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Everything posted by SarasotaSabre
Really? Seriously? could you elaborate how/why you think it doesn't exist? If it doesn't exist, then why does the term even exist, and why is it used? Not trying to be provocative, I am sincerely trying to understand where you're coming from on this
Happy to do so BagBoy - and I wasn't remotely referring to Sarah Palin; thanks for the snark, though. Duly noted..... I'll expand my original premise to note that the effects of ObamaCare impact not only individual treatments being denied, but will also cause hospitals, skilled nursing facilities, and home health agencies to be negatively impacted (closed) to the tune of 25%. I happen to have had personal experience with this, as I worked in healthcare information technology sales for 9 years. I got out because I saw how badly hospitals were getting shafted with reimbursement cuts, causing them to hold on to obsolete technology while fighting to keep their doors open. The Fed/CMS issues lump sum dollars for x number of Medicare/Medicaid patient seen over a period of time. The dirty little secret is that CMS can retroactively demand a repayment of part or all of the reimbursement dollars they have already paid to a hospital based upon the slightest of technicalities; I know this b/c a CFO I was selling to told me this. How would you like to be that CFO trying to write checks that can't be cashed? http://www.frontpagemag.com/fpm/216764/obamacares-attack-elderly-arnold-ahlert http://akdart.com/obama185.html (the basic premise herein is that the Health Technology Assessment Commission (aka "the Man") determines which medical treatments are cost effective and which are not, aka " comparative effectiveness research (CER)" Dr. Ezekiel Emanuel, a bio-ethicist and influential health adviser to President Barack Obama, stirred the pot in an article in the October issue of, "The Atlantic" under the headline, "Why I Hope to Die at 75." (in order to avoid being a burden on society) http://www.heritage.org/research/reports/2012/04/comparative-effectiveness-research-under-obamacare-a-slippery-slope-to-health-care-rationing http://www.heritage.org/research/reports/2012/07/10-ways-obamacare-limits-patient-choice some of these cases are sickening, deceptive, and outrageous, i.e., hospitals saving $$ by pulling the plug in inhumane fashion http://freedomoutpost.com/2013/02/killing-us-softly-geisinger-hospital-model-is-future-of-obamacare/ http://www.nrlc.org/uploads/medethics/ObamacareRoutestoRationing.pdf
thanks for the back-up, Neo
I am really not trying to be a smart-arse, b/c this has been a really good discussion. But my head is spinning a bit after reading the above, not because I'm a knucklehead. It points to how complex of a set of issues and how many permutations exist around "what's fair" and what the starting point is and how someone's baseline view of "all lives matter" impacts these differing views; almost in a domino fashion. For some people, like myself, O'Malley's comment was sincere and just; to others, it was political and off the mark, among other negative reactions. From my perspective, the whole concept of "all lives matter" is not just a black vs. white issue; to be intellectually honest, "all lives matter" should apply to all segments of our society. This could be, for example, a victim of a partial-birth abortion, someone mistakenly incarcerated, or an elderly person in decline who the Obamacare actuaries determine as not worthy of a surgical/medical treatment to extend life a few/several years b/c that elder is not deemed worthy versus the expense incurred. In other words, if all lives in this country truly matter, some matter more than others, and it calls into question how we value life in this country.
you absolutely crushed it. To the point bolded in black, another example of how I'd believe the black lives matter team would have more credibility is if they marched against Planned Parenthood infiltrating predominantly black neighborhoods. To the point in red, it ls powerfully simple & logical. Well done.
totally agreed wow, just wow. You really took it and ran with it.
