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Everything posted by SarasotaSabre

  1. ahh, "the system" conspiracy theory, an overused canard for poor defensive play. It's not "the system" which produces forwards who won't backcheck and d-men who get burned by attempted stickchecks.
  2. No, because the Bruins get the last shift change at home. Ruff saw Julien put MacDermid out, so he had to call a TO to get the players he wanted (Scott et al) on the ice to counter. A great tactical move to avoid any goon nonsense at the end - more so than a punk move by calling the TO
  3. please don't go there. That's the last reason to hate the B's, and Tim T is in exile anyways, so who cares?
  4. Congrats, this is a fantastic analysis of the final meltdown; are you a pathologist? I ask because your summary reads with clinical precision as though delivered in an autopsy......well-done !!
  5. any update on the lines for tonight ?
  6. me too, hopefully some new blood to snap the lethargy
  7. I had a dream last night that Grigs scored his first goal, a snap shot from the top of the circle that went off a dman's stick. The game was stopped and there was a big ceremony at the red line to celebrate the event. Too much hockey on the brain - I must have a vivid imagination.
  8. It actually seems like something our beloved Bills would do - nonetheless it is inexcusable. I'm sure there will be some ready-made excuse for it.
  9. Yes it is true, unfortunately - the Caps announcers were all over it. It was embarrassing.
  10. Yeah, and for one game (....and arguably more) that "system" failed. LR coached not to lose last night, showed zero creativity when faced with a challenge (no goals from any line other than 29-19-26, and saddled someone with immense offensive upside to the bench.I don't know why he sent Grigs out there with Scott, that made zero sense.
  11. best assessment of tonight's scrimmage that I have read so far - agree with an earlier comment; it's one game, let's blow it up and start over tomorrow night. Will be very curious to see if Ruff benches Myers. In a shortened season, we can't afford the luxury of letting players off to slow starts continue to stink up the joint and cost us points. LR has to show some fortitude and make these types of tough decisions. At this point it's not about sending a message to someone in the doghouse, it's all about Wins & Losses.
  12. yes I am, as is Biodork ...... along with 26CornerBlitz
  13. Did not see a sarcastic emoticon, so I'm guessing this is a classic case of overreaction......maybe you should stick to your whimsical poetry - :w00t: holy overreaction #2 batman
  14. I meant an apostrophe followed by an 'S", clown ...... e.g.,, an unnecessary possessive
  15. are you trying to be serious? that would "Myers' " in the possessive form, not "Myer's" ..... see what I get for opening up this crappy can of worms?.....geesh
  16. yep, picking on darn "Grammer" again.....hahaha
  17. perhaps - I digress. On second thought that's the least of my concerns
  18. hate to nitpick, but since when did a last name have an apostrophe? Damn that's brutal, almost as much as the Sabres D tonight...... :wallbash:
  19. ....discuss http://www.nhl.com/ice/news.htm?id=651327
  20. revenue = code for taxation investment = code for spending aren't semantics fun ??
  21. You (and others) try to make the wacko opinions of nutjobs like Akin & Murdock in line with the majority opinion of the Republican platform. The party could not successfully distance themselves from these goons and it absolutely hurt them. Ryan said he believed in life at conception as a practicing Catholic but deferred to elected officials to determine the legality of abortion - how does this equate to a Constitutional bills to ban abortion? You don't get it. I give up, it's not worth trying to make a simple point.
  22. That is a crappy extrapolation that you try to pose. I did not "insult" voters who disagreed with me. I stand by my statement that we have a terribly uninformed electorate which, in my opinion, is not beneficial to this country. Unfortunately there is no civics test to certify voters as this would be impractical & unconstitutional. Ever see the "man on the street interviews" asking John Q. Public what Benghazi or the Fiscal Cliff is? It is a freaking joke.
  23. A "bunch or morons" were a few select idiots who should have been muzzled. Don't paint with a broad brush - most people are smart enough to know those ***offs don't speak for the entire Republican party. The smart, successful women I know are very aware of the differences between the parties and aren't beholden to a Democratic message of class/gender stereotypes. In the library. WIth a lead pipe. After a lying smear campaign.
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