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Everything posted by SarasotaSabre

  1. "It's safe to say we've had serious concerns about his development process and that was warranted," Grossman said. "We felt it was important for the Sabres to look more carefully at his development and that we had these kinds of conversations that were necessary so that we were on the same page going forward with respect to his development." Grossman called the discussions positive, and was pleased to have a chance to air his concerns directly with Murray, who was hired on Thursday. Murray, the former Ottawa Senators assistant general manager, took over in Buffalo after GM Darcy Regier was fired in November. "The hope is that with him being assigned outside the organization that they were going to monitor his progress," Grossman said. "I think time will tell. I think that it's obviously the player's responsibility, which he surely is willing to take on to work hard and to continue to develop his game." http://www.tsn.ca/nhl/story/?id=441054 So in other words, both sides agrees that the DR regime screwed up Grigo and he is now ready to work hard to get back to form. We shall see.....
  2. The story is that PLF spoke with Grigo for a half hour to discuss the situation; what more are you suggesting they should have done?
  3. I agree with the earlier post which stated this is an immensely polar discussion - my (over)simplified takeaway and that Grigs really screwed up with this decision (perhaps under duress from his agent) and maybe before we run him out of town, he will have reconsidered after sleeping on it.
  4. the quote by TrueBlue I was responding to referred to Buffalo fans liking to run players out of town, not to Bills management running players out of town with crappy trades to boot.
  5. wow, talk about apples and oranges.....more like apples and chicken wings
  6. it may have been written by his agent, and in a way would resemble that of a foreign born player, but keep in mind he worked his as* off to learn English and I wouldn't put this past him
  7. O3IWI9OEU4;klkpbjbEYWIK3O4I43I39IIRKI44IR

  8. wow, talk about guilty before proven innocent by the jury on Sabrespace .....BTW, this is what a good agent does, if indeed he was behind it
  9. well this has the mark of a thoughtful & sincere kid who may have acted emotionally earlier today. And it's also easy to see how screwed up this situation has left him. I, for one, have always been pissed at the Sabres for playing him as they did on the 4th line with no compatible linemates. That completely was the wrong move. I am all for "earning" ice time, blah blah blah, but do the Sabres really think he is going to develop at the Junior level? This is just a complete sh**show of a series of events and I do hope he & his agent come to grips with the Sabres decision. If I was him, though, I'd be wondering what the decision criteria is for getting back to Buffalo if he lights it up in the Q and shows a better all-around game.
  10. interesting comments there
  11. thanks d4rk, that's what I had in mind ....
  12. c'mon, he's a young (and it would seem) a smart guy....he has known what the gig is. It's not on the Sabres to have communicated things any better
  13. I agree with the bolded statement....trying to put myself in his shoes. For all those claiming he's selfish, how would you feel if you got demoted to a job that was way beneath your skill set ?
  14. ok, is this really necessary? wow, you are really going after it.....is that a 5 minute major for me or a game misconduct? thanks for bringing it to my attention; I seriously did not see it in the other thread mods, please feel free to merge this thread. I apologize for starting a another related one.
  15. Humm... Do the initials LBJ ring a bell?
  16. I find it very interesting that the highest % of responses for each question are in the middle of the road/neutral category; that tells me that the majority of voters really don't have a strong opinion either way? How could you not with this giant **** sandwich we are being offered? Seriously ... My biggest beefs with him are 1) poor/ineffective player/line management, with the Grigo scenario being the most egregious. THis alone could be a fireable offense.....and 2) a clear regression from last year's post-Ruff quasi-righting of the ship.
  17. wow, holy oversimplification Batman - sounds like you think this show is nothing more than a storyline about an evil drug. To the part that is bolded, is that what you really think this show is all about? I almost feel sorry for you in that this show is about way more than this. I am NOT trying to glorify Walt or the illicit drug trade - but if you have such a problem with him being a piece of ##it (...how eloquent...))), then why, may I ask, do you even bother watching?
  18. yes, it does appear you are confused - I thought I laid it out with a lot of detail. You and I clearly have different opinions on what "character" means.
  19. I respectfully say that we agree to disagree. I cannot believe on any intellectual level that someone (....in this case, you & drk4sabre) would have zero appreciation for Walt's complexity. Again, a gross oversimplication of him as merely a drug lord who knows to justify his evil choices. You see to portray him as a Tony Montana; in this vein it is very easy to see why Scarface was a 170 minute movie, while BB is a multi-year, layered drama. Let me try to prove my point further with some examples: A person with no complexity, as you put it, would be devoid of: extreme ego, hubris, arrogance & invulnerability/invincibility; witness his behavior after disposing of Gus Fring; Walt's evolving relationship with Jesse; part business-only, part paternalistic, part distrust/disregard for Jesse as a drug user himself any ability to concoct schemes to absolve himself of any involvement in the high-grade meth racket...i.e., Walt calling Hank to falsely tell him Marie has been involved in a serious car accident; the extreme guilt of being partially responsible for Jane's death and that impact on her father as an air traffic controller who caused a plane crash as a result; Walt demonstrates an underlying humanity even when making the most devious, most terrible decisions - It is clear from the progression of the series that WW goes from being a protagonist to an antagonist; you don't pull this off by not having a complexity of character I will close with this: "Walter is almost as good at self-justification as he is at cooking meth, and over the course of the series, he has not hesitated to give high-minded reasons for his lowest actions. In his own mind, he remains a righteous figure, an apostle of family values, free enterprise and scientific progress." The last bolded line is entirely indicative of a deep, complex mind....... My reponse to your post is not a tit-for-tat, right vs. wrong argument; I am just respectfully disagreeing with your assessment.
  20. By character it would seem as if you are defining the word as the positive traits of a person's being; note, when I used the term "evolution and depth of character (good, bad, or indifferent), I was referring to entire sum of a character's metamorphosis over time - defined by personality and actions.
  21. only about creating financial opportunity for his family. If true that story line would have lasted 6 episodes. If you really think hard about Walt (and other characters, for that matter), the beauty of this show is that Gilligan wants the audience to dissect for itself the myriad of possibilities for the characters & storylines as a matter of personal interpretation. correction, inserted and bolded above and here..... I think Vince Gilligan has enough respect for his audience for most of us to know this was NOT only about creating financial opportunity for his family. If true that story line would have lasted 6 episodes
  22. see my last response.....posted again here: then you don't see Walt's inner workings and how he adapts & manipulates every situation & person . If you don't see his evolution and depth of character (good, bad, or indifferent), then I feel you are really missing a golden opportunity. To not see the evil genius & complexities of Walt, and to oversimplify him strictly as a drug lord, is a missed critique. But this is my opinion and you have yours. I think Vince Gilligan has enough respect for his audience for most of us to know this was only about creating financial opportunity for his family. If true that story line would have lasted 6 episodes. If you really think hard about Walt (and other characters, for that matter), the beauty of this show is that Gilligan wants the audience to dissect for itself the myriad of possibilities for the characters & storylines as a matter of personal interpretation.
  23. then you don't see Walt's inner workings and how he adapts & manipulates every situation & person . If you don't see his evolution and depth of character (good, bad, or indifferent), then I feel you are really missing a golden opportunity
  24. If this is really your opinion then you are incredibly myopic and don't see the complexity of Walt.....but maybe you are just being sarcastic ??
  25. To be called Heisenberg by one's children is a badge of honor, IMO ......he is the king **just note my screen profile photo
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