Pretty rich post. To the bolded, I was preliminarily proud & optimistic after O'Malley said "all lives matter", then almost digusted & disheartened to learn he was forced to succumb and apologize after being convicted in the court of PC police led by the Black Lives Matter group. How ironic. Speaking of all lives matter, I found it even more troubling that the MSM chose to allocate an overwhelming majority of its news coverage to the tragedy of Cecil the Lion, while the (illegal) bartering & proposed trafficking of fetal organs/tissue by Planned Parenthood was given scant coverage in proportion. Just blown away by the callousness & barbarity of it all, while starting to wonder what kind of country we are rapidly disintegrating into.
trying to inject some levity here in an otherwise heavy topic: the word you're alluding to is "w***er", and Dave Chappelle had a couple hilarious skits involving this cultural characteristic
your explanation makes perfect sense. Maybe DTV, like other cable/satellite operators, markets their content to fill the different demographic markets they serve, i.e., white % of overall population = 62.2%; Hispanic = 17.4%; African-American = 12.4%, Asian 5.2%, which could explain the lack of diversity you are alluding to.
you showed your true colors with this statement; news flash: it happens on NBC, ABC, CBS, CNBC, etc......don't pretend Fox is the only proponent of this behavior this has been exactly my experience JJ: it's like running headfirst into a brick wall after explaining to the wall several times what you're doing great post wondering now if the conversation will shift to DTV being racist ...... I have to admit I don't watch DTV through race-colored blinders. I watch everything. Does this qualify me now as not racist? I swear this is becoming an all-consuming topic.
you are correct with your example; northern Italy is where the money & captains of industry reside. Southern Italy was always largely underdeveloped, agrarian, & poor; Sicily was thought of as something even less dignified. Eleven, you & I can speak to these distinctions; some others here cannot.
yes you're correct about keyboards, I just thought it rather condescending of you to deem my points as silly as if you're just above it all. And no, Sicilians are Italians as South Carolinians are American; this is a poor analogy. I don't care to belabor the point, but there are several key differences, most notably what happened in 1946: as part of the unification and formation of Italy as a Constitutional republic, Sicily was granted special status as an autonomous region. Last time I checked, South Carolina was a state, not an autonomous region. I hate to go into so much detail, but if something is factually incorrect which is called silly by someone, I'm glad to clarify it. And you're right, I did not catch your Bulger/mob reference correctly; hey I learned something today !
I'll address your quasi-apology with a clarification since you have so deemed as silly, from the comfort of your throne, aka your keyboard, a couple of my points; I was using the Sicilian explanation because it is true, and also to draw a contrast to those who might otherwise say the Mafia was introduced to this country by Italian-Americans. I happen to be Italian-American and I detest the aforementioned comment, just as I detest posters here who try to make a point by painting with an extremely broad brush. And I simply used the Whitey Bulger reference to illustrate the pervasive nature of the Boston Irish mob. I did catch your full sarcasm that he's 175 years old, wherever the hell that came from.
The problem with your bolded response is that you put "everyone's" ancestors into one little bucket to advance your strawman. My ancestors aren't "everyone's", so don't paint my family (or anyone's) with your broad brush. FYI, real Italian immigrants didn't form the Mafia, it was the Sicilians. As for the Irish, it was predominantly the Boston Irish, a la Whitey Bulger. And I didn't say all people migrating today "are so bad", so stop putting words into my mouth. You're the delusionist with the 2015 Liberal Caucasian apologist agenda. And to your statement in red: you think someone speaking out against the Steinle case is a "right wing attempt to distract from the racial problems we have in this country", and not about the ills of illegal immigration? Sure DeLuca, I'll have some of whatever it is your smoking. Try using logic instead of constantly putting labels onto people. :thumbsup: :thumbsup: This is not wholly correct. Upon trying to immigrate to the U.S. in 1917, my grandfather was given a choice as a prerequisite to enter legally: either enlist in the Italian Army, or the US Army. He chose to enlist in the US Army and fought in France. Something tells me that was a bit more rigorous. He also was the first in our family to arrive, so he didn't have the benefit of anyone who could vouch for him.
