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Everything posted by SarasotaSabre

  1. What a power tool .... And a complete d-bag/scumbag. Another example of a Democratic marriage of convenience & shared political power-grabbing http://nypost.com/2016/08/13/anthony-weiner-caught-in-new-flirty-online-chat/
  2. Pure quality
  3. I will proudly go to County Cork and tell them I'm the grandson of the family name there. You're missing the point Eleven - totally. I'm not "half" anything; I'm proud of both sides of my heritage. N.B. My family in Rome DID NOT CARE and DID NOT ASK if my mother was Italian. Here's where your also missing the point, big time: back in the day when scores of Irish and Italians left for the U.S., it created a tidal wave of expatriation. You have no idea how big a deal it was for those in my Italian family remaining there treated me, as a prodigal son who had returned to his roots. They literally rolled out the red carpet for me and treated me like royalty. It just sounds like you haven't had the experience I've had.
  4. Ah, but here is the distinctive nuance for me: I am American first, but happen to be very proud of my heritage; half-Italian (paternal) & half-Irish. I was raised in a big Italian family setting and that is in my DNA. I was fortunate enough at age 29 to study 3 months w/ a private tutor and spend a month in Italy by myself speaking nothing but Italian, and zigzagged all the way down from Milan to Rome. The trip included meeting my entire paternal extended family and I went to the tiny village where my then deceased grandfather emigrated from. I there met his last remaining sibling, who could not speak a word of English but held my face as tears of joy were streaming down his. As a condition of legal immigration circa 1917, my grandfather was given the option of enlisting in the Italian or U.S. Army. He chose the latter and fought in France in WW1. This is why I am proud to be an American, but equally as proud of my heritage. Anyone who wants to know why I spent a month in Italy by myself can PM me.
  5. as I have opined several times, agreed....
  6. Agree with NFreeman here. Trump's doubling down on his characterization of Obama as the founder of ISIS is way over the top but, rather, is classic Trump to achieve a desired effect, however shocking it might be to some. He would have been much wiser to suggest Obama was an enabler of ISIS due to the vacuum created by our failed Iraqi engagement. Trump is now vehemently saying he was against us going into Iraq while there is footage of him years ago speaking to the contrary. And last night a story broke that HRC may have been aware of arms procurement through Libya to ISIS. Not sure if this development has been properly vetted. And another story that she emailed the location/agenda of Chris Stevens for the last 2 days of his life. And why the hell did she send everything to Blumenthal, another unsecured email recipient? I have come to the conclusion that it does me no good here to continue to pillory Hillary (....u like that?) for 2 reasons: 1) as I have pointed out, these are the 2 worst candidates in my lifetime, each with YUUUGE flaws, & 2) there are some here who will defend HRC at every turn, with such self-conviction, that's it's borderline neurotic. It is also my belief that both will continue to self-immolate like the Buddhist monk on the street in Vietnam, and from here on out it will be a war of attrition. The only variable I see changing things is if there is an October surprise.
  7. ????????
  8. Eleven, if I have not answered your original questions, I will find the time to respond. Just started a new job so things are a bit hairy lately.
  9. You backed up your suggestions with credible links; I have no problem with that. I posted that link to suggest a topic for discussion, not as a fait accompli. But I'll let you see if you can figure that out rather than suggesting it's a "pattern" of mine. You're probably smart enough to figure it out but I suspect you'll continue to paint me with a broad brush. And vice-versa; let's be honest DeLuca
  10. keep it going with the hypothetical, speculative nonsense - or I am I not getting the inside joke, which I suspect it's not? Conversely, would it be productive discourse if I or JJ5OH suggested all the evil things HRC will do once she assumes the throne?
  11. In the sense that I took a headline, analyzed it, and proceeded to use that headline as a cue, you are correct sir. What IS objectively false is that I take/took my cues(s) from Trump. I think you have conflated what I just expanded on.
  12. You are fundamentally incorrect with the first portion of your reply with your assertion that I take my cue from Trump, so I stopped reading the rest of your post and thereby refute it. I take my cues from no one, so STOP insuating that I cannot think for myself. It is really starting to piss me off. Your reliance on these insuations is not only a personal affront to me but only reinforces the continued perception that some of those here on the left are malignantly condescending.
  13. Please explain how you were able to weave Trump into your riposte. It is a completely ridiculous non sequitur. Unless of course you are somehow thinking I have some sort of telepathic connection with him; I am grateful to say I do not.
