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Everything posted by wonderbread

  1. Tell your voices to stop talking to my voices.
  2. hahahahaha. hilarious! Inky let it play out. Chicks dig that sort of thing. Play the i'm not really that interested in you game. It'll drive her away or drive her wild for you, Either way you'll know where you stand!
  3. You should see Dr Reebs. he's got your back.
  4. Man henysgol you ain't got no luck at all. Something's gotta go right for you bro.
  5. You should tell them that you will beat them like a Buffalo cabbie if they don't make the correct change for you. :ph34r:
  6. I'm Mr Obvious, and public transportation etiquette should be a requirement in schools.
  7. Did you see this while you were going by on the train?...
  8. I do that on purpose just to piss guys like you off.
  9. In his defense "the 895 merge" is correct i think as he is referring to a specific spot.
  10. Quality Assured.
  11. My tuna sandwhich's bread got soggy yesterday and its texture was gross. I almost couldn't eat it. Except I forgot my wallet and I was starving so I sucked it down. It was nasty as hell
  12. well I would say that crooschecking is to the right.
  13. I work with this big fat douchebag he is always running his mouth and saying shiit that drives me crazy. Plus he talks real loud and he sits like 3 feet away from me on my left.
  14. Mine is at 99987, as of 7 this morning!!! Of course it has two bad sensors for the transmition, needs the transmition fluid flushed and a new flex pipe on the exhaust. All to the tune of 550. Hell though its better than a car payment!
  15. :lol: :lol: :lol: :thumbsup: Real suspect right.
  16. hahaha zippo man.
  17. This guy behind me on the trolley decided that everyone on the train needed to hear his cell phone conversation with a coworker about how important he was at work. After the gets off the phone he starts clipping his fingernails. I almost lost it.
  18. Thats what camera phones are for. selfish ass. :chris:
  19. sorry wings that sucks. :unsure: BTW as far as you complainers about being billed the incorrect amount. Let me give you a tip. be proactive. Get a sixer of cold cream ale sit down one night and call everyone you pay money to and start bitchin up a storm about rates and charges etc etc etc. I do this about once every 6 months and save tons of $$. Plus it is sort of catharcic. Last year I saved about $240 dtv, $180 on internet, $160 on phone and untold amounts on gas bills, credit card interest rates, and overdraft charges, bank fees, health insurance billings, etc. It does take some time but thats what the cream ale is for. After one or two calls you put your pride aside and get down to sticking it to the man it feels great. Try it maybe it can work for you. :thumbsup:
  20. you don't miss a beat.
  21. You are one twisted chick. I love it :blush:
  22. True. I was making a play of off the guys screen name only. Although When i say wings it is inferred that they are "Buffalo" style in nature. Sometimes in other cities you get dry rub wings or wing dings. Neither are ever going to be confused with the saucy deliciousness that I love and crave.
  23. I got you. :thumbsup: I'd just rather have Buffalo Wings in general! B-)
  24. I can help. My little girl has diabetes. I am not unfortunatly an expert. :thumbdown:
  25. well put. SS has turned into a real bitchfest lately.
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