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Everything posted by wonderbread

  1. She ain't got nothing on Davis Amber.
  2. My condolences. Rip.
  3. So will we see a Finley versus Scott bout this year?
  4. Weren't we all...
  5. I am still scratching my head at the the absolute insanity of not filling the center role. Piece fitting spare parts and hoping you can make a Ferrari. IMO Darcy has great mismanaged his assets.
  6. <p> talk to me when you hit 3k with out really saying anything.
  7. I avoided it like the herp.
  8. Glad to be back. I wasn't really gone but i didn't post much and typically would only lurk. It's gonna be good to roll up the proverbial sleeves and get back in to some hockey.
  9. Please he is no longer a factor. If he ever was.
  10. Can we start to Doan thread back up.
  11. Ralph is cheap...
  12. I got a feeling grigs is gonna be exciting to watch.
  13. I'm so tired of being teased. Just sign the deal and get it going.
  14. I enjoyed the game today. What I did see was a lot of sloppy play entering the zone from the Americans. The last minute of play was sabresque.
  15. Happy Thanksgiving everyone!
  16. I agree. I've felt from the first day of the lockout we wouldn't see it until 1/1. Its unfortunate and I hope they all suffer as a result.
  17. Sounds like you had a fun time at the game ink. How'd the draft picks look?
  18. I'd let it stay where its at. If I pulled it I wouldn't have the jack to pay when they settle this nonsense. As far as the hockey package they haven't started charging me
  19. Yes, by the power of Pegula alone.
  20. He was never going anywhere. He was just hedging his bet incase things didn't work out. However it did make a very uneventful summer somewhat less boring.
  21. Show me where this is specifically stated.
  22. Anyone have any idea how the center ice package wil be handled in the event of a lock out?
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