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Everything posted by Supersabre

  1. Knowing that Hockey season is just around the corner.
  2. I first started following this team after Chris Drury got sucker punched by a goon by the name of Chris Simon.
  3. awesome fights....enjoyed watching them all!!
  4. Same here. :w00t: I absolutely loved watching those movies. They just don't make movies like that anymore. :cry:
  5. Anyone a fan of the old Charlie Chan or Sherlock Holmes movies? To me Basil Rathbone will always be Sherlock Holmes or the Sheriff of Nottingham in the Robin Hood Movie with Errol Flynne.
  6. :thumbsup: agreed. http://news.yahoo.com/blogs/lookout/paterno-statue-penn-state-123528628.html Joepa's statue to be taken down.
  7. Latest news from Yahoo sports.The line that caught my attention was no death penalty for the football program but Penn State will wish there was. http://sports.yahoo....m-spanier-.html
  8. Jimmy Stewart was in some pretty good movies as well like It's a Wonderful Life, always a good holiday classic, The far Country, Winchester 73, Shenandoah, Strategic Air Command, Harvey just to mention a few.
  9. Death penalty not ruled out for the PSU football program. For those that wanted it(the shutdown of PSU'sfootball program) you just may get your wish. http://www.chicagotribune.com/sports/breaking/chi-death-penalty-not-ruled-out-for-penn-state-ncaa-chief-says-20120717,0,7668800.story
  10. Just bought a copy of Colin Powells new book. Should be a good read.
  11. I totally agree.
  12. THE Football program is not the problem here folks. Demonizing the program and saying it should be shut down is the wrong approach. It's not the football program that committed the atrocities against these children. It was a sick individual and those who chose to cover up for this sick individuals behavior. I see no purpose in shutting down a program that had absolutely nothing to do with harming these children. Shutting down the football program is not going to give back to these children that which was taken from them. I don't understand how anyone thinks that shutting down a football program is going to punish Penn State. A top to bottom house cleaning is a good start and a re-branding of Penn State is in due order, but to kill a program is ridiculous. I understand being angry and upset, this is a very emotional issue. I think we all can agree on that. But I really don't see the benefit of closing a football program that had absolutely nothing to do with this. The bigger and more important issue is the people that were involved in this. That's where the anger should be focused. And let's not forget about the children who have suffered because of this. I understand the outrage but it's being focused in the wrong direction by looking at the football program instead of the perpetrators.
  13. Did you read my comment beyond that which you highlighted? The damage has been done by those individuals who were employed by Penn State. Anyone associated with these horrible crimes have by their own admission blackened the eyes of the school. The damage has been done by some bad apples. That's what I meant. Again, I agree 100%.
  14. I understand what you are trying to say about this. If anything we both can agree that this event and maybe that's not the right word for it to describe how horrible this has been to the children and the irreparable damage that has been to done Penn States image by the decisions of people who knew about this and did nothing about it. However, having said that I still believe the football program within itself is not what created this horrific event. It's the people that are guilty of stealing a child or children's innocence that were employed by Penn State that created this horrific crime against innocent children. Killing a football program does nothing from a financial perspective to compensate for all of the damage that has been done and all of the years of therapy that will be required for the victims. If your looking for some kind of justice then the families and the victims themselves should sue Penn State. If by suing the school for damages it causes the school to cut off the funding for the football program, then so be it. That would within itself probably satisfy those who are calling for the "death penalty" of the PSU football program. But the football program does not bear the responsibility of the fault. It was the deranged sickness of one individual that caused the majority of the damage as well as those who knew about and did nothing about. That's where the anger should be directed.
  15. Some are suggesting that the school should have an NCAA type death penalty for the football program. Morally what happened was vile and disgusting. People made their own decisions as to whether to do the right thing and report this or turn a blind eye. From a legal perspective prosecuting those who aided and abetted this horrible and vile event on their watch and the individual who did this whose name I will not mention should be prosecuted to the fullest. But to kill a football program as an immediate remedy will not give back to those children the innocence that was stolen from them. The football program which is (inanimate within itself and has no moral conviction or conscious), didn't steal these precious children's innocence. Individuals associated with Penn State did, not the football program itself.
  16. Maybe the DOM inator has been talking with Marty Brodeur.
  17. Interesting, I never knew that about John Wayne. I guess we've all done things at some point in our lives that we look back on later and regret doing. I wonder if John Wayne ever regretted this and if he had publicly stated so would that have changed your view point about John Wayne? Sorry to hear that you were disheartened by this episode in your life. Personal beliefs aside I still enjoy a good John Wayne flick.
  18. Okay fair enough...just asking.
  19. Was it Waynes politics or the accusations made by his ex-wife? Just curious. Just trying to figure out why you dislike him so much.
  20. Tap of the hockey stick to RJ for his selection to the HHOF.....
  21. Blondies One way or another I'm gonna gitcha gitcha gitcha.....At least in the morning when I wake up it's a different song playing in my mind.....now I've shifted to all by myself by Carmen.... :doh: :lol:
  22. Anything John Wayne.....The Marx Brothers....Maltese Falcon....Paint your wagon....The Dirty Dozen.....The Great Escape....12 oclock high.....
  23. Spaghetti and cheesy parmesan sourdough bread....all washed down witha nice cold glass of 2% milk. Yum.
  24. That is some great artwork......
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