  14. I see you don't have a legitimate response so you are resorting to gif images. Keep up the great work Joe ....!
  15. "conspiracy theory"? .... or perhaps something to at least read & consider? http://www.thegatewaypundit.com/2016/08/wow-breaking-video-julian-assange-suggests-seth-rich-wikileaks-dnc-source-shot-dead-dc/ This kind of stuff is House of Cards redux
  16. I'll move on by saying I completely disagree with you and add that I cannot understand your continued defense of HRC. Comey admitted under oath to several questions that the facts of the case and what HRC told the FBI were not true = lie. That is your euphemism for "misconstrued as contradicting Comey", which sounds very Clintonian in its own right. Don't tell me that I don't want to look past the general headlines; I have watched and re-watched for myself, analyzed what Comey testified to and what HRC's spin was, and came to my own conclusion on this topic, which is not a conspiracy theory (phrase of the month on this Board.) I have come to the opinion that a "conspiracy theory" is an opinion or position one does not agree with.....as opposed to: PJoe's got a Martian living in his backyard = conspiracy theory vs. any opinion rejected out of hand by the majority on this Board. Those in the minority have to work harder in spades b/c our positions/opinions are natively unpopular here, sometimes involving ad hominem attacks. I have received multiple PMs from both sides of the aisle offering praise for showing restraint, and I will continue to do so in the true spirit of always attempting to be a gentleman. Finally, I don't deflect from Trump's controversies; he creates them and he is flawed. I readily admit that. So you have no need to correct me. I have also stated these are the 2 worst Presidential candidates in my lifetime.
  17. of course they are conspiracy theories to you - maybe I'd agree if she would stop giving everyone such easy fodder >> her Chris Wallace interview comments, then doubling and tripling down all last week on the charade that Comey absolved her. There is a type of lie so particular in the American political lexicon; it's called the "Clintonian lie". They could trademark it. I'd give her a modicum of respect if she wasn't such a bald-faced liar and just even made something up like "I didn't speak too gracefully in the Chris Wallace interview, so here's what I meant to say..." Moving on (trying to....)) )
  18. Ok cool, I will continue to look for other sources which might provide some corroboration and would also answer Bob Sauve's question.
  19. c'mon, you're a big boy - you can figure it out; my reference to your putting words in my mouth was your comment "So, Hillary Clinton killed this scientist. Period." I am accountable for having my POV; my intent in posting the Clinton/Iranian "spy" execution was merely to provoke some thought and discussion. Instead you put me into a box with your foregone conclusion. That's not discourse, it's a one-way rebuttal by you.
  20. Putting words into my mouth and then saying " these constant links are tiresome and pointless" ? Really? I posted that content so one could make his/her own distinction on the cause/effect of Hillary's reckless conduct via email. If you disagree, that's fine. Just say it and move on.
  21. #short-circuited http://www.washingtonexaminer.com/cotton-clinton-discussed-executed-iranian-scientist-on-email/article/2598807
  22. beaten/ridden/played like a rented mule, whatever floats your boat Joe. You can have fun with semantics but not with suspicious executions and hostages held for a schittload of money - b/c having fun w/ semantics seems to be all you have right now.
  23. despicable ..... ".......why do senior Iranian officials publicly claim the payment was in fact a ransom payment?" ".......it is illegal under U.S. law to make any transaction with Iran that involves U.S. dollars. So the Obama negotiating whiz team found a way to break the spirit of the law without actually breaking the word of the law. They sent U.S. dollars to banks in Switzerland and the Netherlands, had them changed to foreign currencies, including euros and Swiss francs, and then put them on a plane and shipped them to Tehran. Perhaps not a textbook example of money laundering, but you get the idea." and - here's a kick in the nuts: ".......three more Americans are now being held hostage and Iran is back at the table demanding $2 billion in frozen funds be handed over." http://dailysignal.com/2016/08/03/hostage-deal-is-latest-example-of-obamas-sell-out-to-iran/ ".......Since the cash shipment, the intelligence arm of the Revolutionary Guard has arrested two more Iranian-Americans. " http://www.wsj.com/articles/u-s-sent-cash-to-iran-as-americans-were-freed-1470181874 ".......Six weeks after the settlement payment was made, Iran took 80-year-old Baquer Namazi hostage. He is the father of imprisoned American businessman Siamak Namazi, who was taken hostage in October and wasn’t a part of the prisoner exchange negotiations. Then, in July, Iranian-born American Robin Shahini was taken hostage while reportedly visiting his ailing mother in Iran. Lather, rinse, repeat. Great job Obama. You just got played like a rented mule.
  24. does the execution of a alleged Iranian spy concern ANYONE here? yes - Iran, the country we did a controversial nuclear deal with, and paid $400m in other currencies to (insert repatriation vs. ransom argument here) http://www.bloomberg.com/news/articles/2016-08-07/iran-confirms-executing-nuclear-scientist-over-spying-for-u-s http://www.politico.com/story/2016/08/iran-executes-nuclear-scientist-who-spied-for-us-226763 http://www.washingtonexaminer.com/cotton-clinton-discussed-executed-iranian-scientist-on-email/article/2598807 short-circuited indeed ..... excellent post We've !
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