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Everything posted by SarasotaSabre

  1. I don't think the Obama/Biden ticket wins a beauty contest either....can you say hair plugs and huge fake white teeth ? I think Ryan held his own and spoke sincerely about how his faith drives his views on public policy - and it was the moderator who chose that question about Catholicism & abortion, right out of the Democratic playbook for all to obviously see. It wasn't Ryan who opened up that can of worms.
  2. Derek or the Roy from Siegfried & Roy ? ( = Obama & Biden)..... :P
  3. that is awesome. made my day .....!!
  4. My takeaway after watching the debate one time is that it was a draw, with lack of style points going to Smiling "My Friend" Joe. His extremely white teeth (crowns) were blinding to look at. He was in full attack dog mode as per the expectation and he filled that role. Both Ryan & Biden scored points but ducked & dodged some questions - most notably, 1, Biden denying the WH knew more security at Benghazi had been requested: RADDATZ: And they wanted more security there. BIDEN: Well, we weren't told they wanted more security there. We did not know they wanted more security again. #2: Biden throwing the Intelligence Community under the bus #3: Biden repeated the lie that there was a protest outside of the consulate prior to the attack, despite the adminstration knowing there was no protest and that the attack was an act of terror within 24 hours. would you buy a used car from this guy ?
  5. I agree the terrorists are directly to blame for the Benghazi attack. I have no idea why you would say you "don't agree with the Republicans for Benghazi"....huh ?? I blame the WH on 2 counts: one, for the crappy way they spun and tried to "manage" the aftermath of the attack - and that is putting it nicely. I mean, just look at the timeline of events and the crap that was coming from Carney, Susan Rice, Obama on the View, etc. etc. That was pathetic. Two, the blatant rejection of requests for more security which might have prevented the attack. My response to you was not intended to be condescending in any way. I will call a spade a spade when I see it. You & I have very divergent opinions and that's about it.
  6. My confusion, I apologize...I stand by my post however - if you cant see the Benghazi tragedy for what it is, there is no point in debating you. Its obvious you want to let the White house off the hook and blame the Repubs for questioning what happened. Talk about misplaced rage....
  7. Why the hell are you replying as if you are LGR4GM? Are you his surrogate now? Do you speak for him? He and I traded op thatthat's. I have no idea why you are the 3rd man in here, so why don't come with something more constructive?
  8. If you had more intellectual honesty and less overt defense of the indefensible, you would leave the politics out and condemn the coverup by the Obama administration. That is the national tragedy, overshadowed only by the death of 4 American public servants. It is clear that the Obama team did not want to have to defend a terrorist attack (which could have been prevented but the calls for help went ignored) so close to the election, and they whiffed - badly.....then compounded it exponentially with the lies. You can be damn sure if the shoe was on the other foot, you and everyone else on the Left would be calling for the Repubs heads......and you know what? I would support that. This is a coverup, deception, and malfeasance of the highest order - and you want to feign being "sickened" by the Republicans calling for a congressional hearing by the Oversight/Reform Committee? I am disgusted by you & the position you are taking. It is so transparently disengenuous it almost does not deserve a response, but I am so pi**ed off, I had to.
  9. Do you perhaps want to rethink your opinion that 9/11/12 was "an isolated terror attack"? Aside from the obvious, that it happened on the anniversary of 9/11, there has been growing evidence to support the fear that there is a resurgence of Al Qaeda activity. To the contrary, since the killing of bin Laden, extremist Islam activity is on the upswing. To call Benghazi an "isolated terror attack" is questionable at best.
  10. yes, I certainly do - and I have curtailed my anger in realization of this fact. It is a sad reality. over/under on the winner of tomorrow night's VP debate? ....... talk amongst yourselves
  11. wow, that's a long reply, slightly off topic -I would seriously question your premise that a free-market driven, opportunity/merit based, capitalist society which offers the American people the unparalleled dream IS NOT a core fundamental value. Your comment that Americans value freedom is dead on, but I can't think of a better means to achieving that freedom than by a market-driven financial system which rewards productivity and individual accomplishment from said business/profits....it's why the family who emigrated from S Korea owns and operates the dry cleaner I patronize, and when asked, cherishes this freedom & economic opportunity. As long as the Federal government does not interfere with this economy, either by picking winners/losers or excessive taxation/regulation, this American dream will continie.
  12. agreed, 1000%. The arrogance of distortion/coverup is appalling. I'd like to know who gave Susan Rice her marching orders to hit the Sunday talk show circuit with that garbage. and so you think a coverup at the highest level which was intended to deceive is not worthy of at least a parallel discussion to the economy? ...try telling that to Chris Stevens' family - or was Benghazi just a "bump in the road". Spare me.