Hoss, it's not "what I want in a President"; I pointed out what seems to be blatantly obvious in terms of Obama's overreach into local jurisdictions when he feels it's warranted, while remaining completely invisible on others. It really shouldn't be that obvious & difficult, but it is for this President.
I guess the simple answer, and the simple truth, is that the immigration problem we have been facing is the worst I have seen it. By previous immigrant problems, would you care to explain when and what those might have been. I think you're painting with a pretty broad brush and, for whatever reason, "cuckoo or not cuckoo", you don't see the same set of problems I do. Your attempt at equivocating current immigration problems (....and I'm not italicizing this, for I feel they are a real danger) with whatever ones you mention, I feel, is a false strawman. another apologist I see. My ancestors came from Italy & Ireland legally and busted their to make a better life for their kids and grandkids like me. So does that make you, DeLuca, the immigrant problem? B/C guessing by your last name, does this mean you are a self-loathing Caucasian who is part of the problem? The bolded is completely false. You and I agree to disagree but I think your stance is terribly wrong. So it's not a high-profile murder for any reason other than people want to something to insult Obama with? Was the Henry Louis Gates case important enough for Obama to insert himself by calling the cops stupid b4 all the facts were known? I hardly think so. I could care less about insulting Obama, that's not what I'm after. I want a real President with real integrity who doesn't use obvious selective outrage for causes he wants to advance. If this murder doesn't call for Presidential leadership, again, I'm asking you, why the double-standard? I guess when you're BHO, you can pick and choose.
if you want to split hairs, what I intended to say was the Steinle murder demonstrated the effects of 3 interrelated problems. But if you want to call me on a technicality go ahead. And if you don't think our piss poor immigration "policy" and it's concomitant ills is not important to this country, you must be living in a parallel universe; or let me guess, is it not important to your side of the political spectrum? so you're saying other rapes, murders, violent crime, etc. committed by illegal alien felons is a barely-existent statistic? All righty then, I'd like some of what you're smoking. You are missing the point completely; if a 5 time deported illegal alien was not allowed to squat in a sanctuary city, the murder would not have happened. But I suppose you're ready to tell me Steinle could have died some other way. And if the President of this country, whether it's Obama or anyone else, should be addressing the issue. It took a murder like Steinle's to raise the awareness. But I can tell you have no agreement with me on this issue. Since this President decided a long time ago to insert himself into politically expedient, high profile cases, I don't see why you are supporting this double standard. There is no point in continuing to debate with you, since you've stated your case that the Steinle murder and its causation are irrelevant to you. My point was that this President could have taken a leadership role on an issue that you don't deem to be important enough. It is what it is.
Once again you are distorting my argument in an attempt to advance yours. I'm not talking about the number of illegal immigrant FELONS murdering citizens ; that is not my "small point" and you know it. You are digging yourself a bigger hole continuing to misrepresent my original premise; that Obama has been selectively silent on a very visible murder case involving one of the most important issues facing our country today: border security, unenforced laws, and repeat offenders. Something tells me no matter how many times I explain it, you're going to keep pretending you don't get it, soI won't even bother trying again. No point talking to a wall.
You very clearly but not cleverly tried to compare the macro view of the overall murder rate to my post. Did you not notice I was making a comparison to the very highly publicized cases where there was a death involving a volatile political element, which I cited via several examples? Your defense of Obama in his utter silence on the Steinle case is not only partisan but weak & laughable. How you defend this President's selective behavior is beyond comprehension. And you reference to murders in Buffalo is just idiotic. By the way, don't assume I get my news/opinion from Facebook. I don't, and your suggestion that I do is both condescending and unnecessarily provocative, for you don't know me at all. By your lame Facebook reference all you did was stir up a hornet's nest. I can certainly tell by your ASSumptions you think you know how to put me in my place. A real President, and a real leader, would have taken the Steinle case as a positive platform for speaking out against this broken immigration "system" we have in place, and would have used it as a call to action. But he didn't, and won't, because it doesn't fit the narrative. But keep on believing your delusion that "there is nothing wrong or strange about Obama not publicly responding to this murder." Nothing to see hear, move along. All this from the same President who injected himself by saying if he had a son, "he'd look like Trayvon..."
