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Everything posted by stenbaro

  1. Stupid vw commercial i think
  2. This isnt a complaint just a plug for my job..If any of you are in the market for a car I gotta tell you that the deals on the Hyundai Elantra is freaking sick..5 yr 60k mile bumper to bumper warranty..10 yr powertrain and 5 yr unlimited roadside service..You can get into one for 13900..I just bought one cuz the deal is so sweet..I never push my job on here so this is uncharted but if you want a good deal pm me..
  3. Call me if youre in need of a replacement car..I sell them
  4. My biggest complaint is Posters who read the original post and hit reply, without reading the rest of the thread to see if they are simply repeating what's already been posted or to see if there is any additional info posted throughout the tread. :thumbsup:
  5. Thats the stupid part of it all..60 degrees and Ice FIshing....Comical to say the least.....My complaint for the day is having 110 bucks a week taken out of my check for Medicare when I already have to pay my own health insurance anyway and will have to by the time I retire..Can I have it back to pay for my health care now please??????
  6. You arent one of those ice fishing genius's at the west end of lake Erie last week were you????
  7. Did he have one of those refillable Tom Hortons coffe mug mounted holders on the dash next to it????
  8. I am sick of the the line of cars going into Tim Hortons at Delaware Rd and Sheridan..Every Freaking morning on the way to work I get stuck waiting for some A#$HOLE to navigate his or her way across the lane and blocking traffic so they can get their freaking Coffee...How bout this.Ever hear of a coffeemaker...Folgers??? A thermos?????
  9. Watching my 17 yr old daughter make up with a freaking NERD in front of my house...AWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWW :wallbash: :wallbash: :wallbash:
  10. LOL... :wallbash:
  11. Strike a neve did I? I didnt attack you ...Sorry I have a opinion..If you dont like it there is an ignore button..Use it..The fact he announced his canditacy (sp) in the office of a known terrorist who actually attacked people in BUffalo is enough for me...
  12. My complaint is a man with the name of Obama is actually being considered to run this country..What is wrong with this picture....
  13. I am pissed off because my 401k still has money left in it..I was hoping the market would end my misery!!!!!!
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