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Everything posted by SarasotaSabre

  1. best of luck to you and your ilk who will be subjected to Queen Hillary's socialist democracy with open borders, zero sovereignty, and a continuation of the weakest one world foreign policy started by her predecessor. I will be heading for greener pastures with my company in a country that I will recognize. And you think the Republicans should be embarrassed? Your nominee escaped indictment via a rigged game of favors and not so secret airport meetings. Comey is a puppet. Call Trump a clown but at least he's his own man and today's announcement bolsters his anti-establishment platform. He picks Joni Ernst to broaden his appeal to women and it's game on. I'm personally not a fan of the politics of personal destruction but that's what the Clintons are famous for, and if Hillary starts it, Trump will own her in a war of attrition. Be careful what you wish for, all is not nirvana in utopian Chappaqua and the rest of overtaxed, neglected upstate NY. and if you think Benghazi was a waste of taxpayer $ and a witch hunt, THAT is a real slap in the face of the loved ones of those lost
  2. Bullsh*t on you DeLuca. I didn't bring up Benghazi - Your BagBoy did. And you're saying Repubs has dishonored those that lost their lives? Who was the one screeching into the camera "WHAT DIFFERENCE DOES IT MAKE?" ...... try telling that to the parent of those lost in Benghazi. Caused by an Internet video?? keep swiping your facts; that was distortion during an election cycle, and if you can't see that you are living in a parallel haze somewhere. Full disclosure: written by a former colleague and longtime friend of Comey: http://www.nationalreview.com/corner/437479/fbi-rewrites-federal-law-let-hillary-hook Putting everything partisan aside, this is what has vexed many legal minds from today's ruling: "According to Director James Comey, Hillary Clinton checked every box required for a felony violation of Section 793(f) of the federal penal code (Title 18): With lawful access to highly classified information she acted with gross negligence in removing and causing it to be removed it from its proper place of custody, and she transmitted it and caused it to be transmitted to others not authorized to have it, in patent violation of her trust" "In essence, in order to give Mrs. Clinton a pass, the FBI rewrote the statute, inserting an intent element that Congress did not require.....The lack of intent to harm our country is irrelevant. People never intend the bad things that happen due to gross negligence." "The FBI has told the public that because Mrs. Clinton did not have intent to harm the United States we should not prosecute her on a felony that does not require proof of intent to harm the United States." Again, this is not Alex Jones from InfoWars writing: "I think highly of Jim Comey personally and professionally, but this makes no sense to me......Finally, I was especially unpersuaded by Director Comey’s claim that no reasonable prosecutor would bring a case based on the evidence uncovered by the FBI" It seems to me someone else was pulling the strings - just my opinion.
  3. Bill got impeached for lying under oath - did that cause more potential damage than what his wife has done? Benghazi was a cover-up and spin during an election cycle which cost American lives, but did not categorically put the country at risk like HRC's gross negligence has done. Please spare me with the heavy-handed, gratuitous "help" by attempting to dissuade me from making "silly arguments". They might sound silly to you b/c you don't agree with them. Plenty of people on this board have backed me up publicly or by PM, so you are making a broad overstatement by claiming my statements "make people taking nothing you say seriously".
  4. what points about the Petraeus case am I not aware of? My point that others in positions of power have been prosecuted for less is not convoluted whatsoever. I can parse findings from the HRC fiasco just as you all are doing with Petraeus, but it might take me a couple pages. Do you really want me to go down that road? The Clinton apologists are predictably responding in her defense. Shocking. Thank you, a voice of reason in the wilderness of subterfuge. Everyone knows what Petraeus did and why he was prosecuted. The scary part is what damage we are not yet aware of at the hands of HRC. And to the HRC defenders: you don't think Billy handed Loretta a slip of paper giving her assurance she could keep her job in a Clinton White House?
  5. Obviously you have your set of beliefs which are immutable so I will not argue fact vs. opinion. And your reference to Benghazi is the Democratic version of spiking the football. It is a core human behavior to align facts in such a way as to advance a narrative, and we all do it. Your recitation of certain facts carries with it an ignorance of other facts by convenient omission. PastaJoe, do you have any problem with BillyBoy meeting Lynch on the tarmac @ SkyHarbor with a "no camera, no phone, no video" gauntlet being thrown down? Why the burning of daily schedules by a sitting SoS? Are you naive enough to believe Lynch's explanation that it was purely a social conversation? Did it ever occur to you why Comey's announcement happened today after what transpired over the past several days? I would argue that this fiasco is the worst abuse of political power since Watergate. And the Clintons are not human - they are born of a Machiavellian strain of perverse lust for money and power. I CANNOT for the life of me understand how any self-respecting person can objectively defend HRC and her running mate Bill - but I am sure there are plenty on this Board who will, and that leaves me in the minority. I'm perfectly OK with that.
  6. prove it, otherwise your comment is pure conjecture and should be exposed as such
  7. If you can re-read properly, I wasn't trying to compare Petraeus w/ Clinton, it was to contrast. The point I was making was that others have been prosecuted for far less than the gross negligence cited by Comey. I am not willfully ignoring anything.
