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Everything posted by SarasotaSabre

  1. Just to clarify, based on my post-election review, single women voted for O in a landslide and it is no mystery why; the phony "War on Women" prosecuted by the Obama campaign was a successful tactic. The single issue that I was referring to was the issue of entitlements; the reality is that too many people dependent on some form of government assistance could not vote for anyone other than Obama. This is not a value judgment, just a practical reality.
  2. What the hell does "move the country forward mean" ? "Forward!" as in the conviction of European Marxists and radicals that their movements reflected the march of history, which would move forward past capitalism and into socialism and communism, that our Leader has wittingly tied his campaign slogan and ongoing modus operandi to ? Moving forward as in continued rampant debt/deficit and stagflation? Tax increases (code for "revenue", just like "investments" = spending) now would spell an absolute death knell. Yes, Romney lost but was wise to craft his messaging to the economy and not lead with "religious based polices designed to strip women of their rights" - it's all about women's rights, right DeLuca? Just for once I'd like to read that you have stood up for the bloc that has no voice - the unborn. That would be a revelation. That phony "war on women" was a fabrication that came at the worst time. Too many idiotic, lazy, uninformed voters who chose Obama again because of a single issue won the vote by 3%. I'd like to see neither side cave in on these fiscal negotiations and both sides win, which is what a true negotiation is supposed to be.
  3. now that's pretty funny ...... as opposed to the fiscal irresponsibility of the last 4 years? ..... nothing to see here, please move along like the good sheep you are
  4. oh yeah, it's all sunshine, rainbows, and unicorns for America now and for the next 4 years. Don't fool yourself into thinking America won. The Chicago machine won. If you disagree, what do you see on the roadmap for this country for the short term & for the next 4 years.? ..... seriously, please try to take off your rose-colored glasses and explain objectively how America has won.
  5. apparently there is no limit to stupidity - not only does Obama pay for mortgages, he has now legalized weed. Yes, this is our impressive voting populace; how impressive !
  6. You cite some credible examples of our past relationships with Israel and in the region as a whole, but I would contend the US (during Obama's presidency) has strayed from maintaining that delicate balancing act with very obvious acts of favoritism toward toward the Palestinian side. And, yes, I do have an appreciation for the role we play concerning affairs in this region. Just because I am taking the Obama regime to task for their policy positions does not mean I don't have an understanding of what is going on. Your point about the Bibi/Romney friendship is not lost on me, but I think it is a very secondary element to the Obama/Bibi relationship.
  7. Oh please. A scare tactic? How about calling a spade a spade? Name one President whose legacy with Israel has been worse than Obama's. I could cite the litany of giant F U's spawned by Obama but I'd be stating the obvious and sound like a broken record. Are you actually serious in your belief that Obama has been a friend to Israel's cause? The worst thing done by Romney was to challenge the Jewish bloc to hold Obama accountable and not take the assumed Jewish vote for granted.....a far cry from "lies and manipulation". I would really like to read some examples of these lies & manipulation, I really would. If you honestly think US/Israel relations have not been severely strained, I've got a bridge connecting 2 boroughs in NY to sell you ..... Thank you, I appreciate it .....
  8. These opinions are myopic, overtly stereotypical, reek of class envy & oversimplification, and unfortunately are altogether predictable on this board. Opinions like these 2 convey a lack of understanding of many levels; i.e., the amount of personal debt racked up my MDs (student loans), the exorbitant costs of malpractice insurance, crappy insurance reimbursements, pro bono medical services, ans being forced to practice medicine defensively. Comments like these convey a fundamental misunderstanding of what the practice of medicine is all about. You probably don't realize docs are independent contractors who are becoming increasingly over regulated and are forced to make treatment decisions for the wrong reasons - to satisfy insurance actuaries and cost containment boards, to name just 2. Many doctors chose this profession for noble & altruistic goals, not to become "rich". Many are now fed up with what is being dictated to them and don't see the return on investment anymore. If you think this comes down to not being able to buy a new BMW every 3 years, you are sadly mistaken. Doctors by and large follow the Hippocratic oath and are autonomous, analytical beings - not the type who respond favorably to bogus lawsuits, government/insurance regulation, and being forced to work harder for less money.
  9. Can you please explain on what grounds you would classify Romney's attempt as "shameless"? Is that because by default the Jewish vote is supposed to go Democrat? I may have missed something but I don't recall Romney's attempts as shameless. I have more thoughts on this but would rather read your reply before I jump to any conclusions.
  10. no, I didn't see this coming ...... :flirt: gotta love this quote from the linked artcle: "There needs to be more primary care incentive programs that give a bonus to physicians who treat Medicaid patients in effort to reduce the compensation gap between specialists and primary care physicians" - now let me guess who would potentially fund this bonus? .... :w00t: I work in healthcare IT and have already asked a number of docs what their plans are; more than a few are exploring other career options (quitting the practice of medicine altogether). Between declining reimbursements, adding millions more patients into the healthcare delivery system, exorbitant malpractice insurance premiums (tort reform, anyone?), and a worsening patient/payor mix (only to get worse under Obamacare), alot of MDs are saying to hell with it.