I need to vent on something unrelated to the recent posts on gun laws, murder rates, etc. In the grand scheme of things it may not be important to you all, my it chaps my azz, so please indulge me. The Kate Steinle murder at the hands of an illegal alien/convicted felon who had been deported and returned to the US multiple times is a vivid example of a broken immigration system and laws on the books which are not enforced. What adds insult to injury is this President and his Administration's response (...and complete lack thereof) to the Steinle family in the aftermath of Kate's murder. Total silence and no one from the WH has been dispatched to visit the Stainless. this is sickening: http://www.westernjournalism.com/watch-kate-steinles-brother-just-revealed-what-obama-has-done-to-his-family-2/ Why has this happened? Very obviously, it's because Kate's murder was not aligned with any of Obama's favorite cause celebres, i.e., Mike Brown in Ferguson, his "adopted son" Trayvon, even inserting himself into a case of local jurisdiction in the matter of Henry Louis Gates, showing his true lack of Presidential self by saying the Cambridge cops "acted stupidly"before all the facts were known. Why not send Lynch to San Fran to lead a federal investigation into the breakdown between the village idiot sheriff & ICE for not detaining Kate's murder and sending him packing back to Mexico. Obama's political to the core and is a horrifically poor leader. Race relations have arguably never been worse under the watch of our great uniter-in-chief. This case, of course, came in parallel to a suicidal "deal" with Iran which was presented to the impotent UN before it went to our Congress as it should have been. The gig is almost up with this idiot. I will officially say I hate Obama with every fiber of my being, and I don't give a rat's azz who on this Board is offended. Flame away, I'd like to see how this latest travesty is defended by those with blinders on. I'm talking here about the lack of basic human decency which has failed to be shown by this President to the Steinle family. I'm not taking a political stance, I am disgusted by how this debacle happened, and Obama's silence is deafening on this, all because it's not politically expedient for him. Stay in Kenya & Ethiopia as far as I'm concerned, and do some nation-building there.
in today's uber-sensitive PC world, you'd normally be pilloried for your ethnically poor joke; but I'm totally cool with it, except it reminds me of my 82 y/o Dad asking me for the 150th time, "did I ever tell you the one about the goalie who thought he had a cataract?". I have to indulge my Pops, of course, but it's still kind a weak joke. Thanks for adding some levity to the board, however.....!
UPDATE: Buyout — Roster review: #19 Cody Hodgson
SarasotaSabre replied to dudacek's topic in The Aud Club
fixed -
at the risk of oversimplification, I would say the concept of "states rights" is not quite defined by how little or how much governing a state may or may not do, but effectively it is defined by the exercise & application of the will of the voting citizens of said state on any given matter. Regardless of the issue at stake, many fear that as more and more SCOTUS decisions enacted to give jurisdiction & power to the Federal gov't., the opposite affect results at the State & local level. IMHO, it's a fair question to ask whether our form of "Republic" is at risk. To your question, I would hope states' rights is not a dead political concept.
Ryan O'Reilly and Jamie McGinn traded to Sabres
SarasotaSabre replied to LGR4GM's topic in The Aud Club
you cannot get out of the basement by merely hanging on to high picks. They need to be used as smart poker chips to infuse proven talent where it can be acquired while identifying the core of your team long-term. Murray is checking all these boxes and doing everything he said he was going to do....very clearly defined. No subterfuge with GMTM. Grigo was not a slam dunk by any means, losing Z hurts but he's young & dumb, and prospects are merely that; prospects. -
Ryan O'Reilly and Jamie McGinn traded to Sabres
SarasotaSabre replied to LGR4GM's topic in The Aud Club
Its on at the top of the draft broadcast. It could be on like a mofo.