  8. Petraeus? oops, apparently forgot that one....On April 23, 2015, Petraeus pleaded guilty to a misdemeanor charge of mishandling classified materials. He was given a two-year probationary period and a fine of $100,000.(reduced from a felony) If Clinton did not mishandle classified materials, I do not know of any other description to characterize her actions. fixed
  9. If you are going to rebut the cherry-picking with "context", here is the gist of it: ​Comey issued his explanation independently with no coordination of anyone else in Justice and took no questions. His comment about no evidence of foreign intelligence agencies hacking and gathering Clinton's emails seems very weak, and suggestive at best Today's announcement was NOT an exoneration or an absolution, it is entirely indicative of Comey concocting a narrative that is synonymous with the political exposure/fallout associated with the Prosecution having to face the uphill battle of bringing a case against the Clinton Machine. We have all seen the trail of tears of those who took on the Clintons and later met untimely demises. Over this past weekend, Huma disclosed under deposition that HRC burned her daily schedules in a "burn bag", an act never before seen by a SoS. Nothing to hide? Today's announcement was very quickly orchestrated a mere 3 days after a 3+ hour FBI sit-down with HRC preceded by the "unplanned" Phoenix airport meeting between Billy & LL. The short length of time between these events and today's announcement smells like a dead fish. Most logical, objective people can conclude HRC got off on a technicality. Others have been prosecuted for far less (e.g., Petraeus, David General; IRS targeting, etc.) My .02: it would not be wise for Trump to focus on today's chicanery as a single campaign topic. As this was not a total exoneration, it would also be unwise for the Clinton camp to pound their chests claiming victory. WHAT DIFFERENCE DOES IT MAKE .....??!! :wallbash: :wallbash: Hopefully the voters will decide appropriately in November. Long live the Clinton Machine, and flame away. How anyone in their right mind can defend this woman is beyond me. Mrs. Clinton, please allow me to introduce you to Mrs. Rousseff; Mrs. Rousseff, former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton.... :worthy:
  10. per ESPN: 11:21 a.m. ET: Barring a last-second change, sounds like both St. Louis Blues forwards David Backes and Troy Brouwer headed to free agency at noon. Both players provide size, physicality and playoff experience. Will be plenty of interest when the market opens, writes Craig Custance.
  11. that's a possibility plus a contingency; sounds like a real estate deal about to fall through....))
  12. not sure if anyone saw this gem or if it was already posted upthread - from Allan Muir of SI.com: 8:13 pm: Tim Murray is the greatest. The Sabres GM doesn't even thank the home town fans that pack the FNC for the draft before making his pick, winger Alex Nylander. Very surprised the Sabres didn't go defense here, but Nylander is far from a sketchy pick. He's the sort of talent who can pull you out of your seat with his dangles and leave goalies checking their gloves for holes with his deadly accurate shot. Going to make for some fun games between the Sabres and the Leafs, who will dress Alex's brother William. http://www.si.com/nhl/2016/06/24/2016-nhl-draft-first-round-live-blog-and-pick-tracker
  13. So glad to read about the positive coverage of the Queen City's ability to host big events like this....very proud as a devoted ex-pat. You guys know my roots run deep and I am very engaged like we all are here. I sense something bigger and better on the horizon, both on and off the ice
  14. Not quite solid physically and a bit soft. Intelligent and a good puck mover, yes....
  15. PJoe, I have always respected your points of view even though we are on opposite sides of the political spectrum, and I am grateful you have never taken any of my opposing views personally and/or replied with vitriol. I hope you would agree that what one side sees as "facts" may not be seen as such by all. Further, the citing of these facts is often used to advance a narrative - and I'm sure I have been guilty of that. "Clinton only used her account for unclassified email. No information in Clinton's emails was marked classified at the time she sent or received them. Classified information was viewed in hard copy by Clinton while in the office" is the party line red herring defense mechanism being fronted....almost as laughable as HRC's claim that she didn't know she could access multiple email accounts from a single mobile device. And you seem to forget that there have been multiple security weaknesses cited in her home-brewed IT shop. NO ONE knows what rogue nation may have hacked into this unsecured home system, and just b/c it hasn't been publicized doesn't mean the Chinese or Russians aren't sitting on U.S. state secrets. For further edification......from CNN, not Fox News.....)) http://www.cnn.com/2016/05/25/politics/state-department-report-faults-clinton-over-email-use/
  16. Yep, and the speculative predator aka Soros is set to make a killing to further his advance his agenda
  17. Dave Reid (NHLN) says Pu will be in the NHL sooner rather than later......we'll see
  18. you're suggesting Pysyk is a 2nd pair Dman? That sounds like a bit of a stretch
  19. I realize this sidebar convo about music, Bono, & U2 has somewhat hijacked this thread, but I have to say this: given the absolute subjective basis of one's like or dislike for a certain band or type of music, I could honestly care less if you like U2 or not; to each his/her own. But your bizarre Bono/Lebron/Affleck comparison is an off the wall non sequitur.
  20. +1, finally a voice of reason in the wilderness of complete ignorance It was until someone made a bizarre Nickelback vs. U2 comment
  21. Since you chose not to answer my questions which cited specific examples of his leadership in humanitarian causes, I'll take that as complete show of ignorance. Let me get this straight - a rock star with an ego who you have a problem with? Like he's not one of many. Sorry, but you make no sense. Let's carry on with the hockey talk.
  22. Do you have any idea of his spearheading the RED campaign (cure for AIDS), debt forgiveness for impoverished nations, and efforts to combat hunger in affected areas? Apparently not, otherwise you wouldn't be making an oblique reference to his "reputation" and comparing him to other egomaniacal celebrities.
  23. Is this an actual hockey draft thread? You guys lost me at Nickelwhack vs. U2. Bono might be full of sh** but at least he's used his position for a cause greater than himself.
  24. Opinions are like .....as they say
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