  11. I may have to pull the trigger on that - thx for the heads up ! Have you ever had it shipped to you, and, if so, what was the quality?
  12. I live in ATL and there is such a scarcity of good pizza here, it is pathetic. Whenever I come home to BUFF I am always reminded how much better (and more available) the pizza is there.
  13. yeah that was a real zinger - time to bone up on your tennis;;;;;)))))
  14. I don't think the lies & coverups will be exposed unless there is something impeachable for Chaffetz to pursue. Now that Obama has been re-elected, he probably (justifiably) feels & will project an air of invincibility and this would not shock me......nothing to see here, move along...... so that is where we are going back to? as if WMD is now a license for a bunch more schitt to pull over the eyes of Americans? Too many dumb voters who don't care about the misdeeds of the Administration (and I don't mean just the Obama admin.)
  15. I have thought of that as well and there has got to be some kind of quid pro quo that we don't (yet) know about it. I'm sure one of the major networks will uncover it...... :flirt:
  16. Lockheed Martin AND Boeing delay news of upcoming layoffs until after the election - they agree to be "reimbursed" by the Fed for fines incurred for violating the WARN Act..... http://urbangrounds.com/2012/11/boeing-layoffs/ This stinks to high heaven. Yes I am connecting all the dots and a dirty re-election campaign is what I see, with the lapdog media complicit in its blissful ignorance.
  17. classified or another Benghazi cover-up ? http://weeklystandard.com/blogs/iran-attack-us-drone-not-revealed-until-after-election-because-classified-mission_662098.html
  18. While this may be difficult to prove empirically, there is no doubt of the strong influence of the media on our electoral processes. One can argue though, to your point, that the campaign to run off Herman Cain was a media driven lark which happened because Cain was a bit of an unknown entity to the Dem machine. How do you strategize against a successful African American business who is not running as a "traditional" politician, but more as a 3rd party type of candidate? OTOH, Romney was a known entity and one in which the Dems could plan successfully against. Reminds me of a great class I took in college called "The Politics of the News Media"....very enlightening in that the same things I learned then are being utilized now, but probably with greater effect. The only thing nearly as bad as a lapdog media in bed with Obama, IMHO, is polls ..... they are so dysfunctional and unfairly skew voting behavior. Was watching the election unfold at a hotel bar while out of town on business and chatted up a German, who was utterly amazed at our processes. No polls, no advance reporting, no early winners being called like we do with projections; everything in Germany is disclosed only AFTER the voting sites have closed. would love to see Obama so after some obvious low-hanging fruit and go for the Keystone Pipeline - would be a huge pro-business signal and a strong attempt at energy independence. Can he overcome the influence of the green lobby? I am not holding out hope but I would be thrilled if he did. So many jobs instantly to be had.
  19. great point.....
  20. screw you - I expanded upon what I meant by being dumbfounded at your stereotypical oversimplification, because I happen to live in a very racially divided city and I see schitt every day in my line of work that you would not believe. But go ahead and accuse me of backpedaling, you freaking Internet psychologist, and take a hike. Rather than take my word in all honesty, you freaking throw me under the bus like this? Go get a life you a-hole. Another internet tough guy.- fanfreakingtastic. You look very small. Keep it going with the stereotypes, you look intellectually inferior.
  21. Rushing to judgment just a wee bit there buddy? You have an active imagination, I'll give you that...What I meant by my response is that I find it sad that alot of people are forced to base their voting decision on a singular issue of maintaning the gov't safety net, and a complicit Democratic machine which is all too eager to maintain this symbiotic relationship, thus holding hostage its grip on a voting bloc who are utterly dependent on gov't for that check. I actually have alot of empathy for that type of voter, but you wouldn't know that because it is far too easy to stereotype me, isn't it?
  22. That statement leaves me dumbfounded.....
  23. the most dangerous threat to this country's domestic security is an uninformed, lazy electorate..... overheard at a poliing place in Atlanta this morning: "this election is so important for me to vote, I GOTS to keep getting my government checks" (not embellished for dramatic/slang effect) God help us ......
  24. Re: the bolded part, my reply may be better served on a different day/topic, but I'm curious - does your affinity for Cromwell have anything to do with his genocidical treatment of Irish & Scottish Catholics? I should hope not, and I don't assume so unless you tell me otherwise. As much as Cromwell should be lauded for his political will & victories, the point I asked is not one to be proud of. I am watching a 2 part feature on Cromwell titled "Cromwell - God's Executioner"..... very interesting, and an apt title at that; it's been written that Cromwell fervently believed that God was guiding his victories. Sounds chillingly similar to other despots throughout history.
  25. thanks for posting Sizzle - you mean to say not all the linked stories were reported by the all-evil Fox News ?? You really think there is possibility of intimidation through these events? Really? C'mon now PA As for your take that there is a party trying to prevent people from voting, you missed an obvious one, and it happens once every 4 years: our military servicepeople. That is sickening to me - of all blocs of people, suppressing the votes of those who fight and die for our right to vote is abhorrent, and a cheap political stunt.
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