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Everything posted by MidwestSabresFan

  1. I think we better watch Marchand and Dahlin... they've been at each other's throat all game.
  2. Was that a fight? Ok... my opinion is changing on Irwin. MAN does Ritchie have a VERY punchable face.
  3. I feel bad for you... NESN is HORRIBLE. 🤮🤮
  4. Nice pushback from Dahlin after he was hit by Marchand.
  5. What? Decks himself? He was hit by Ritchie as he was falling from the contact a few seconds before. Is gonna get chippy.
  6. ARE YOU F*KING KIDDING ME? Richie needs a little hit of his own. Almost 2/2. Blood is boiling right now.
  7. Not any more. Toronto just acquired Rittich from Calgary.
  8. Funny how we forget Zemgus since he's been out since the scrimmages. A physical player that can score as well.
  9. I want to echo this and add some. After Hutton went down, Tokarski stepped in. He played lights out, but the team was still hanging the goalie out to dry, but was coming around. I don't know if it's Ullmarks locker room, bench or ice presence but the team has partially benefited from his return. The team as a whole has been playing better in front of their goalie, as seen the first Ranger game. Tokarski stood on his head again just to lose, albeit by a less of a score, in OT. Tokarski, like Hutton was losing by wide margins. I think the team is benefiting from the new coach and consistent goaltending, which Tokarski is beginning to show and what we know Ullmark is capable of.
  10. Touche... younger then me, older then most on the team, lol. I still think he deserves a chance with his play lately. Gets in front of the net and goes to it aggressively.
  11. He's actually been pretty legit tonight, even in the OT.
  12. Man, OTs aren't the same without Eichel... he really drove them.
  13. Wow... they've really clawed their way back? Who is this team? Keep the throttle down and get the W. Keep this Fogarty kid up here, he's been pretty legit in his tenure so far.
  14. Wow, another BS penalty? Refs are horrible tonight.
  15. That's the spirit Reino... I love that push back at the whistle. That's good to see, some fire.
  16. Well, that's a weak penalty... damn. Time for a SHG!
  17. Even after the Staal trade?
  18. The storm was probably putting up a better fight.
  19. Unfortunately, I didn't know if I should cry or laugh at this. Maybe laugh till I cry... so depressing.
  20. The awful officiating is making this so much worse then it should be. This team/game is like a train wreck, shouldn't watch but can't look away.
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