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Everything posted by SarasotaSabre

  1. ...and an Irish funeral w/ plenty of stout
  2. truth ..... as tough as it may be to accept for some
  3. my opening homage to John McLaughlin.....
  4. sorry I am a bit late to the Vesey party, I do too feel a bit of fatigue from his melodramatic sojourn (.....although he's entitled to do it) w/out dissecting all the potential line combos here or there, I think it's going to be either Chicago or Buffalo....
  5. Sad to hear this. What a personality and presence...and I loved the lineup. Seemed to be even-keeled as opposed to today's shock jock climate on both sides....FNC/CNBC, etc. I loved the engagement and learned alot in my earlier days. Issue ONE !!!
  6. if you really learned something from me on the color thing, then I feel validated that I contributed something positive today....)). And I owe you an apology - a very stressful day due to some domestic discord. I had an acupuncture session which seems to have helped. Sorry if this is TMI....)) buzz off. You're in the penalty box w/ a 10 minute misconduct for being 3rd man in. Eleven and I already joked about it. He's a good sport. thank you. Grateful ..... from your post #22959: "But you insist this is the worst campaign in US Hx and most corrupt and again I beg to differ.." me: I never said a word about anyone's campaign; I've said these 2 of the worst candidates I can remember. I feel like I'm stuck in the middle of a circular firing squad with you. Not trying to be a d*ick, but can you please try to correctly read what I have posted??
  7. While your comment may be in jest, it's one more reason why this place is wearing me out. Do you really have that much time on your hands to post a comment like this even if intended as a joke? And I'm wasting time replying....#notfantastic
  8. damn it N Buff, this is AT LEAST the second or third time you have patently misread, misunderstood, or misinterpreted something I wrote; each time I patiently re-explained. Now I have to call you out; are you really doing this to bait me, just selectively reading what you want to hear, or something else? #22858 >> ".....does not diminish the legitimate concerns of both candidates - as I have stated MULTIPLE times, if you care to actually read, are THE WORST ever." #22910>> ".....I never used the word treason in describing HRC, and I CLEARLY have said multiple times that IMHO these are the worst 2 Prez candidates I have ever seen. Maybe there have been 2 worse, and I am just not aware due to my age" . So respectfully, I feel you have misinterpreted or misread my previous comments in order to complete your perception of me." Sorry to lose my patience w/ you, but this is just getting silly.....and I still need to find time to answer Eleven's questions posed directly to me - instead of cleaning up these repetitive spills on aisle 11 @ Wegman's caused by you.
  9. In the spirit of equitable discovery, I've got no problem with scrutiny of Manafort. If something is proven beyond reproach, then so be it.
  10. For the sake of topical and current relevance, my intent was/is to focus on the malfeasance of the Clintons (yes, Bill is lumped in as an enabler and co-benefactor). I could spend several days providing links which corroborate with the sins of the Bushes, et al., and if Trump has any criminal connection to Putin, I'd say investigate him too. Right now it appears he's guilty of saying very caustic/provocative garbage, being very nonspecific, and using Twitter as a new, ill-fated media campaign tool. Seriously, N. Buff: the Robber Barons, Pinkertons, & Love Canal? I am questioning your logic here. How about throwing in Jesse James, Dillinger, Billy the Kid, and Bonnie & Clyde. And U.S. industrialist ties to Nazi Germany? I did not realize DuPont was running for President this year. And I'm the one with the tinfoil hat? How about if you focus on who's running for President this year, as in November. Geesh .....
  11. If a legitimate investigation led to prosecution of either candidate if warranted, then how is that over the top? Should we not expect & demand more from whoever our President might be, or do we wish to accept the garbage which remains? Sadly, I believe the Lynch/Bill C tarmac meeting squelched any possibility of any DOJ pursuit of the pay to play/quid pro quo imbroglio. Connect all the dots if you can. This culture started well before the selling of the Lincoln bedroom. Now it's foreign individuals buying access to sit on boards and commissions who have no business being there if not for massive donations to the Clinton Global Slush Fund. And just so I'm not accused of any tinfoil hat conspiracy theories, here are links which I tried to not cherrypick from obvious right-wing sources: http://lawnewz.com/high-profile/house-republicans-request-3-different-investigations-into-clinton-foundation/ http://nypost.com/2016/08/09/emails-reveal-hillarys-shocking-pay-for-play-scheme/(...yes, I know the Post is the counter to the NYT) http://theduran.com/us-state-department-officials-begin-covering-up-hillarys-pay-to-play-clinton-foundation-scandal/ http://hiddenamericans.com/politics/new-developments-in-hillary-clinton-pay-for-play-scandal/ Rebut these if you wish. We are going to get what we deserve as American voters either way. It's sad, truly sad how low the bar has become.
