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Everything posted by SarasotaSabre

  1. true, and ISIS has been actively encouraging vigilante one-offs to kill the infidels in their name, so the depth of formal connection may not matter anyway. (PASabrefan, addressing this to you too) sorry, I did not interpret "very loose use" of the word "connection" as a tacit implication that it was on some level appropriate. My limited Jedi mind powers prevented me from reading your mind....)) I don't think the CCN was implying the Facebook post made the connection a fait accompli.
  2. Mrs. Nutjob swore her allegiance to ISIS just before the massacre via a Facebook post. If that's not a connection in your opinion, then so be it. I get it; you'd rather not go there yet. If you disagree with anyone using the term yet, including a broadcast/web news outlet, that's a strong stance. Question: when do think it would be appropriate to use? FYI, FBI now officially investigating this incident as an act of terrorism; important distinction from potential "workplace violence"
  3. +1 ..... not sure how obvious Molotov cocktails thrown carte blanche at an entire party is a reasonable way to have a thoughtful dialogue.
  4. Maybe you should issue your observation directly to the CNN Director of Web services, because it was CNN who used the word "connection". I simply re=stated what they had already published. It's only 75 pt font, a headline taking up 1/3 of their home page.....)))
  5. ISIS connection to San Bernardino massacre - great http://www.cnn.com/2015/12/04/us/san-bernardino-shooting/index.html
  6. Not sure how to respond to this one; sometimes things are better left alone. Blank wall >>> let me introduce you to a broad paint brush
  7. respectfully - I could not disagree more vociferously.
  8. sorry, I hit an embedded page - here goes: https://twitter.com/KarlreMarks/status/671689425739456512/photo/1
  9. Amazingly insightful & informative... You want the simple one-sentence explanation for what caused ISIS? Embedded image permalink (click)
  10. think of him as the anti-vaned Anti-Vanek ....))
  11. http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-3344350/Devout-Muslim-citizen-Saudi-wife-living-American-Dream-identified-heavily-armed-duo-burst-office-holiday-party-slaughtered-14-leaving-baby-mother.html described it be devout Muslims; not implying that was the root cause but my inference would be this is a case of self-radicalization. That is what is making the current strain of Jihadist attacks so difficult to identify & contest.
  12. thank you for the solid long-term view
  13. I did not see the game but judging by all the anti-Gio chatter, it sounds like another less than Stellar Dental performance by him; how long is his leash? Not only is not contributing, it seems like he is now hurting the team.
  14. so I am up in the friendly skies flying from Atlanta to Phoenix, knee deep in work on my Mac; last time I checked the score it was 3-2 DET; next time I checked it was 4-3 BUF NICE WORK very glad I remembered to set the DVR ...))
  15. the newest Intel processors are "Skylake" and "Devil's Canyon". i3 or i5 should be plenty. Minimum RAM should be at least 8GB, preferably 16. HP and Dell are known to come chock full of bloatware. Here is a good article explaining the differences between HDD and SSD: http://www.pcmag.com/article2/0,2817,2404258,00.asp I have found ASUS to be a great bang for the buck, and great site for prices is newegg.com.
  16. I cannot condone what Trump did in this recent debacle, and he's doing his typical doubling down by acting like he's the one aggrieved and without fault. For me, he did not approach the threshold of acting or appearing Presidential quite some time ago. Per the bolded, I'm disappointed by your blanket statement though I always respect anyone with opposing views. Were you referring merely to candidates on the right, or all those in that part of the political spectrum.
  17. yep, I will be nowhere near downtown ATL tomorrow. Wondering if more attacks will be coming to disrupt those planning on flying for Thanksgiving
  18. that's not how I read it at all; I read it as big, strong on the puck, winning possession time, and a b*tch to play against
  19. we miss you too, LTS.....welcome back- :rolleyes: like "acrosst" ?
  20. Most rational people understand they are not like us - fundamentally & profoundly.
  21. as opposed to the scores already created and further inspired/emboldened by the Paris attack and other debacles ad nauseum?
  22. If I was the current President of the US, I would stand shoulder to shoulder w/ Hollande and speak a variation of what Hollande immediately; we are at war. Furthermore, I would invoke Article 5 of NATO and not wait for the US or UK to get hit next. What I would not say is what Obama has been saying: that ISIS has been "contained", that our strategy is working and takes time, and resist any change to current US policy.
  23. how refreshing
  24. thanks for the info MattPie - here's what I find disturbing; within the same Wiki article you linked - IT APPEARS THE FIVE EYES IS AN OUTDATED MODEL Six EyesAccording to the news magazine L'Obs, in 2009, the United States proposed to France to join the Five Eyes, that would then have become the "Six Eyes". Nicolas Sarkozy however made the requirement to be granted the same status as other allies, including the signing of a "no-spy agreement". resulting in a refusal from France.[66]This requirement was approved by the director of the NSA, but not by the director of the CIA, and furthermore not by Barack Obama, resulting in a refusal from France.[66 Which begs the question, why was Sarkozy's requirement not approved by Obama ? Nine EyesThe Nine Eyes consist of the Five Eyes plus Denmark, France, the Netherlands and Norway.[64][65] >>>>>>>> ERGO, THE US COULD HAVE AND SHOULD HAVE,( IF THEY DID NOT) SHARED ANY INTEL WITH THE FRENCH BEFORE THE PARIS ATTACK bravo
  25. I'm running hot b/c I don't agree - at all - with this President's statement that our policy on the war on terror is working. I don't think, for a second, Parisians are viewing what happened Friday night as a "setback". And to say ISIS has been contained - with a straight face - is the height of hubris. He's either not reading the Intelligence reports given to him, or spinning things very grossly.
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