just to see family and never regretted a moment of the enjoyment of riding on it. You just have to be extra vigilant and use uber defensive driving skills when riding one nowadays because of all the crazies out there driving their 4000 lb bullets IMHO.
  8. Do they still make those? ;) just kidding....
  9. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=liq_wYFkMoU
  10. Theme from Lost in Space...if anyone actually remembers that show...you all know..."Danger Danger Will Robinson and all that stuff....giving away my age here...woo boy.... :oops: :doh: :beer: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YH6j63lhAAc
  11. Here here!!!!!! I've experienced that before. I couldn't have said it better myself!! :thumbsup:
  12. is ready for some Sabres hockey!!

  13. Isn't that usually the way it goes...kind of like the old adage...a day late and a dollar short. :doh:
  14. You are correct in your view of this matter concerning the NFL's choice of questionable halftime entertainment. Not only were the games horrible....and I use the words blowout generously but the last thing that I wanted to listen too or see were boy bands and someone who very well could be a distant relative of Paul McCartney............. good grief.
  15. All football junkies will be rejoicing at this veritable selection of close games. :lol:
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