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Everything posted by SarasotaSabre

  1. depends what you like about the game of hockey....idiotic, senseless penalty - and as I am writing this, the Nucks score again on the PP after going 3 for their last 31 sweet call, SwampD
  2. yes, he does look backed up, if not peeved
  3. You don't say, L Ron Hubbard ..... :flirt: totally yanking your chain, BTW .... ah hah, playing the fair share card again.....that didn't take long
  4. I hear you, red herring ......
  5. wow.....well that escalated quickly
  6. Pierre Mac is off his game tonight .... who is Nikolai Deslauriers? A Russian French Canadian ?
  7. why does Pierre keep insisting McCormick is going after Foligno during that scrum ?
  8. wow, Myers whiffed at air on that SH goal.....pure air. He looked lame doing it as well.
  9. ah hah, the old voter suppression card; please, both parties are guilty of ballot box chicanery - i.e., Dems counting dead peoples' votes A simple solution to avoid long lines/waits is to vote early/absentee vote; but would this somehow discriminate against the "disenfranchised"????
  10. So here's the burning question: I just moved out to the San Fran/Bay area and have been thinking about going to the upcoming game at San Jose; given how wretched this team is performing, do I dare spend $5 on an el cheapo ticket if I can find one, or is this just going to be a waste of time & money ?
  11. ah, yes, nothing better than Styx clip from YouTube to get the Grand Illusion theme across..... :doh: just busting your chops
  12. I don't really take issue with the whole ISIS/ISIL thing, but I do have a more disturbing observation to comment on; that is, the difference between Obama's comments when they are are scripted/prepared versus those made off the cuff when he is asked more specific questions. For example, his handlers have him use phrases like "we will destroy & degrade ISIS" and, to paraphrase, "they are a cancer which has metastasized".When pressed by questions from reporters, he then backs off with his own words to use phrases like "we don't have a strategy yet" and "ISIS is a threat which can be managed"........ at best, inconsistent messaging, and, at worst, completely talking big while carrying a little stick. Why do you think the executioners brazenly call Obama by name before a beheading? Because they know they are dealing with a weak, ineffectual president (not a leader) who can't make a decision. The latter is a clear signal IMHO that Obama knows he does not have the confidence to drop the hammer and wipe ISIS off the face of the earth. He can't call a war a war and calls terrorists "militants". Left, right, or politically neutral, this is disturbing & concerning.
  13. I didn't know Bush 40/41 were such adept tailors ...... :w00t:
  14. now is how a leader addresses ISIS for the POS scumbags they are: http://www.foxnews.com/politics/2014/09/03/report-credible-information-isis-aqap-planning-11-anniversary-attack-abroad/ contrast this messaging with that of our ambiguous C-in-C, who spoke today of "managing the threat" with the assistance (again) of a broader coalition.....yep, I'm sure ISIS/ISIL is quaking in their tunics after hearing they'd be "managed" by Obama. Can this get any worse? With the report of 11 missing jetliners in Tripoli close to 9/11, I shudder to think....
  15. Got it, thanks for the clarification..... Sad but true
  16. Sorry, but IMHO your example of the IRA/Protestant conflict is a poor one, unless I am misunderstanding the context you are putting it in
  17. have always liked the way this guy plays the game.....and he wants to be here. I'd say the Sabres did well today, very well...
  18. wondering if the Sabres were ever in on Orpik or if they are truly going in on a Gorges/Gionta play ......
  19. http://www.tsn.ca/nhl/story/?id=456160 Gorges deal done
  20. TMGM is exactly right. Unfortunately this was exactly the type of contract (back diving into retirement years) teams had to offer a decent UFA under the old CBA but with the rule change under the new CBA they're punished for those deals if they don't buy the player out now. Buffalo has no choice but to buy him out; otherwise, if they do hit several home runs with their many high draft picks they will be burning cap space with a retired player and may lose young talent they were developing when they pass their entry level deal
  21. sorry Josie and Glass Case, but this thread has nothing to do with Myers being moved to the forward position - "moving forward" = what to do with him in the future = does he stay or go Glass Case, you may have been joking, I don't know
  22. absolutely, but my only requirement is that Uncle Joe has to be there for comedic value, otherwise it's not worth my trip.... :w00t:
  23. thanks ! I find that the mention of beer is usually a surefire way to defuse a controversy....
  24. thank you, the interview went great - and I'm glad you're receptive to meeting up for beers. I would like to circle back on your earlier comments upthread when I have a few more minutes. that is uncalled for - is there any need to continue with the race baiting ?
  25. I am calling BS on both of you. SwampD, you must be a really crappy tarot card reader, because you think you know my intentions. The fact that you are way overly sensitive about my use of Obama's 3 initials just confirms to me that I hit an unintended nerve. I stated clearly and honestly that I typed BHO out of time saving shorthand. I will be sure to never ever make that cardinal sin here ever again, for fear of offending the PC police. President Obama - there, do you feel better? or is it OK if I write BO, or would that be offensive because it surely means I have diminished Barack Obama to Body Odor? Glass Case of Emotion - since when is stating a vast difference in my opinions of Obama & Carson is that akin to "I'm not racist, I have a black friend"??? Again, you don't know me from Adam but you think you do based upon your gross misperception of me. I was making a very candid comparison between a President whom I don't respect and a potential candidate who I do. They both happen to be black. I could care less. I think Carson would make an excellent candidate. Give it a rest. You are both way over the top on this one. If we met and had a beer you would see I'm not evil and I don't have 3 heads. I am done with this crapfest now, as I have a 9am job interview to get ready for.
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