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Everything posted by SarasotaSabre

  1. For you to claim this was a nuanced phrase involving misunderstood "context" is somewhat arrogant and definitely a specious opinion. Wow.
  2. Seriously ? I replied to a negative opinion of Romney's so-called lack of diplomacy by contrasting what I believe is an adject failure by BHO in the field of diplomacy/foreign affairs, and you are griping about your preference "to talk about one subject at a time" ? Sorry I did not follow your desired sequence of topics - last I heard this was an open forum.
  3. Yes, it's sorely what this country needs but we'll never see it in my lifetime, IMHO. The Dems & Repubs have too much power & money to lose even if it would result in the benefit to the US.,, which is why it will never happen. Even a solid 3rd party would be marginalized as a bunch of fringe wackos.
  4. I really do commend you for your thoughtful & civil approach to discourse on this Board. I may not share your core political beliefs but I do agree wholly with the part I have bolded. My wife & I have a 20 month old daughter and I always think about your latter bolded point. As a country we could do so much more together than divided with animosity. I would love to see some President in my lifetime truly rise above the petty partisanship which typifies our political and civic discourse, but I fear I am asking for too much.
  5. good points, thanks for the insight. It's refreshing to know a civil exchange can be made without condescension and attitude like with some others on this Board ...... :wallbash:
  6. there appears to be ample print coverage of the film as pointed out by Eleven, but a curious lack of visibility re: 1:1 interview on network news broadcasts, which, if took place, would increase the visibility of the film's message. D'Souza pointed out himself the lack of any such coverage. It would seem to be a logical inference that these network news shows do not want to air anything critical of Obama or specifically how his family background & behavior have shaped his worldview & political philosophy.. Admittedly I do not know everything about D'Souza personally, so thank you for bringing up these examples you posted. Inasmuch as he he has a hard right bent, it seemed to me after watching the film that he specifically attempted to avoid a smear job.
  7. I would welcome you to PM me after you see the film to get your feedback. My intention within the same topic was to raise two different subjects. If you want to put me into a box and lump them together, that's fine. Not going to fight that fight.
  8. I would suggest you see the movie before trying to connect the dots between his time as a Reagan policy analyst & his supposed lack of objectivity. I would be really interested to hear your opinions after seeing the film.
  9. did you see the movie or not ? I stand corrected.... keep it going with your sneering condescension. It makes you look very petty & small. those were separate posts - first, a post about MSM; ; later, a post about network news programs. Two different topics. But you call it "moving the goalposts"......your logic is flawed
  10. I directly stated D'Souza has not been invited to speak on ANY network news shows for an interview; can you name any? And there is a difference between media bias, which is not what I am claiming, and lack of TV exposure - you are really painting with a broad brush with this media bias stuff - not looking too smart
  11. Right, Eleven....nice try. Compared to Fat Boy Moore's propaganda, 2016 has gotten very little if any MSM coverage. Can you name one interview of D'Souza by a network news program? No ? ... I didn't think so. I'm thinking you are a snarky condescending liberal elitist. No thanks PTR, I am no stranger to sarcasrm, even your lame crappy variety. Can you honestly say you saw the movie? If so, please do enlighten me on the ways it was not objective. Go ahead, just try. No? It's because you can't. Thanks for playing.
  12. should be required reading for anyone, on either side of the political spectrum, who wants to seriously examine who our President is: http://washingtonexaminer.com/obama#.UFvZcfVm2So as well as http://2016themovie.com/ - I saw it and recommend it as an objective, quality product which should open alot of eyes, but, sadly is not given the time of day by the MSM.
  13. 1a) Duly noted, except one has to ask if Obama has done enough to curb the attacks and secure our personnel abroad. The other question is while the terrorist attack of 9/11/12 was still at the forefront with more attacks to follow elsewhere in rapid succession, do you think it was very "Presidential" to immediately jet off to another campaign fundraiser? Wonder how Ambassador Stevens' family felt about this? (and in this regard my allegation of poor PR and prioritization by him going to Vegas is correct....) 1b) Duly noted, I did not mean to state or imply Stevens' body was "missing" 2) The timing of these parallel events notwithstanding, what does it say about the state of Obama/Netanyahu relations when BHO won't agree to receive Bibi at the WH (or anywhere convenient to BHO) at a date amenable to BHO ? 3) So you think it looks Presidential for BHO to be hopscotching around, hanging with Dumbass Dave on the Letterman show, during a time of protracted attacks abroad on US embassies? Let's think about this and not the dates events were taped, etc. What's worse is BHO denying the debt/deficit is "not a problem in the short term" while claiming he does not know the precise number of the $16T deficit.....are you kidding me? Every Joe Sixpack knows this number. Agreed, there are plenty of things that are upsetting about BHO - my intent was not to post incorrect stuff. We obviously have different sources we are each citing.
