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Everything posted by SarasotaSabre

  1. Absolutely no explanation from neither Ray nor DD as to why the Hartnell boarding penalty was a 5 minute call; not even an attempt to mention it
  2. The fact that you conveniently ignored (or overlooked) my statement that I'd expect the same from a sitting Republican president is itself an ignorant move.
  3. Sorry Joe, I don't see it that way. I'd like to think most rational people would see it as an act of nonpartisan statesmanship for the President to attend the funeral who dedicated his professional life to public service. If the roles were reversed, I would expect a sitting Republican president to attend the funeral of a Ruth Bader Ginsburg, for example. But there are plenty of irrational people, unfortunately, on both sides of the political spectrum who would do anything to inject partisanship into the topic of attending a funeral agreed
  4. sorry Eleven, I was not trying to infer the linked article mentioned anything about the President playing golf Saturday. I saw a brief clip of a press conference at which a reporter asked Josh Earnest the question.
  5. Obama choosing to skip funeral service for deceased SC justice Scalia >> http://www.politico.com/story/2016/02/obama-no-scalia-funeral-219384#ixzz40YALjg00 While there is no real precedent for a sitting President to attend a funeral for the death of a SC justice, my personal opinion is that Obama's decision is bad form and poor optics. It seems to me that if you want to exercise the Constitutional rights as a President to nominate a candidate for Senate consideration/confirmation, it might behoove your position by extending an olive branch to the legacy of someone you have been diametrically opposed to concerning ideology. Full disclosure: President Obama and the First Lady are attending the SC tomorrow to pat their respects while Scalia lies in repose. Is this enough? IMHO, no - unless there is some unavoidable scheduling conflict this Saturday. When Josh Earnest was asked about the optics of playing golf versus attending the funeral, Earnest ducked the question by claiming he did not have visibility into Obama's schedule - yeah, right. In my mind, attending the funeral would elevate Obama above the partisan fray and show Presidential leadership. Maybe some of you disagree and think not attending the funeral is not important, and I respect that. But I do not think it looks Presidential. From the linked article: Tim Miller, the communications director for Jeb Bush, simply tweeted “Same.” in response to a message from MSNBC host Chris Hayes, who said, “Some amazing advice my mom gave me once: ‘If you're wondering whether you should go to the funeral, you should go to the funeral.” Agreed.
  6. don't know what to say - it is a pathetic display. I wonder if it is becoming more mental than anything .....
  7. cannot stand that idiotic musical jingle after the road team commits a penalty - whatever the hell it is. I think other teams do it, but Ottawa started it.
  8. please elaborate
  9. which team are you referring to which Kane "was thrown off of" ?
  10. I detest players of his ilk; prima donna, talented cheap shot artists who never miss a chance to sneak in some stickwork after the whistle, but won't drop the mitts.
  11. good for you - what comes around goes around
  12. TBJ, love the uniformed lineups and the unprecedented reference to poutine; great gameday post !
  13. with his newly-aqcuired past historry, he should get at least 5 games. I wanted to see Lehner go after him.
  14. not sure frustration is the only reason he went there. These players have a code and that hit was egregious. Plus it sounds as though Gudas has a rep for that type of garbage.
  15. I know, I know .... you're a good sport Thorny...))
  16. I think I'm going to start my tax return, that's how uninspiring this game is
  17. fixed, sorry .....I know it's nit-picky, but I have a pet peeve with little chic phrases that are oh so 2015-2016. Nothing phrase, I just detest the phrase.
  18. Someone please tell poor Rob Ray "acrost" is not a word
  19. http://espn.go.com/video/clip?id=espn:14720202
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