  12. Thanks so much NB, appreciate it very much - and my heart goes out to you I'm a bit confused by 2 things in your reply: I never used the word treason in describing HRC, and I CLEARLY have said multiple times that IMHO these are the worst 2 Prez candidates I have ever seen. Maybe there have been 2 worse, and I am just not aware due to my age. So respectfully, I feel you have misinterpreted or misread my previous comments in order to complete your perception of me. On a separate note: Anyone seen or heard from Loretta Lynch since the tarmac meeting with Bill? She is conspicuous by her absence. I'm pining for Joe Biden right now. Even as a Repub I would vote for him.
  13. thank you kindly Bobby S !! and to you Nucci !!! appreciate it very much....
  14. Many heartfelt thanks to all who have reached out. Props to SwampD, Eleven, N'eo, & JJ. My little girl just started Kindergarten which as you know is a breeding ground for illness. She picked up a virus which caused multiple symptoms which were quite alarming. Into the hospital Saturday and overnight, hence the 2 hours sleep for me. Back home yesterday and she's recovering. I appreciate all your concerns and kind words, you guys are great. I know things get pretty heated in here sometimes but it's important to remember that politics is secondary to family. You guys made my day - truly. Stuff like this is what keeps me engaged.
  15. Thank you brother, it's been a rough weekend. I appreciate your levity to my brusque reply.
  16. I am honestly running on 2 hours sleep from last night so I'm not really in any freaking mood to answer the grand Inquisition tonight from you. That said, I will circle back with you tomorrow.
  17. It's not "my club", so I'm not dignifying your question with any answer - you and others here seem to think I'm bed with the Repubs, which I''m not. But go ahead and think that I am. Can you read up thread and see my lament for the oligarchy preventing a legitimate 3rd party candidate? dude ....keep on defending the Clintons. Sadly the best America has to offer. Really pathetic.
  18. Did you ever stop to ask a rhetorical question in that maybe they have done enough to warrant the ongoing investigations, but have done juuuuust enough to avoid any prosecution? Wiping a server is an example. Comey had every right to recommend an indictment and even admitted intent was not necessary to recommend indictment. Pure carelessness & dereliction of duty was, however. Or do you just want to maintain the investigations have been a waste of taxpayer money and driven by partisan politics? That seems to be the common defense here.
  19. I never suggested that, so don't put words in my mouth. A very tepid counter by you. back up your conjecture with a source please
  20. You give them too much credit as the victims of ongoing witch-hunts; do you have any problem whatsoever with the clear conflict of interest between the State Dep't & the Clinton Global Slush Fund? Any problem w/ the Clintons fostering a complete quid pro quo & pay to play culture? No, I don't think you have a problem with these items as I'm sure you think they have no validity.
  21. My hypocrisy and teeth gnashing is reprehensible? Last time I checked, Powell & Rice never ran for President. You think my opinions and positions are crap just B/c you think it's silly season? It's not silly season for me, and just B/c you say it is does not diminish the legitimate concerns of both candidates - as I have stated MULTIPLE times, if you care to actually read, are THE WORST ever. And who says the accusations of HRC are baseless? You? That's laughable. And I have maintained that Trump should be held to account for anything nefarious he says/does. But I guess you missed that one too. You read what you want to think about my posts and that's it. I'd suggest opening your mind, it could be helpful.
  22. N'eo articulated it better than I could @ 2:43pm
  23. Do you really need guidance having your question answered?
  24. good for you N'eo. Glad to see it being done. I have condemned both candidates and wish beyond belief our oligarchy would allow/permit a viable 3rd party to actually compete. Trump is predictably self-imploding and can't focus/help himself, while HRC's continued conduct is unacceptable, deceptive, and so obvious in its ineptitude for a C in C. Barring an October surprise I am pretty forlorn that we are in a schittstorm either way. I will not give up my right to vote but ..... and in other ways, like understanding what wiping a server means....https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9Rha6Wamfp0 look, over here >>> look at the hand puppet .......https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_Y-sy-JMV0A
  25. Agreed, I have been absent only because I had to take my 5 y/o daughter to the hospital. I should have absolutely left out the Democrat reference to Weiner. I should have edited my post immediately, and for that I apologize. Weiner is a d-bag w/out any need for party identification,
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