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Everything posted by SarasotaSabre

  1. I saw that on replay after just getting home. Terrible do-nothing play by Kane - but the Rangers PBP crew calls it a great play nonetheless. They could have tried to mention that Kane played a great statue on that goal.
  2. Buck talks like one too; completely intolerable with his holier than thou perch up in the pressbox
  3. I don't think it's a tank ... I think it is a team overmatched and outclassed - clearly.
  4. at the very end of that shot, you could see Eich mouthing something like "f**cking a right" with a sh*t eating grin. Love it. Props to Bogo for throwing down.
  5. Excellent work! What may I ask did the mod think was too obnoxious? Perhaps you knew more about the game than their fans?
  6. ##### you too. I wouldn't say that to his face either ....))
  7. I was scratching my head with that one too..."welcome to the hotel Eichel"...??
  8. Jacky Jack ? ,,,,hmm, not so much
  9. I do agree with this; my point wasn't to nitpick. Despite his imperfections, he's OUR RJ .............what's funny is how much other fan boards can't stand his goal call. Oh well.
  10. I never get tired of RJ's goal calls as well as his knowledge of the game. However, he is showing signs of being a half-step behind. The only knock I have on him is his use of nondescript "filler" language: my biggest pet peeve is "insert player name tries to get away" - overused ad nauseum and this one does not accurately describe the play - at all.
  11. I think we all know what Kaleta can (and can’t) do
  12. I do like that authoritative description; I'd like it to stick
  13. sorry to disagree - I am a fan of their legacy North Star unis....
  14. No margin for error when you only score once. Risto really is to blame for the 2nd goal despite the blown phantom tripping call. Panarin should have gotten 4 minutes for that swan dive.
  15. no worries !
  16. it was a contextual response. PastaJoe made it a point to bring up Ryan's proposed repeal of Obamacare as though it was a partisan maneuver. ("Meet the new boss, same as the old boss".) I was simply pointing out the Omnibus budget bill which was engineered by Ryan as a near cakewalk for the Democrats.
  17. yep, the same Speaker responsible for pushing forth a colossally irresponsible $1.1 trillion omnibus bill. Apparently so insignificant that it's already been forgotten.
  18. Hey now - me too ! That is true without a doubt. Whether it's Trump or someone else, a President with a private sector, business background would certainly expect quantitative results from his entire staff. It would certainly be a different paradigm, one would think.
  19. A great brand with a great new variety : Makers Mark Cask Strength - it's on my current bucket list
  20. The scheduling by the DNC is obviously calculated to protect/shield HRC from any meaningful scrutiny, save an FBI/DOJ indictment. The next Dem debate is on a Sunday in Jan. with 2 NFL playoff games .... go figure.
  21. agreed, but our first goal was an absolute gift.
  22. unfortunately they were all legitimate calls, it's just not customary for the refs to call a second minor once the first one has been called. The ref calling the penalty on Risto may not have seen the call on Gorges. The Sabres performance on shootouts is really lacking this year. They all seem to get in too tight to the goalie then handcuff themselves. That near empty net goal would have iced it.
  23. bullsh&t ending. Someone needed to come into Crawford with speed and tee up a slapper. Too much getting cute. Not happy Kane gets the SO winner, that is just salt in the wounds. A 6 on freaking 3 ? Sabers did themselves in.
  24. Perhaps because according to the CNN report, "the assignment was meant to give students an idea of the artistic complexity of calligraphy." If that was the stated objective of the assignment, it would seem strange to me in that there are only a gazillion other ways to achieve the objective of this assignment. I'm just guessing, however ..... :flirt:
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