  14. with all due respect, I object to Obama's lie not because of my opposition to his re-election; I am more pissed because he knew what show he was on and knew he could get away with it; I mean, come on, that is sheer chutzpah - blatantly claiming you don't know the amount of the deficit because you damn sure know Letterman will not take you to task for it. I agree it's not an unforgiveable offense and I can laugh at it too -
  15. on top of all your points, which are good ones, by the way, did you intentionally omit Obama's bald-faced lie about not knowing the "precise amount of our deficit"?.....$10T, $16T, anyone, Bueller; after which, any halfway respectable interviewer should ask, "with all due respect, Mr. President, how could the President of the US claim to not know the amount of our current deficit?" That was laughable.
  16. as reported by Wolf Blitzer - http://www.realclearpolitics.com/video/2012/09/11/obama_rejects_israel_pm_netanyahus_request_for_a_meeting.html http://thehill.com/blogs/blog-briefing-room/news/250271-obama-attends-fundraiser-hosted-by-jay-z-beyonce http://wwwwakeupamericans-spree.blogspot.com/2012/09/no-way-even-obama-cannot-be-this-stupid.html#.UFt4T_Vm2So http://www.cbsnews.com/video/watch/?id=7422156n&tag=mg;mostpopvideo so how are these allegations inaccurate ?
  17. do you have a linked source to prove them to be inaccurate ?
  18. If you want to take Mitt to task for his lack of diplomatic skills, that's your choice & opinion.....but I think it is selective outrage; let me explain - Our current Commander in Chief has had, by any objective measure, an awful week in the realm of foreign relations. Shortly after the Libyan embassy was under attack & 4 Americans murdered on 9/11/12, Obama should have been out in front of this tragedy demanding that other Middle East heads of state safely secure additional American embassies. Instead, we were treated to a canned statement in which BHO offered a milquetoast "condemnation" - then he dashed off to a Vegas fundraiser while our foreign service officers & other personnel we still very much in harm's way; yes, that's what our Campaigner-in-Chief chose to do, while Benghazi was still burning and the bodies of those murdered Americans were still missing. He followed up this brilliant display of leadership by completely shunning our only (and staunchest) democratic ally in the Mid East, Israel. Bibi requested a meeting and BHO's minions told him "the President was not going to be in NYC at the same time". Undeterred, Bibi offered to travel to Wash. or anywhere convenient for Barry; again, denied.....although Barry certainly has had time to 1) attend a fundraising throwdown with Jay-Z & Beyonce, & 2) get on Letterman's show again to answer softball questions from Dave (....and it should be noted that BHO lied through his teeth by claiming he "did not know the precise number of the deficit" when asked by Dave - how can you not know the number of $16 T ????? ) The average American citizen does not know the extent to which BHO has completely crapped the bed with respect to foreign relations/diplomacy since 9/11/12, because the MSM would rather show us clips of Barry laughing at Dave and vice-versa. And this performance is a failure of leadership, hands down....it is obvious he will do or say anything to get re-elected.
  19. 1. I wasn't asking for a private chat. Thanks for the guidance though. 2. Thank you for pointing out my statement. I stand by my opinion. To think otherwise is ignorant of the politics of the news media.
  20. I wasn't feigning ignorance. I did not identify which statement of mine you were referring to - I do now. Case closed.
  21. Saving you the trouble from what? No need to insert yourself into an exchange between drk4sabre & I.....not sure why you cant see that which "first paragraph" are you referring to? Hey Mr. Internet tough-guy; spare me the attitude. No need to cop a snarky attitude with me. I am simply trying to verify which of my writing you are referring to. Not trying to get into a pissing match with you but if you want to keep it up, be my guest.
  22. What? I think you have me confused with someone else.
  23. So tell me, please, how/where I even attempted to claim media bias ?
  24. I agree that some of them are dubious, my intent in posting that link was to establish the fact that the messiah is not a choir boy.....
  25. That's it, feel better now ?
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