  13. Regrading line # 1 which I have bolded in red, can you please educate me as to how in the world hiring more people (presumably to meet demand for product/service, or growth due to reduced regulation/taxation) is a bad thing and/or is only a last resort? If this is a relative statement implying labor cost should be managed to the lowest possible number to allow said business to operate profitable, then I could possibly understand what you are driving at; but on its own, without any context, I don't understand the premise of your opinion.
  14. I can't speak for nfreeman, but the way I read his post was not slanted toward a value judgment of public vs. private service. When you look at BHO's resume, do you see a track record of documented success? What does "community organizing" entail? He wasn't offered tenure at Harvard .....he has a short, extremely far-left voting record as an IL Senator. From Jan 2005 to Oct 2008, Obama missed 314 of 1300 recorded or roll call votes, which is 24.0%. This is worse than the median of 2.5%. (source linked below) http://www.govtrack.us/congress/members/barack_obama/400629 I cite these figures to call into question his bona fides - I mean, was he (...and is he) qualified to be President of the US compared to someone like a Mitt Romney ?? (based on experience/accomplishments - not a political question) . I don't think nfreeman was devaluing thosw who have chosen a life of public service - I think that is the way you interpreted it...but I'll let him speak to that.
  15. I think this is a fairly objective comparison w/out any mudslinging, but I am waiting to see someone call it "partisan"...... :wallbash: .....or worse, conflating mediocrity with racism
  16. Fair enough.
  17. Thank you very much, I will take a look Not any more so than Barry Soetoro's college transcripts/records .......
  18. what is your style / budget? I am an ex-pat Buffalonian but always had fantastic success at Get Dressed on Elmwood Ave,....I know the owner and he has direct ties to the Garment District in NYC. Great deals on top label stuff & he will do your measurements/tailoring for you. PM me if you want to discuss further.....would be happy to help
  19. It must be, because I am only a lowly B.A......:))
  20. + 1 !!!!
  21. How you qualified to tell me what you "think" I know or don't know? BTW, don't tell me you based your comment on my statement, because I did not make a statement - I asked a question. I suggest you re-read my post. My underlying premise is that because this board is decidely left-leaning (that is my subjective opinion), I find it easy to spot any criticism of Obama as that of a partisan, right wing nut job, Bible thumper, racist, or whatever other bucket of slime the Obama critic on this board is lumped into. Here is is the original thread which I replied to: nfreeman, on 04 October 2012 - 11:33 PM, said: The president will probably do better next time, but he's not as smart as Romney, he's not as good at thinking on his feet as Romney, he doesn't have the experience in responding to hard questions that Romney has and, most importantly, his record is indefensible. When he claims that Romney's economic plan is going to run up the deficit -- he can't be taken seriously. This is not to say that the president is wrong on everything and Romney is right (although I think that is mostly the case) -- just that his skill set and experience don't lend themselves to strong debating performance, especially against someone like Romney, whose skills and experience do lend themselves to strong debating. Your partisanship makes my teeth hurt.
  22. would you be so kind as to summarize the contents of the sermon you linked? I am in a meeting and can't listen now, but I am very interested.....many thanks
  23. Because he has a valid opinion which contradicts your viewpoint & beliefs? How is that partisanship? That word is thrown around like candy on this board, and inaccurately at times to boot.
  24. Not a good play to cast all those critical of the recent unemployment report as "bad news for us conservative patriots". I am a concerned AMERICAN and regardless of my political leaning, me & my family are HURTING as a result of this President's utter failure in managing our economy and domestic affairs. If you want to take an oversimplified, right vs. left stance on the state of the economy, you are grossly missing the macro view of this tragedy. I am fortunate to work for one of the world's biggest & most recognized IT companies and I am grateful for my job every day. I want what's best for this country and it is not the current Campaigner-in-Chief, sadly. But keep on slapping labels on people, especially those who might have a broader view and might be critical of your beloved Community Organizer in Chief. Damn it I am pissed - the American people are being LIED to on every front - this farcical jobs report, the Benghazi cover up, etc. http://theeconomiccollapseblog.com/archives/a-jobs-report-conspiracy Read into this what you will - at worst it should be used as a means of questioning the validity of this latest jobs "report".
  25. By going back to work, do you mean the continuation of golf, campaigning, appearing on the View, Letterman, etc., calling major foreign flash points (i.e., the attack on the Libyan embassy) a "bump in the road" and generally avoiding any physical contact with world leaders? Seriously, how can you make that statement? Obama has shown very little of any evidence to prove he is governing or leading - at best he is busy on the stump & reacting to events. I find your bolded statement laughable, to be brutally honest.
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